The strongest god in the city

Chapter 161 Mom Don’t Worry About My Safety Anymore

Chapter 161 Mom Don’t Worry About My Safety Anymore

"no problem!"

As soon as the leading man asked what he said, the fat aunt immediately replied without even a symbolic hesitation.

The leading man looked happy, and hurriedly said: "I have eight hundred on me."

"Eight hundred? Who are you fooling? I offered one hundred thousand, and you gave eight hundred? You often go shopping under the overpass, right?"

"how do you know?"

The leading man was surprised, this is the deepest secret in his heart, no one knows it at all!
Hearing his answer, several other men looked at the leading man in surprise.

When you come, don't you brag that you only go to specialty stores to buy things?how come……

People are a little bit broken!

However, this is not the time to discuss character design. What they are facing is a group of vicious aunts. How can they be distracted?
But the fat aunt sneered, and said, "Why don't I know? My old lady goes to squat under the overpass every now and then to find target customers, ah no, just sit and watch the wind and clouds surge. My old lady's head is blown by what you're doing! I even offered a price of 28 yuan." Counter-offer [-], tell you, your body, under the flyover, is only [-]!"

"what the hell!"

The leading man stared wide-eyed, with anger and unwillingness mixed together in his eyes.

"I spent 66!"

"Then you are quite 6!" The fat aunt praised, but her face was full of sarcasm.

The leading man suppressed his anger, and no matter how others looked at him, he only looked at others for help.

"Boss, I have six hundred and six."

"I have three hundred and eight on me."

"I have a hundred..."

"I...I haven't had breakfast yet."

"I don't have any money with me, but I have eight cents in my QQ wallet, which was snatched from the readers of Master Lu Dong, the author of the fluttering street last night."

"Look at you bastards!"

The fat aunt cursed sarcastically, and made eye contact with several other people before she continued: "Okay, okay, take them all out, let's finish this matter today, and have a snack later on when we walk!"

Hearing this, the leading man took out his wallet with a bitter face.

Several other people took action one after another, and even the eight cents change was put into an aunt's QQ wallet.

"Auntie, we came here by bus..."

The last man held the money and said with a sad face.

The fat aunt grabbed the money indifferently, and said, "Well, the young man is good, and the bus is environmentally friendly. But I say, walking is better. However, if you can borrow money, aunt can drive you back."

What else can the men say?
They have nothing to say.

"Okay, okay, let's go, we have to wait for the next wave."

The fat aunt and the others waved their hands impatiently after receiving the money.

"Hey, okay, aunt, then let's go."

The leading man responded cautiously, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's search carefully in the community."


Several subordinates agreed and were about to leave when they saw the young man who retired from the national football team cupped his hands towards the aunt and said, "Auntie, we are far away, and there will be..."

"Go to hell!"

The fat aunt kicked it out casually.

Originally, she felt that this kick did not use much force.But with this kick, the young man fell to the ground and rolled several times.

The four aunts were all shocked, but they heard the leading man wave his hand and said casually: "It's okay, it's okay, he's used to work, he'll fall when he moves."

The fat aunt let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Oh, let me just say, this fall is quite professional, right?"

Leading man: "..."

A few young men: "..."

"Okay, okay, I'll just ask, why do you take it seriously!"

The aunt smiled, seeing the faces of a few people were not good-looking, she went on to say: "Take care of him, don't let him really go astray."

Everyone was speechless.

That idiot has just returned to the right path from a crooked path, okay?

"Get up, get to work! There are no referees here!"

Seeing the young man lying motionless on the ground, the leading man shouted displeasedly.

According to his usual habit, as soon as he said there was no referee, he immediately jumped up like a big living person.

But today... why is there no movement?

No, I fell down before, no matter where I fell, I hugged my leg and screamed for pain, today...why didn't I move?
The leading man realized that something was wrong, rushed forward, squatted down and saw that the other party seemed to be unconscious.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to snort, which made him sit down on the ground in fright.

I'm not breathing!


Seeing this situation, several other people panicked in their hearts and stepped forward one after another.

Soon, everyone was sure that the young man was really dead!

They all looked at the fat aunt, and their hearts had already set off turbulent waves.

Kicking him to death with one kick, isn't that too terrifying?
"What... what's wrong?"

When the fat aunt saw the strange look in the other party's eyes, her heart jumped, and she stammered and asked.

The other three aunts also trembled.

It won't really kick people to death, will it?
One of their five-member group has hung up, if another one is punished and suspended, what will happen?
The fat aunt is the most decisive.

When it is interrupted, it will suffer from chaos!
The fat aunt waved her hand and shouted, "Run! Run separately!"

The next moment, under the surprised eyes of everyone, the four aunts ran away in four directions.In a blink of an eye, it was gone.

"All... are masters."

"too horrible!"

"This neighborhood is fake, right?"

"Boss, what should I do... Do you want to catch up and bring him back to the company for interrogation?"

As soon as he said this, the leading man jumped up from the ground and slapped the man on the head.

"Catch you! Catch you! Can we beat it?"

"But... but our people are dead, how do we explain?" the man asked again.

But the leading man glanced at the already cold young man and sighed: "Hey, he has experienced strong winds and waves, dodged countless feet, and fell countless times, and he died at the feet of others after all. It can be regarded as... a worthy death. Lift it up, let's take him back and bury him properly. As for today's matter..."

The leading man glanced at a few people, and said in a deep voice: "No one is allowed to tell about today's events, especially the matter of my shopping under the flyover! Go back and tell the boss that the news is wrong. We searched the community, but we didn't find any A blue Aston Martin! Hear that!"

"heard it!"

The four responded in unison, attracting the attention of passing residents.

The leading man glanced in horror at the direction in which the fat aunt was running away, and hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, this neighborhood is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, I will never come here again!"

"That's it!"

"It's so creepy!"

"I'm almost scared to pee, okay?"

"You're almost there, I...I've already peed."

A certain man lowered his head and looked weakly at his feet. The water was dripping down drop by drop.

Several people looked at him sympathetically, but no one laughed at him.

After they hurriedly carried the young man out of the community, Ye Beichen walked out from a bush.

Patting the dust off his body, Ye Beichen couldn't help but marvel: "The micro-curse technique is a cow! Mom doesn't have to worry about my safety anymore!"

 Thank you for making yourself lonely 988 rewards, thanks for games that change your life 399 rewards, thank you good friends, lonely 198 rewards, and thank you Star Prison Mengli. Good friends of TAT, Supreme Miehuang, and Ludong 100 rewards.

  thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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