The strongest god in the city

Chapter 197 Who Has the Best Live Streaming Technology?

Chapter 197 Who Has the Best Live Streaming Technology? (Add more rewards for unmanned crossing)

"Welcome to Hukou TV."

After Ye Beichen entered the live broadcast room of a certain beauty anchor, the news of Ye Beichen appeared in front of her before the other party had time to get excited.

"666, Hao Huang advertised."

"Where is the housing manager? Hurry up and silence!"

"It's funny, who dares to silence the emperor?"

"Exactly! Who is willing to silence the Emperor?"

Don't even think about it, Ye Beichen is the master of super rocket bombing with hundreds of shots and thousands of shots at every turn. Give me a silence, and still want super rockets?

It's almost like giving you a bazooka!What a guy!

The beautiful anchor was about to speak, but Ye Beichen left the studio without saying hello.

What does it mean?
The beautiful anchor was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, she found a private chat message from Hao Huang - Ye Beichen's contact information.

"Haohuang wants to rule me unspoken?"

Thinking of this, the beautiful anchor's heart started beating.

She received countless private chat messages every day, including appointments and so on, but she never ignored them.

Have the ability, the gift speaks for itself!

But it's different now, the news comes from Haohuang!How can she not be moved?
Huh, that's not right.

When Haohuang came here just now, he seemed to have said something first?

Welcome to Hukou TV?
The beautiful anchor was stunned, is Haohuang trying to poach roles?

Thinking of this, the beauty anchor couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

It's not an unspoken rule...

The same thing happened not only in the live broadcast room of this beautiful anchor, but also happened one after another in the live broadcast rooms of many female anchors.

"Welcome to Hukou TV."

"Hukou TV is your final destination."

"Want to become a god? Come to Hukou TV!"

"Want to have endless wealth? Come to Hukou TV!"

"Which one has the best live broadcast technology? Hukou TV is looking for Haohuang!"

Ye Beichen went in and out of the live broadcast rooms, and the ones he patronized were all popular and good-looking female anchors.

For these anchors who are not super popular, Ye Beichen also put up a small advertisement, left a contact information, and did not communicate further.

In the afternoon, it was not a weekend, and the live broadcasts were not from the super popular anchors, but to avoid the super popular anchors.

After all, once those super popular anchors start broadcasting, it will have a great impact on them.

As for the super-popular anchors, of course they start broadcasting during peak hours of traffic, and they are also confident that they can gain popularity.

Ye Beichen's focus is on super-popular anchors. He can poach two or three to Hukou TV. As long as he operates properly, he can at least bring in millions of daily active people.

Ye Beichen was waiting, waiting for the night to come. Then, he would really start the poaching operation.

However, without waiting for the night, Ye Beichen soon discovered that his account...

Ten minutes ago, at Dousha's headquarters, Wang Sanshan was fast asleep in the cubicle of the general manager's office.

At noon, the boss of the cooperating brokerage company came to the door and brought over the official friends.He couldn't refuse this meal.

After a luncheon, the host and guests had a good time, Wang Sanshan drank a lot of wine, and then went back to the office to sleep.

But he had only slept for a few minutes when the office door was knocked loudly, which gave him the urge to kill him with a knife.

"Knock what knock! I don't know I'm sleeping!"

Wang Sanshan roared angrily, walked out of the room, stepped forward and opened the door of the office.

Outside the door was Xiaoli, the secretary with an anxious face.

Seeing Xiaoli, Wang Sanshan's anger subsided slightly, and he frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Mr. Wang, the technical department told me about the situation, but they dare not disturb you, so..."

"What's wrong?"

Wang Sanshan waved his hand and ordered Xiaoli to step back, returned to the desk, and dialed the number of the technical department.

"Mr. Wang, Haohuang is doing something!"

As soon as the phone was picked up over there, an anxious and angry voice came over.

Wang Sanshan was extremely sensitive to the word "Haohuang", and asked quickly: "What's wrong with Haohuang? On the platform, who is going to exchange gifts? Who is the other party?"

The last time Chen Luo and Haohuang exchanged gifts, Dou Sha was listed as a suspect, and Wang Sanshan was often criticized.


He hesitated for a moment, and said, "Haohuang is running small advertisements in various live broadcast rooms on our platform."

"Small advertisements? Promoting his Weibo again?"

Wang Sanshan is a bit dumbfounded, he is a majestic man, and his worth may be far more than one billion, but he is addicted to small advertisements in the live broadcast room and cannot extricate himself!
He wanted to say, Shenhao, can we be more professional?

However, he was wrong.

"It's not to promote Weibo, but to promote Hukou TV. He posted advertisements in the live broadcast rooms of various female anchors to promote Hukou TV, and also used private chat messages and sent contact information to attract people."


Wang Sanshan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He was wrong, really wrong.He thought that Haohuang was just an unprofessional hero, but now he realized that it was not unprofessional, but shameless!

Advertisement, soliciting people, actually blatantly doing it in the Dou Sha live broadcast room, this is not taking Dou Sha seriously!
"Give me a title! Ban his account!"

Wang Sanshan made a decision in an instant, gritted his teeth and spit out a few words.


"Seal! The Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, so he must be sealed! He is a bastard, he should have been banned long ago, he is against us fighting sharks over and over again! Quickly seal him!"

Wang Sanshan swears again and again, scaring the other party's phone so much that he can't hold it steady.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Sanshan was still angry, grabbed the water glass and was about to drop it, when the phone rang again.

It's the phone number of the brokerage company under Dou Sha.

"Mr. Wang, it's not good, little Sima, Ruohuo and Jianxian have to terminate their contracts with the company!"


Wang Sanshan who had just sat down stood up, gritted his teeth and asked, "Are they planning to go to Hukou TV?"

"How do you know?"

The other side asked suspiciously, and then quickly replied: "Yes, Mr. Wang, I heard that Haohuang contacted Xiao Sima through the platform, and then got other people's numbers from Xiao Sima, and called them one by one. Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang..."

Holding the phone, Wang Sanshan felt a ball of anger burning in his chest, which seemed to set him on fire at any time.

He hung up the phone silently, dialed the number of the operation department, and said calmly: "Send me a notice to announce all the shameless acts that have no friends. I want people to know that Hukou TV has no bottom line." ! Announce with a pop-up window!"

To attack the reputation of Hukou TV through morality is the way Wang Sanshan thought of.

But, for Ye Beichen, what else?
He was already shameless enough, so what if he was a little more shameless?
On the other end, Ye Beichen was just about to click into the live broadcast room of a female anchor, but suddenly found that he couldn't enter.

He tried a few times and found that no one could enter the live broadcast room.

"Is this... sealed?"

Ye Beichen blinked his eyes, and suddenly a pop-up window popped up with the title——Men Silent, Female Tears, The Emperor is So Shameless!
Ye Beichen glanced at it, and suddenly smiled.

That's right, everyone condemned him and called him shameless, and if he fights back again, he shouldn't have the slightest psychological burden, right?

Thinking of this, he dialed Qian Shaocheng's phone number and said, "Shaocheng, please contact the super popular female anchors of Dousha TV. The conditions remain the same, [-] million, is it enough?"

 The update is here, and this chapter is still adding updates for Unmanned Crossing Ten Thousand Rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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