The strongest god in the city

Chapter 162 Taking a Taxi Is Like Taking an Airplane

Chapter 162 Taking a Taxi Is Like Taking an Airplane

Originally, Ye Beichen planned to play a trick to lure you into the urn and kill the six men in Villa No. [-].

But the problem is, Ye Beichen has done a lot of beating people in the face.As for killing... Ye Beichen admitted that he was a little scared.

After all, if he wiped out the six of them in the villa, what would happen if Yuxin saw it.Just six people disappeared after entering his No. [-] villa. If they were to be investigated, they would be unavoidable.

He is an urban hero, not a cultivator who was reborn in the city.There is still a little bit of a thing that regards human life as worthless.

However, just when he was struggling, the collision of two groups of powerful forces was about to end.Ye Beichen's heart sank, and he immediately decided to use the micro-curse technique.

At least, he didn't kill people with his own hands, and there was no psychological barrier.

What's more, his goal is the retired national football player.

What Ye Beichen didn't expect was that once the micro-curse technique was cast, the development of the situation was completely beyond his expectation.

The fat aunt kicked the young man to death!
Kill two birds with one stone, really kill two birds with one stone!
The young man died, and several other men were scared to pee, and even preferred to lie in order not to come here again.

As for the fat aunt...

Ye Beichen couldn't help laughing when he thought of the appearance of Fat Aunt and the others.

Aunt Liu has experienced various cancers in her upper body, and she has mental problems.The fat aunt would kill again by mistake, and she was terrified day and night.It doesn't take a few days to become a thin aunt without any major problems.

As for the other three?After running into ghosts again and again, how dare they touch porcelain again?I'm afraid I will have to walk around other people when I walk in the future.

The square dancing aunt touches the Citian group, and it is doomed to fall apart!

"System, do you have to give some rewards for such positive things?"

Ye Beichen asked the system as he walked out of the community.

"It is indeed very satisfying, but the system is not a person."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

You can just say no, why bother to throw a burden over here?

Soon, Ye Beichen got into the car and felt a little better.

Of course, the reason is not to get a taxi, but to see Xian'er soon.

This anger can be dissipated.

Although loli is good, if she can't eat it, Ye Beichen can't help it, right?

What's more, compared with Yuxin, Xian'er also has a unique charm, which Yuxin doesn't have.

He didn't intend to inform Xian'er.It would be best if Xian'er is still sleeping, and he has the key again, when the time comes...

Hey Hey!

Come to think of it, I'm a little excited.

With excitement, Ye Beichen casually glanced at the meter.

Of course, he didn't care about the price, but the distance... This time, he was really holding back!

But when he glanced over, his brows frowned.

He just got in the car, and he hasn't driven 100 meters, why is the distance already showing 0.3 kilometers?
After looking back at the car, the gate of Zijing Yufu can still be seen clearly.

Could it be that Ye Beichen is not sensitive to distance?

With doubts, Ye Beichen glanced at the meter again.

With a sweep, Ye Beichen almost jumped up.

what the hell!

0.6 kilometers away!
I just looked back, and it took only five or six seconds before and after, and it was 300 meters more?
He immediately made a silent calculation in his heart.

300 meters in six seconds, 50 meters in one second, three kilometers in one minute, one hour... 1 kilometers!
At this moment, Ye Beichen seemed to feel that he had an illusion—how could this be a taxi!It's obviously an airplane!
Indeed, a taxi can drive at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.But this is an inner-city road, not to mention one hundred and two, even if it is one hundred, you will have to issue a few tickets for the New Year.

The point is actually not here, but...Ye Beichen looked out the window, the scenery reversed slowly, and the speed of the car was even and steady. How could it look like a racing car?

He glanced at the speedometer, sure enough, only sixty yards!
Looking at the meter again, another 500 meters have passed.


Ye Beichen sneered in his heart.If at this time, he didn't know that he got into a black car, he would be an idiot.

Well, forget about cheating others, but also cheating him, Ye Beichen!

Xiao Mian, he has a lot of guts!
The driver was a lean young man with a cynical smile on his face.

Ye Beichen looked at the introduction in front of the co-driver, his name was Le Qiwen.

At this moment, Le Qiwen seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Ye Beichen, his eyes narrowed, and he immediately asked, "Dude, are you not used to taking a taxi?"


Ye Beichen looked at him suspiciously, and thought to himself, "Is it because I'm not used to taking a taxi? I ​​can't keep up with your mileage!"

How could he keep up with this two and a few kilometers, and he hadn't actually driven 500 meters?
But Le Qiwen smiled slightly and said, "I think you came out of the Purple Crystal Palace?"

"Well, that's right." Ye Beichen responded casually.He wanted to see what this man was trying to trick.

The smile on Le Qiwen's face deepened.

"Amethyst Yufu is a luxurious community in this area. It's not cheap to live in hardcover. Dude, you have a car at home, so you're not used to taking a taxi?"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen finally understood the meaning of his previous words.

Thinking of this, Ye Beichen said perfunctorily: "It's okay."

Unexpectedly, Le Qiwen burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... buddy, your mentality is really good!"

Ye Beichen sneered in his heart, if I had a bad mentality, I would have punched you down long ago.

I only heard Le Qiwen continue to say: "Actually, if you feel uncomfortable, I can understand your feelings. When I first drove a taxi, I was not used to it."

Ye Beichen didn't answer, and listened quietly, thinking about how to teach him a lesson.

"I'm a demolition household, um, in a nearby village. The boss owns a piece of land and demolished it for me. Guess how much I was compensated? Speaking out will scare you to death! Five houses, 3000 million!"

"Oh?" Ye Beichen frowned, and he had already keenly noticed a smell of pretending to be blowing towards his face.

"When the meeting was just demolished, there was no goal in life! I want money, I have money, I want a house, and I have a house. What else are we pursuing? I bought 1000 million stocks at random, yes, it was the one that dropped the limit a while ago. It doesn't matter, 1000 million drizzles. I love ups and downs, and I don't have any fluctuations in my heart."

"But people, it's good to have something to do, isn't it? I thought about it, driving a taxi, doing all the work. At the beginning, we were not used to it. Who drives a broken taxi! "

"Later, we also looked away. You said, I have money, a car and a house, and I can come and go as I want, how free? No one can order me except myself. Even the king of heaven, I can't do it!" Le Qiwen As he spoke, all the saliva splashed out.


Ye Beichen responded lightly: "Turn left at the intersection."

 Thank you for the 1099 reward for being lonely, thank you for the maverick Wang 297 for the reward, thank you for the smoke and smoke, TAT, jump off, the sun (symbol), and the lonely two people for the 100 reward, thank you for your good friend, low-key and low-key 99 for the reward reward.

  Today is a great reward, thank you all.

  By the way, ask for a recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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