The strongest god in the city

Chapter 196 The Hao Emperor is also...

Chapter 196 The Hao Emperor is also...

Ling Yue—what I want is basic love!
This is the live broadcast room that Ye Beichen clicked on after making five consecutive phone calls.

Five phone calls, after confirming Ye Beichen's identity as "Taohuang" and getting a promise, two of the five agreed to quit Hukou TV on the spot, and the other three agreed to consider it carefully.

Think about it, maybe join, maybe...tell the Shark Fighting official about his secret poaching.

Ye Beichen didn't care.

From the beginning of poaching corners, it is destined that the two sides will tear their skins apart.

so what?

Ye Beichen never thought of reconciling with Dou Sha.Not to mention that colleagues are enemies, Ye Beichen will always remember what happened before.

If you cheat Ye Beichen once, you will be cheated countless times by Ye Beichen.

You are so narrow-minded and so vengeful, what can you do?Bite me!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Beichen clicked into the live broadcast room of Ling Yue, the anchor who just started broadcasting.

Ye Beichen has heard about Ling Yue's information, male, 25 years old, the popularity of Dousha TV is close to super popular.

What is the direction of Ling Yue's anchor?

Let's just say he's sexier than a milk-boiled loli.

you got it?

That's right, another cute girl.

Ye Beichen has always been curious about how the species of cute girls came into being. Ye Beichen was also curious about how he would introduce his grandchildren to their glorious career when they were old.

Retired teacher: "Your grandfather and I were a glorious people's teacher back then. I taught more students than you ever shit."

Internet writer: "Your grandfather and I used to weave magical stories on the Internet with a keyboard. Although we didn't make any money and almost ate dirt, we were very happy."

Cute girl: "Your grandpa and I... well, it's nothing, you are cuter than grandpa."

This is embarrassing, right?

However, existence is reasonable. Although I can't remember who said it, Ye Beichen must admit that this species has a reason for its existence.

For example, now, Ling Yue's live broadcast room is peaceful and quiet, like a silent mourning.Hundreds of thousands of people watched the live broadcast online, but every barrage.

The next moment, Ye Beichen's complexion changed drastically, he quickly reached out to turn off the sound, and stared at the screen in horror.

In the live broadcast room, a girl (???) in school uniform was closing her eyes.

Even with the sound turned off, Ye Beichen felt goosebumps all over his body.

What skill is this demonstrating?
The scientific name is ASMR, and the Chinese name is Ersao.

From the perspective of extreme purity, it is ear licking, licking your ears, making you itchy.

Are you enjoying it?

Ye Beichen can't enjoy it, not to mention, the opposite is a cute girl!Take it out, uh... It's definitely not comparable to Ye Beichen.

"Is this really a man?"

Ye Beichen looked at the other party and muttered to himself.

He remembered that just now, Ling Yue's voice was very sweet and sexy.

Comparing with Ling Yue's appearance, the fair oval face with pink skin, flat bangs, straight nose bridge, sexy lips, no matter how you look at it, she is a girl!

Ye Beichen was certain at this very moment that if Ling Yue was dug into Hukou TV, the popularity of boiled milk loli would definitely drop to the bottom.

That's right, Ye Beichen came to Ling Yue's live broadcast room with this kind of intention in mind.

Just after he hung up the phone, he got a call from Qian Shaocheng, a fan in the Boiled Milk Lolita group reported that Lolita Boiled Milk planned to leave Hukou TV.

All right, leave as soon as you leave, without your milk and boiled loli, can we still not be able to deceive other gays?
What's more, Ye Beichen didn't have a good impression of boiled loli in milk from the very beginning—well, he didn't have a good impression of all the cute girls.

It's too deceitful, okay?
At this time, Ling Yue in the live broadcast room stopped moving, frowned slightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of big bright eyes that seemed to be hidden by stars and moons made Ye Beichen almost lose his mind.

However, since the other party had stopped ASMR, he reached out and turned on the voice.

"Hey, Hao Huang actually came to his live broadcast room. He wants to confess his love to Hao Huang, and compare his heart, huh..."


Ye Beichen retched, and really wanted to punch him.

If the opponent was in front of him, Ye Beichen couldn't guarantee that he would be able to resist the urge to kill a monster with a punch.

"Wow, wow, it's actually Hao Huang!"

"666, Xiao Yueyue actually attracted Haohuang."

"Shocked, Haohuang came to Mengmei's live broadcast room!"

"The man is silent and the woman is crying, the emperor is actually a gay!"

"Welcome Haohuang to join the world's largest gay dating live room."


Sure enough, bold and unrestrained!
Ye Beichen rolled his eyes, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

If this is a gift, wouldn't it be self-inflicted?

If you don't give it away and leave directly, wouldn't it be a guilty conscience?
I'm going, it's really neither advancing nor retreating!
Seeing that Ye Beichen was silent, Ling Yue called out softly: "Hmph, you are not allowed to rob the Emperor! Haohuang, how about I sleep with you..."

Ye Beichen felt that he could no longer waste time thinking about it.Otherwise, the rolling stomach will be the first to spare him.

He quickly brushed out a hundred super rockets, and asked in front of everyone: "Ling Yue, on behalf of Hukou TV, I invite you to join Hukou TV. We will pay the liquidated damages, and the signing fee will be doubled. Do you agree?" how?"

After sending out such a long paragraph, the barrage froze.

Ling Yue's beautiful big eyes stared at the barrage, with a look of disbelief.

Haohuang poaching people?Or in front of tens of thousands of people?

Isn't it too nonsense!
"666, the emperor is mighty!"

"666, domineering president!"

"Support Haohuang!"

"Xiao Yueyue, just follow along."


Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Ye Beichen sent another sentence: "I'll give you half a minute to think about it."


"Wow, what a domineering man!"

"Yeah, I really want to offer myself."

"I'm lost, Haohuang is mine!"

"Haohuang, I want to defend for you!"

How could Ye Beichen be overbearing?He didn't want to stay in this live broadcast room for a minute.

A quick battle is the kingly way.

As time passed by, a trace of hesitation appeared in Ling Yue's eyes.

In the barrage, some viewers spontaneously helped Ye Beichen count down—mainly because they had nothing to do.

10, 9, 8, 7...

With the last three seconds left, Ye Beichen's poison resistance skills were about to be exhausted, and when he was about to close the live broadcast room, Ling Yue suddenly nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I will go to Hukou TV with Haohuang."

After getting this answer, Ye Beichen quickly typed a sentence: "Okay, I will let Hukou TV contact you as soon as possible."

After posting these words, Ye Beichen quickly closed the live broadcast room and let out a long breath.

"Phew, it's finally settled, it's terrible! Fortunately, the game anchor and the cute girl have been resolved, and the next one is the vast beauty group."

 Here comes the update.

  Thank you Lemon GG688 for the reward, thank you for the reward no one crosses 588, thank you COO, me, Yixi Nuanfeng, Zhanwang, (??ω?)?Hey 100 rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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