Chapter 195
As soon as he entered the live broadcast room, Xiao Sima's exaggerated voice reached Ye Beichen's ears.

"New viewers may think that 99% of this game is kneeling. I can only say that you are too young!"

"What? You believe what I say, but your EQ is not high. If you don't believe what I say, then your IQ... Ah, Hao Huang is here! Welcome to Hao Huang! Sit down quickly and watch me show you the real Technology. The enemy player knows nothing about my damage!"

Ye Beichen heard Xiao Sima's exaggerated tone, and looked at the situation between the two sides, and couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Sima played solo, with 0 deaths and 9 kills, which can be described as an excellent record.

But when he looked at his teammates, he killed a bunch of zero eggs, more than a dozen of them died together, and their equipment was terrible.

Is this to lead the whole team by one person?
No, no, no, audiences who are familiar with Xiao Sima know that 90% of this is kneeling.

"Li Shizhen's skin, fight me, you have no power at all...err..."

Little Sima was halfway through speaking when he suddenly saw that the screen went black, and he was actually attacked by someone touching his back!

Tolerable or unbearable!
But so what if he couldn't bear it, his scumbag teammates were repeatedly sent to death.


"Ahhhhhhh...don't leave if you have the guts, we will fight until dawn!"

Little Sima was still yelling at the screen, how funny it could be.

But can the other party hear it?

Obviously not!

However, Xiao Sima was still relentless: "Did you see that the other side has already been scared away by me. Although we didn't get the chicken, at least we defeated the other side in terms of momentum!"

Hearing this, the barrage frantically swiped up.

"The victory of a great spirit is called Ah Q!"

"No Bilian!"

"The enemy said: the chicken tastes good and very refreshing."

"Shocked, little Sima eats chicken in his dream."

"Is it a distortion of human nature, or..."


Seeing the barrage, Ye Beichen smiled knowingly, and casually swiped a hundred super rockets.

The direction of the barrage changes instantly.

"The emperor is mighty!"

"The emperor asks for a thigh pendant!"

"Papa Hao, I am your son who has been lost for 15 years!"

"I am your grandson..."

Ye Beichen didn't care about the comments on the barrage, and sent a private message to Sima.

"Give me a contact method and chat."

Xiao Sima, who was originally thanking Ye Beichen, was moved when he saw this private message.

What does Haohuang want his contact information for?Do you want to gang up on him?
That is... Let him take a team to eat chicken?
It seems unlikely.

All kinds of possibilities popped up in Xiao Sima's mind, but he denied them one by one.

Seeing that Xiao Sima's face remained unchanged, he casually sent his mobile phone number to Ye Beichen.

Ye Beichen immediately dialed the number.

The number is from Wu City, Hui Province, and he and Ye Beichen are still fellow villagers.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Sima saw his mobile phone vibrate, glanced at the number, and immediately said with a smile: "Well... the live broadcast in the afternoon is here first, and I have something to do. If there are no accidents, see you tonight."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the protests and cursing that filled the screen, and exited the live broadcast room.

After picking up the phone, Xiao Sima asked uncertainly, "Haohuang?"

"Well, it's me."

Ye Beichen hummed, and said bluntly, "I really like your live broadcast style, are you interested in changing platforms?"

"Change another platform?"

Little Sima's tone was a little surprised, but a turbulent sea was set off in his heart.

It's not uncommon for local tyrants to ask for their anchor's contact information or make phone calls. They usually just make an appointment to have a meal and play games together.

But he never expected that Hao Huang called him to ask him to change jobs.

"That... Hao Huang, is your question too sharp?"

"Is it sharp?"

Ye Beichen chuckled, and said, "If it's sharp, it's sharp, how about it?"

Little Sima didn't expect Ye Beichen to be so strong, and he didn't want to change the subject at all.

His heart moved, and he asked, "Tiger's mouth?"

After asking, he waited expectantly for Ye Beichen's answer.

Hukou TV has been half dead before.But after the coaching change and Ye Beichen's activities, his popularity skyrocketed.Qian Shaocheng kept making big moves, showing signs of stabilizing his popularity and taking off again.

But Dousha is also an old-fashioned live broadcast platform, even if its popularity temporarily drops a little, it can still come back.

These are actually not problems. The most important thing is that he has been a little unhappy with Dou Sha recently.

Could it be that Haohuang knew something, so he did it?

Just as Xiao Sima was thinking wildly, Ye Beichen had already replied, "That's right, it's Hukou TV."

Hearing this, little Sima was still waiting for Ye Beichen to offer benefits, but Ye Beichen kept silent.

How does this make him continue?
"Hao Huang, that... Actually, I think that Shark Fighting is pretty good, after all, my popularity is here..."

"I have already pulled half of your popularity away. If I stare at you and continue to pull, you will only be left with die-hard fans."

Don't ask Ye Beichen to interrupt unceremoniously, Xiao Sima's face is embarrassing.

Do you want to be so shameless?

No matter how you listen to this, it feels like a threat.

But his little Sima has been doing things all his life, does he know how to write when he is afraid of words?

Well, I learned it when I was in school, so let me add a blank.

Of course, this is not important, he, little Sima, has acted all his life, who has he ever been afraid of?
Well, because the mandarin is not standard, the teacher scared him a long time ago.

In this case, the little Sima had nothing to fear: "Haohuang, tell me, what do you want me to do, can't I listen to you?"

"That's right."

Ye Beichen smiled slightly, and said, "Hukou will pay the liquidated damages for Dou Sha for you. The signing fee will be doubled. After coming to Hukou, I will do a special event for you."

Hearing this, little Sima, who was ready to bleed heavily, didn't react for a long time.

After he recalled Ye Beichen's words, his heart started beating.

What a threat!
Threat If there are such good conditions, he would rather be threatened every day!

"something wrong?"

While little Sima was excited, Ye Beichen's faint voice sounded again, but there was no doubt about it.

How could Xiao Sima say that there is a problem?

He hurriedly replied: "No problem, no problem, I'll go to Hukou."

"Well. I'll ask Hukou to contact you later. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time. By the way, do you have the phone numbers of other anchors? Give me a few. Ask for super popular ones."

Ye Beichen smiled when he got the numbers from Sima Xiao.

Sometimes, complex things can be solved very simply.

Sometimes very simple things are deliberately complicated.

Ye Beichen easily took down Xiao Sima, the super-popular anchor of Fighting Shark TV, with just one phone call, but I watched TV with top-down incitement, which made people panic.

The reason, of course, is Ye Beichen's decisiveness and...shamelessness.

How can there be a boss behind Tangtang's live broadcast platform who directly calls and coaxes and tricks people?
Are you shameless?

 The update is here, forgive me... the game is weak, let's focus on interacting with the female anchor in the next chapter, she has a face and a chest, what kind of big man is playing games, right?
  =====Separation line====
  Seeing the dividing line, you should know that something big has happened, right?
  That's right, our comment area has already been taken over by Li Kuanglan's fans, that bastard is so shameless, he spread rumors about me, and if he comes to my comment area to speak, I will be silenced.Therefore, the author Jun intends to give each of his readers a 10000000-year silence package.

  By the way, he wrote "The Legend of Dou Po Resurrection", Dou Po colleagues.Anyone who likes Dou Po can find memories.If you don't like it, you can go and have a look, because... I won't tell you, Xiao Yan started driving at the age of three, damn, he's dirtier than me!
  Remember to leave a comment by the way, you can't be weak, right? (Remember to advertise! The strongest god in the city is Niucha!)

  Next chapter, from eight to nine o'clock...

(End of this chapter)

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