The strongest god in the city

Chapter 202 Exceeding Your Limit Every Minute

Chapter 202 Exceeding Your Limit Every Minute

"Is this going up?"

Ye Beichen was a little surprised.

He is still eating free stocks in the market, and he has just spent more than 500 million yuan, and the price per share has increased by five cents.

You know, based on market value, Changhu Group is equivalent to issuing 500 million shares.Each share increased by [-] cents. If there are [-] million shares, it is equivalent to an increase of [-] million in the market value of Changhu Group!

500 million raised the result of 500 million. Isn't this too fake?

"Boss Ye, you are worrying too much."

Seeing Ye Beichen's expression, Huang Jiuchun smiled wryly, and said, "Changhu Group has been growing continuously for thirteen months, and it has not been weak until recently, and the growth rate has slowed down. Your capital injection can only be regarded as a catalyst. However, it won’t take long for the market to adjust itself, and the stock price will still drop.”

Hearing this, Ye Beichen felt relieved.

He didn't want to make a lot of trouble by himself, it was money and time, but He Changhu made wedding clothes instead.At that time, it will not only be a slap in the face, but also a slap in the face.

"In this case, let's continue to eat. I didn't expect that He Changhu's character is not good, but the Changhu Group is quite powerful. By the way, what does the Changhu Group do?"

As soon as these words came out, Huang Jiuchun was stunned, and the traders stopped all their movements and stared blankly at Ye Beichen.

You don't know what Changhu Group does?

You don't even know what Changhu Group does, so you came to attack their stocks?

This... is too nonsense, right?
If Ye Beichen hadn't brought out real money, almost everyone present would have thought Ye Beichen was a fool.

Even now, there is something wrong with Ye Beichen's eyes.

It is impossible to be stupid, but it is very possible to be stupid.

The operation room was silent for a long time before Huang Jiuchun licked his dry lips and said, "Mr. Ye, the Changhu Group focuses on the catering industry. What they do is a catering chain——Yulongji. They are sold in all provincial capital cities and economies across the country. There are branches in big cities with developed quantities. Besides, they also have their own meat processing and vegetable growing industries.”

"Oh? It's actually Yulongji."

Ye Beichen was surprised. He had seen Yulong Ji in Yulan City, Hui Province.It is said that a table of dishes can easily cost tens of thousands.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the property of Changhu Group.

Moreover, last time, Ye Beichen chatted with his good classmate Zhu Jiazhen, and congratulated him when he heard that he had joined Yulongji in Yulan City.

It was a coincidence.

"Since this is the case, we are bound to win the Changhu Group."

A smile emerged from the corner of Ye Beichen's mouth. He waved his hand and said, "Go on, I'm looking forward to joining Changhu Group as a shareholder."

Is shareholder status enough?
How can it be!

What he expects is to enter the Changhu Group strongly with an absolute holding position!

At that time, the expressions of He Changhu and Mao Min should be very exciting, right?

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

After receiving Ye Beichen's order, Huang Jiuchun nodded, and immediately shouted: "Continue to eat! Within four yuan, as much as you have, eat as much as you want!"

With the backing of Ye Beichen's black card, Huang Jiuchun didn't have to worry about running out of funds.

What he didn't know was that as several of his traders kept buying, buying, and buying, the amount on Ye Beichen's black card not only didn't decrease, but doubled!

An hour passed quickly, and in fact it didn't take an hour, everyone stopped moving.

And as Zhang Fanhu who only needed to buy 400 lots for each of [-] accounts, he was the first to stop.

Ye Beichen noticed that Zhang Fanhu's hands were shaking when he stopped after completing the task.

Not nervous, not panic, but excited.

Because Zhang Fanhu was faster than the other three traders who had the same task as him.

I can't explain anything, but Zhang Fanhu is the first time to contact the stock market.

"Mr. Ye, is this your... secret weapon?"

Huang Jiuchun asked half jokingly.

Ye Beichen laughed when he heard the words: "It's not a secret, but it's true that I plan to train it well. What do you think of letting Fanhu study with you for a while?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fanhu was even more excited.As a novice who has just come into contact with the stock market, he can actually learn from Sheng Ye Fund?
Huang Jiuchun laughed and said, "Boss Ye, aren't you afraid that I'll poach your wall?"

"Dig the wall?"

Ye Beichen smiled slightly, and asked back: "If he works here, what is the upper limit?"


Huang Jiuchun blinked with some doubts, thought for a moment, and said: "A five-year trader, if the performance is good, there is a chance to become a supervisor."

"And then?" Ye Beichen asked.

Huang Jiuchun seemed to understand Ye Beichen's meaning, and said with a smile: "For five years in charge, with excellent performance in all aspects, there is a chance to become a deputy manager or assistant manager, that is, my direct subordinate."

"not enough."

Ye Beichen shook his head and said, "Ten years have passed before you have the opportunity to become your direct subordinate and control the flow of hundreds of millions of funds? No, you don't have much autonomy, right?"

"Of course, if the amount exceeds ten million, it must be controlled by a manager." Huang Jiuchun replied honestly.

"That's it."

Ye Beichen smiled confidently, pointed at Zhang Fanhu and said firmly: "He doesn't need ten years, only half a year, or even less, to be able to operate independently and control the flow of tens of billions or more funds. Do you think I will let him Are you condescending here?"


Huang Jiuchun was surprised, Zhang Fanhu was stunned, and the eyes of the other traders were red.

Being able to operate independently, rather than being like a machine, obeying the arrangements above is enough for them to envy.What's more, Zhang Fanhu still has the opportunity to control tens of billions of funds, even if there is a discount, only one-tenth, this life is worth it!
"Boss Ye, I..."

When Zhang Fanhu opened his mouth, he felt his throat was blocked and almost choked.

Ye Beichen waved his hand and said, "Don't think too much, you are talented in this area, and I'm still counting on you to make me a lot of money."

"Yeah, I, Zhang Fanhu, will definitely live up to your expectations, Mr. Ye!"

In the following time, Huang Jiuchun will arrange a small amount of tasks every once in a while, which is completely incomparable with the large amount of eating before.

After knowing that Ye Beichen intended to train Zhang Fanhu, Huang Jiuchun also focused on taking care of Zhang Fanhu. Several small tasks were completed by Zhang Fanhu alone.

And Zhang Fanhu's performance was worthy of Ye Beichen's fancy.

Half a day passed in a hurry, and when noon came, several traders had spent more than 3000 million, and [-] accounts bought [-] Changhu Group stocks.

At this time, Ye Beichen actually owns three shares of Changhu Group, which is still far away from his goal.

After lunch, they dealt with it in the operation room. After lunch, Huang Jiuchun gave Ye Beichen a number.

"Mr. Ye, this is He Changlong's call. Look..."

 The update is here, two consecutive updates.

  Some readers say they don't understand, please explain briefly.

  Changhu Group has a market value of one billion, and its shares are 100%.Some of these shares are in the hands of major shareholders, and some are in the hands of stock market investors.What Ye Beichen is buying now is the shares in the hands of shareholders.Although a little inconspicuous, but gathered together, can also play a decisive role.

  Although He Changhu only has more than [-] points of shares, he has the support of shareholders, and if more than half of them, he can be the chairman of the board.

  If Ye Beichen wants to replace him, he must either buy more than half of the shares, or buy some, and then win some support, more than half is enough.Of course, how could our protagonist only need half of it?

  Here is just a simple setting, the author Bacteria is also a layman, please don't slap your face if you know how to do it, the author Bacteria's psychological endurance is really poor!

(End of this chapter)

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