The strongest god in the city

Chapter 204 This Is Abnormal!

Chapter 204 This Is Abnormal! (For the engraving of the seal, the heart is your name, Wan reward plus more)
On this day, Ye Beichen bought three points of shares in Changhu Group from the stock market, and bought eight points of shares from He Changlong. In fact, he already owned eleven points of shares in Changhu Group.

Proper major shareholder!

According to the information provided by Huang Jiuchun, Changhu Group owns the most shares, and its chairman, He Changhu, owns 33 points of shares.

Later, there is another director who owns ten points of shares.After him, there are He Changlong and a group of directors.

It's different now. Now Ye Beichen has eleven points and has become the second largest shareholder.

Of course, this is actually owned by Ye Beichen, and it cannot be put on the table yet.

The shares of the three points are still scattered in thousands of accounts, and He Changlong's eight points have only signed a secret agreement and have not yet reported it.

Changes in major shareholders must be reported to the higher authorities. It does not mean that the shares will be obtained after signing an agreement.

The current eight points are nominally still in the hands of He Changlong.

Ye Beichen was not in a hurry, he still counted on He Changlong, a real villain, to help him again!
The next day, the acquisition continued, and the account was increased to more than 2000.

The next day, when the acquisition was over, Ye Beichen's shares increased by another four points, and the stock price rose from [-] cents to [-] cents.

On the third day, the number of accounts increased to nearly [-], and the shares in Ye Beichen's hands increased by five points, and the price of each share was pulled to [-] cents again, breaking through the [-] yuan mark.

At this time, Ye Beichen actually owned [-] shares of Changhu Group.

Day four, still going on...

In the office of the chairman of Changhu Group, He Changhu is drinking coffee while reading the newly delivered newspaper today.

He has a habit, no matter how busy he is, he must read the major newspapers every morning, no matter what the section is, he will pay attention to it.

"Hehe, the Chen family and the Lin family can really make a fuss, and they actually bought a live broadcast platform together."

"This Hukou TV is also a Tietou, who dared to blatantly poach Dou Sha's first sister."

"Huh? Rent a luxury car? Young people nowadays have too many unrealistic ideas."

It is also He Changhu's habit to read newspapers and mock at the same time.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the office door, but He Changhu called "Come in" without looking up.

The door was pushed open, and the secretary Xiaofang in a small suit walked in with high heels.

"Chairman, this is the news I just got. Our stock price is still rising at the opening of the market this morning."


He Changhu raised his head in surprise, took the report from Xiaofang's hand and read it.

Soon, he frowned.

"Since last month, the rise of our stock price has slowed down. It stands to reason that there is no major good news, and there should be ups and downs. Why did it suddenly rise rapidly?"

"Chairman?" Xiaofang called out hesitantly.

"Not normal, not normal."

He Changhu muttered to himself, frowning even tighter.

"Xiaofang, go and check to see if someone is making a hostile takeover. By the way, ask Wu Dong to ask a few funds by the way to see if there is any news."

Hearing this, Xiao Fang paused, and asked in a low voice: "Chairman, are you too sensitive?"

"What do you know!"

He Changhu glared at her, and said angrily, "Quickly go and ask, don't let me say it again!"

Xiaofang hurriedly responded in fright, and trotted all the way out of the office.

Looking at Xiaofang's back, He Changhu narrowed his eyes.

"I, He Changhu, play with you because I am interested. Do you think you can teach me how to do things if you play with me a few times? Hmph! It seems that I have to change my secretary."

Snorting coldly, He Changhu frowned again.

"Could it be that Ye Beichen did it? But there are only 25 points in the stock market. Even if you buy them all, it won't be able to shake my position. Or, am I really too sensitive?"

Thinking so, He Changhu grabbed the phone by the table and called each shareholder.

He Changhu heaved a sigh of relief when he learned that no one had asked them about the shares recently.

"Oh, yes, and that thing!"

He Changhu gritted his teeth and dialed He Changlong's number.

As soon as the phone was connected, He Changlong's laughter came over: "Haha, Changhu, is the sun coming out from the west today?"

"Hehe, I should call my brother. By the way, brother, I plan to change the company's personnel recently. Do you think the executive director will give in to you?"

He Changhu's voice was relaxed, but the sneer in his eyes had already betrayed him, but it was a pity that He Changlong couldn't see it.

He Changlong has always been a non-executive director. To put it simply, he just raises his hand when he needs to vote. Other than that, he has no power.

"Executive director? Not interested. If you give me the chairman, I'd be happy. Hahahaha..."

He Changlong laughed loudly, and He Changhu on the other end hung up the phone casually.

"I don't even want the executive director? Aren't you planning to erode my power step by step? You are really abnormal!"

With a sneer, He Changhu grabbed the phone again and dialed another number.

"Old Wang, immediately arrange for your department to buy our stocks in the stock market!"

"What? Chairman, what happened?"

"You just have to do it, hurry up."

After hanging up the phone, a smile suddenly appeared on He Changhu's stern face.

"Ye Beichen, Ye Beichen, is it really you who did it? Want to seize the dominance of my Changhu Group? Can't I be a vegetarian? Wait, you will cry. Hmm... welcome to invest in Changhu Group .Ha ha ha ha……"

He Changhu is happy that the Changhu Group's dominance has not been lost, and the stock price has risen rapidly, benefiting from his entire Changhu Group.

And the Changhu Group is He Changhu's property!
At this time, Ye Beichen didn't know that He Changhu guessed that it was abnormal through the stock price increase, and he heard something strange from He Changlong's two words.

At this time, Ye Beichen was immersed in hugs left and right, and he waved his hands to buy, buy, buy.

Today, he made an appointment with Xian'er and Rong Mengya to buy some furniture for their villa.

The International Furniture Plaza was filled with the three of Ye Beichen.

He has to spend money, otherwise, how can he have money to spend?

"Haohuang, it's almost done. If we buy it again, our villa won't be able to accommodate it."

Seeing that Ye Beichen was still immersed in shopping, Xian'er quickly persuaded him.

But Ye Beichen waved his hand and said casually, "It's okay, don't you still have Mengya's villa? If it's really not possible, let's buy another villa for furniture."

Such a wonderful argument made the salesman who introduced the furniture break into a cold sweat.

At this time, Ye Beichen's cell phone rang suddenly, it was Huang Jiuchun's call.

"Mr. Ye, there is a force that has entered the stock market. It should be the Changhu Group, otherwise it would not be so blatant. Now that the stock price has risen to [-] yuan, do you think it will continue to buy?"

"Go ahead. If the stockholders can't sell it, you can place an order. Within [-] cents, you decide."

 An update is coming, this chapter is a seal carving heart is your name Wanrewards plus more.

  The author is hungry, go find something to eat, if there are no accidents, there will be another update.

  Ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a comment, all kinds of requests
(End of this chapter)

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