The strongest god in the city

Chapter 183 The Correct Posture for Picking Up Girls

Chapter 183 The Correct Posture for Picking Up Girls

The appearance of Ye Beichen made both the man and the female salesperson very upset.

The saleswoman was fine, she regarded Ye Beichen as a criminal pretending to be B.Rounded off the Chanel counters?That's at least several million, how is it possible!

What makes her unhappy is——you said you pretend to be B, so why use Chanel to pretend to be B?Can't we Dior?

The man was upset, naturally because Ye Beichen stepped in "for no reason" and broke his good fortune of being about to succeed.

Girls are thin-skinned, maybe say a few more words, a few more acquiescence, and you will get it?After that, it's time to check out the room and go to bed, it's all a matter of course.

However, his ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Reality quickly slapped him hard.

Rong Mengya, whom he regarded as thin-skinned, stepped forward with a sweet smile after Ye Beichen spoke, and said with a sweet smile, "Okay, I'll go home with you."

At this moment, the man's eyes widened, as if he had received a critical blow of [-] points, and he almost vomited blood.

What about thin skin?
It is agreed not to worship money, but to buy it yourself?

Ye Beichen laughed, and under the stunned gaze of the man, he took Rong Mengya into his arms.

What makes the man want to vomit blood even more is that Rong Mengya is still actively lying in Ye Beichen's arms, the smile on his face is so sweet and sweet!
When did the bragging B effect become so powerful?Are girls these days so stupid?
"See, don't pick up girls if you don't have money. Tens of thousands of dollars, and the limit, what can you buy?"

Ye Beichen's sarcastic eyes deeply hurt the man.

He was secretly unconvinced, gritted his teeth, and shouted: "Beauty, don't believe him! He said that he can pack everything in the Chanel counter, is it true? You are so naive, you will be deceived!"

But Rong Mengya smiled sweetly: "I like being cheated by him."


Ye Beichen pinched Rong Mengya's cheek lightly, and said with a smile, "How could I be willing to lie to you? If you say it's round, let's make it round."

Saying that, Ye Beichen came to the Chanel counter with Rong Mengya in his arms, took out the black card, and said, "Beauty, help me count the total amount of goods in the counter, I want all of them. Well, pay an extra [-], help me Deliver it to your door, okay?"

The two salesmen in the Chanel counter were also temperamental beauties. When Ye Beichen spoke for the first time, they were a little helpless.

They don't know whether to be happy or unhappy when they use Chanel as B.

But now, the other party actually wants to buy them all.This made them froze on the spot, at a loss.

"Haohuang, don't you need to buy them all?"

Rong Mengya approached Ye Beichen and asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, buy it, and use it slowly when you go back. If you don't like it, just give it away."

Ye Beichen responded casually, and urged again: "Is it okay to buy all of them? If there is no problem, hurry up and count. I'm still in a hurry to test drive."

Hearing the word test drive, Rong Mengya gave Ye Beichen a charming look.

Of course she knew what test driving meant.

Three hours were about to pass, and her Bugatti Veyron was about to arrive.

"Huh? Alright, let's count now."

One of the female salesmen agreed to count each item, but was stopped by the other.

"Statistics? Isn't there an inventory list? Turn it out and have a look!"

As she spoke, she quickly opened the computer inventory system and found the inventory list.

"Sir, our counter now has 262 lipsticks, perfume..."

She was about to report everything in stock, but Ye Beichen stopped her with a wave of his hand.

"You don't need to report like me, you can just tell the total price and just swipe your card."

"Ah? Okay."

The two female salesmen looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

If they really bought them all, how much commission would they have to get!The inventory here is enough to sell for several months!

What's more, Ye Beichen had to spend an extra [-] yuan just to deliver the goods to his door!

"Sir, a total of 380 million..."

"Swipe 400 million."

Ye Beichen interrupted her and pushed the black card in front of her.

This time, there is an extra tip of more than 2!
The saleswoman who caught the black card trembled a little with her hands.

Even though she was used to seeing generous local tyrants, this time she was still overwhelmed by Ye Beichen's generous shots.

This is the real tyrant!
Can the local tyrants I met before be considered local tyrants?Remove the word Hao, and the soil is almost the same!
At the Dior counter, the man stared blankly at Ye Beichen communicating with the other party, and his heart was already full of turmoil.

Who is this!
With so much money, he still robbed me of women.

What happened to the money?Can you steal women if you have money?How to let him live?
The eyes of the female salesperson at the Dior counter were all red.

Did you make a mistake!
Obviously that girl was at the Dior counter just now, so why not buy all of her Dior products!
Seeing that millions of dollars in sales went away, she was about to regret it.

However, she didn't even think about what she did just now!
Ye Beichen came from afar, but when he saw her, he still wanted to be a matchmaker!

Remorse green?That's what she deserves!
If you can't figure out the situation, you dare to pull the strings randomly, and you will never regret it!

The sound of "Zi Zi Zi" bill printing sounded abruptly, as if to declare - you don't understand the world of local tyrants.

(Author Bacteria: I want to understand!)

"Sir, here is your card. Please leave your address, and we will arrange for someone to deliver it to you immediately."

When the saleswoman handed back the black card to Ye Beichen, she was already smiling.You can get off work and go home early!Er... not this sentence.

Money is in your pocket!
Ye Beichen took the card with a smile, wrote down the address, and said, "Don't rush to deliver the goods, we still have to test the car, and it will be delivered tomorrow morning."

"Okay, sir, don't worry, we guarantee safe delivery." The female salesperson smiled and gave Ye Beichen another wink.

Ye Beichen understood, but did not respond.

Although the other party is also a temperamental beauty, she is much worse than Rong Mengya.

What's more, he, Ye Beichen, can fall in love with a woman who hooks up with others at will?
I'm sorry, but I'm precious and precious.

Seeing that Ye Beichen had finished paying and was about to leave, Dior's saleswoman coughed quickly, puffed her chest out, and couldn't help but wink in Ye Beichen's direction.

It seems to be saying: Tuhao, look at me, look at me, I need you too... Baoyuan!It's best to pack it with me.

However, from the beginning to the end, Ye Beichen didn't even look at her.

Ye Beichen did not forget to mock the man who wanted to strike up a conversation with Rong Mengya.

When Ye Beichen walked past the man with Rong Mengya in his arms, he jokingly said, "See? This is the correct posture for picking up girls. Read more, learn more, and understand my words, and you will understand later... you don't have money." , It’s all in vain!”

 Come here, come here today, add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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