Chapter 203
"How much is the stock price now?"

Ye Beichen didn't answer immediately, but asked Zhang Fanhu.

"Three and eighty-seven cents, and there is a possibility of a downward adjustment with the market. If we are not wrong, we will not take any action in the afternoon, and we should be able to lower it to three and eighty cents by the end of the evening."

Zhang Fanhu's answer did not hesitate at all.

Ye Beichen nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Then let's ask He Changlong to have dinner tonight."

You can tell from the name that He Changlong and He Changhu have an unusual relationship.

That's right, He Changlong is He Changhu's elder brother.

Well, dear brother, but it's no different from the one you carried.

Yulongji was not created by He Changhu, but from his father He Feng.He Feng has two sons, He Changlong and He Changhu.

Originally, according to the rules, the two brothers could divide the family business equally.But before He Feng died, he made a will, He Changhu inherited [-]% of the shares, and He Changlong... [-]%.

Later, as He Changhu used Changhu Group to coerce Yulongji to go public, the shares in He Changlong's hands were repeatedly diluted.Until now, what He Changlong held in his hands was only eight points of shares in Changhu Group.

This is the result of his arguments!
Originally one person and half, now the market value is close to one billion, why do you, He Changlong, have a net worth of [-] million, right?
If you are not angry, I will ask you if He Changlong is angry!
Angry, of course angry!He Changlong was on the board of directors, and seeing the opportunity, he wanted to compete with He Changhu.

However, He Changlong is still He Changlong, and He Changhu is still the chairman.

Even if He Changlong provoked other shareholders to make trouble several times, he could not shake He Changhu's position.

To put it bluntly, the shareholders are looking at money, but He Changlong only has two words in his mind - playing tricks.

He Changhu didn't like He Changlong, nor did he look down on the few stocks in his hand, but Ye Beichen could.

Ye Beichen can not only see He Changlong's stocks, but also He Changlong's mind - playing tricks.

He just took a fancy to this!
Because, he, Ye Beichen, also wanted to play tricks!Although, there is still a little difference in this, but that is not a problem.

Huang Jiuchun had inquired about these situations from many sources.

In the afternoon, Huang Jiuchun continued to direct the purchase of Changhu Group stocks.The difference was that he would ask Zhang Fanhu for his opinion before giving the order.

To his surprise, almost all of Zhang Fanhu's opinions coincided with his.

In addition to being surprised, he admired Ye Beichen even more.

He was obviously a layman in the morning, but after this morning, his level has almost caught up with him.

I don't know how Ye Beichen saw Zhang Fanhu's potential.

The acquisition in the afternoon was very small, only about 800 million. It was almost completed under the leadership of Zhang Fanhu and the cooperation of two other traders.

The stock price of Changhu Group is also fluctuating slightly.

At the close of the night, the share price of Changhu Group stabilized at [-] cents.

That's right, only a dime more than Zhang Fanhu predicted.And this gross is the result of 800 million funds injected into the acquisition in the afternoon.

This result also made the other traders who were extremely uncomfortable feel a little more balanced.

Balance a ghost!People are in their early 20s, and we are also in our early 20s.

But people in their early 20s, at most one year later, their power will exceed their boss's boss's boss!
How to balance!

Ye Beichen didn't care about their thoughts, greeted them, and left.

The other traders, including Zhang Fanhu, could only stay in the operation room and were not allowed to leave to prevent the secrets of the acquisition from being leaked out.

In a small box in the International Hotel, Ye Beichen met He Changlong under the recommendation of Huang Jiuchun—a man who was over fifty, but still dressed in fancy clothes, with a student in his arms who could be his granddaughter sister.

The first time he saw He Changlong, Ye Beichen understood why the old man of He Changlong's family didn't like him anymore.

Your destiny is destined to be colorful, how can you be tied down by an inheritance?

Well, this is a high-sounding speech.

To put it bluntly - be your son-in-law with peace of mind, just eat and die!
(Some people can reach the heights you dream of by breaking the cans and breaking the cans - the author's words.)
Ye Beichen smiled, intending to shake his hand politely, but it might as well have an extra cigar in his hand.

"You are Ye Beichen? Have a cigar." He Changlong said, stuffing a cigar into his mouth, and the student girl beside him quickly lit it for him.

Ye Beichen put the cigar on the table casually, sat down, and said with a smile, "Mr. He, right? I heard that you have shares in Changhu Group. Let's make an offer."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Jiuchun, who was with him, was shocked first.

Ye Beichen is too straightforward, isn't he?
He Changlong also looked at Ye Beichen in surprise, and asked, "You want my shares? Do you still want to be the director of Lao Shizi of Changhu Group?"

"Not the director, but the chairman."

Ye Beichen's words made He Changlong stand up.

"What? You want to be the chairman?"

Ye Beichen shrugged and said with a smile, "You heard me right."

"Impossible! I've been thinking about being a director for more than ten years, and I finally beat the old man to death. Don't I still look like this bird now! Just you? You... wait for He Changhu to die!"

"Don't you have money?" Ye Beichen narrowed his eyes and asked calmly.

Hearing this, He Changlong frowned, and asked disdainfully: "Rich? How much do you have? [-] to [-] million, or [-] million? The shares held by He Changhu alone are worth more than [-] million!"

Ye Beichen didn't care about the other party's disdain, picked up his cup and sipped his tea, and said softly, "If all shareholders are willing, a wholly-owned acquisition is fine."


A scream suddenly came from the student girl, not because she was surprised, but because He Changlong was stroking her little hand just now.He Changlong was shocked when he heard Ye Beichen's words, and suddenly pinched her.

He Changlong didn't care about the student girl's screams, and stared at Ye Beichen with squinted eyes: "Why should I trust you?"

Ye Beichen didn't answer immediately, but took out the black card and threw it on the table.

"Is this enough?"

He Changhu looked at the black card in doubt, then grabbed it before his eyes and looked at it again, then nodded emphatically.

"I believe you have the strength, but what are you going to do? If your idea satisfies me, I can sell it to you at the market price. If you don't satisfy me, even if you double it, there is no need to talk about it."


Ye Beichen pondered for a while, and said: "I don't have any ideas, so I took a fancy to the position of the chairman of Changhu Group, and by the way, I don't like He Changhu. Oh, I said it the wrong way. It's me who doesn't like He Changhu, by the way Take his seat and tell him to fuck off."

When He Changlong heard this, his eyes narrowed even tighter.

He stared at Ye Beichen for half a minute, as if he wanted to find a loophole in Ye Beichen's expression.

In the end, he found nothing, so he slowly uttered two words: "Deal."

The price was not discussed, and the transaction was made directly. It has to be said that He Changlong will just eat and wait for death in his life.

(Author Jun: If you don't like the life of eating and waiting to die, please give me...)
The subsequent atmosphere can only be described as harmonious.

For a meal, the host and guest enjoy themselves.

The only thing that left Ye Beichen speechless was that the old boy He Changlong would come up with a bad idea to punish He Changhu every now and then.

Not to mention, although the idea is bad, it is still a good idea.

 Second more.

  Thanks to the male doctor 399 for the reward, thank you for the tears in the night, :-) @[email protected]Reward, thank you for blooming overnight, remembering Chengshang, um, afternoon memory 100 rewards, thank you Growl. 99 rewards.

  The following is to add more rewards, the author works hard.

  Finally, it is very important to ask for a wave of rewards, recommendation tickets, and book reviews.Thanks

(End of this chapter)

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