The strongest god in the city

Chapter 182 Beauty, how about my Zhang family?

Chapter 182 Beauty, come home with me, okay?

Ye Beichen's words made Wu Feiyang's face turn cold instantly.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Beichen, and suddenly he laughed and said, "Hehe, you are kind. Ye Beichen, right? I remember you. I hope I see you again, and you will still be as kind as you are today."

After Wu Feiyang finished speaking, he got into the car, started the Pagani Huayra and galloped away.

"Is there any kind? Does Lao Tzu have any kind? I need your consent? Honey is confident."

Shaking his head in disdain, Ye Beichen got back into the car.

Seeing that Xianer was still holding the small mirror, Ye Beichen snatched it away.

"What are you sorting out? The test drive is not over yet!"

An hour later, the white Bugatti Veyron stopped outside the International Commercial Building, immediately attracting envious eyes.

Shanghai is rich and luxury cars are everywhere, it seems that everyone has already gotten used to it.

But the price of Bugatti Veyron is more than one grade higher than those luxury cars everywhere?
It deserves attention.

"Go together?"

Ye Beichen glanced at Xian'er who was squinting and leaning on the seat, and asked with a smile.

Xian'er opened her eyes and gave Ye Beichen a blank look, then said weakly, "Go, I'm too tired, I need to sleep for a while."

While speaking, Xian'er's voice trembled a little.

Ye Beichen chuckled, opened the car door and got out of the car.

At this moment, Ye Beichen felt extremely comfortable both physically and mentally.

After silently applauding the effect of the system transformation, Ye Beichen called Rong Mengya.

"Hey, Mengya, where are you?"

"Brother Ye, are you back? I'm at the Dior counter on the sixth floor..."

Rong Mengya said happily, but suddenly her tone became a little impatient: "No, I'll buy it myself, you don't need to pay, no need."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen frowned. Is this someone trying to dig Ye Beichen's wall?
Sure enough, a male voice came from the other end of the phone: "It's okay, just be careful, don't refuse."

"Thank you, but really no need, I have money myself."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen didn't bother to listen anymore.

He said to the phone: "You wait on the sixth floor, I'll be right there."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and rushed straight into the international shopping mall.

"Dare to poach Lao Tzu's wall, do you want to die or die!"

The good mood disappeared in an instant, replaced by anger.

Any man who is blatantly poached will not be in a better mood.

Ye Beichen was extremely disdainful of those who knew that their girlfriend was being chased by others and were secretly delighted.

Someone chasing proof of charm?Sorry, my woman, the charm is only for me.Need your proof?Which onion do you have?
On the sixth floor, cosmetics area, Dior counters.

Rong Mengya was holding the phone, frowning and looking around.

Beside her, a young man with greasy hair and pink face was talking to her with a smile.

"Beauty, this Crystal Love suits your skin tone quite well. In my opinion, I want this one."

"We can afford a dozen of gadgets costing hundreds of dollars, let alone one or two."

"Lip gloss for beauty, if this lip gloss does not get your favor, then it will lose its color in this life. Beauty, can you bear it?"

Rong Mengya frowned tightly, and only listened to the other party's words.

She regretted it a little. When the other party strikes up a conversation for the first time, she should just ignore it.

Originally, I just responded politely with the words "Thank you, no need", but I didn't expect the other party to stick to it like brown sugar, and I couldn't shake it off no matter how hard I tried.

On the contrary, it has become more and more vigorous.

This stickiness, half an hour has passed.

If Rong Mengya hadn't known that Ye Beichen was "test driving" and Xian'er was helping her share the firepower, she would have been unable to resist calling for help.

"How about it, beauty? Otherwise, this Charm Red is not bad, it must look good with your sexy lips."

As he spoke, the man glanced at Rong Mengya's lips indiscriminately.

Although his expression was indifferent, when he looked carefully, his eyes were full of red fruit desire.

What he thinks in his heart is self-evident.

Rong Mengya had already made up her mind to ignore him, and was focused on waiting for Ye Beichen to appear.

Unexpectedly, the man suddenly beckoned and said, "Who is that, wrap these two lip glosses for this beauty, and I'll swipe the card."

The saleswoman who was called "that who" curled her lips in displeasure. Although she was not as tall as Rong Mengya in appearance, the difference was not too big. How could she become that who?

Although she was a little upset, how could she miss it if she could increase sales opportunities for herself?

She quickly squeezed out a smile and said, "Okay, sir, you have a good eye. The two lip glosses you chose are almost tailor-made for beauties."

"Haha, well said."

The man laughed, took out a bank card, and said, "I wrapped it up for me. By the way, beauty, what else do you like, I bought it for you. Lipstick, foundation, perfume, as long as you look at it." I bought it for you as well."

Hearing this, the female salesperson's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly echoed: "Yes, beauty, our Dior is one of the top brands in the world, you can't go wrong if you buy here. Moreover, this gentleman is very sincere , is a very good man!"

When Rong Mengya heard this, she glanced coldly at the female salesperson. She was very disgusted by the obsequious smile on her face.

This time, she didn't even bother to answer.

If she hadn't told Ye Beichen that she was at the Dior counter, she would have left long ago.

Unexpectedly, her non-response was regarded as acquiescence.

"Sir, look, this beauty has agreed. Come and see, what else is suitable for beauty." The female salesman smiled, and she was extremely proud in her heart.

You pretend, you keep pretending, why didn't you refuse?

What's the use of looking good?

Well, it is indeed useful, there are a lot of men rushing to give gifts.

But for her, it's more useful.

Giving a gift is to increase her performance.

Hearing this, the man was overjoyed, and secretly praised the female salesperson for being able to talk, which is really an assist from God!
Although he knew in his heart that Rong Mengya didn't mean that, but he misinterpreted it, maybe it will come true?
With a big wave of his hand, he said, "Okay, you are a professional, just help me choose a few. If it is suitable for beautiful women, the quota, I will give you [-], and you can choose according to [-]."

The saleswoman smiled, and was about to agree, when a joking male voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Fifty thousand to pick up girls? You can become a ghost! Brother will teach you how to pick up girls!"

Hearing this, Rong Mengya was overjoyed, it was Ye Beichen who came.

She was about to go up to meet her, but she saw Ye Beichen smiled indifferently, pointed to the Chanel counter beside her and asked, "Beauty, what do you think of Chanel? Or, I'll wrap it up for you. Come home with me, okay?"

 I'm in a bad state today, I don't have any ideas at all, it's nothing compared to yesterday...

  If I said only this chapter, would you hit me?
  Ok, I'll write another chapter, it will be later

(End of this chapter)

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