The strongest god in the city

Chapter 209 I Like You

Chapter 209 I Like You

The next day, Changhu Group.


Today, all the employees of Changhu Group are still working as usual, but if you look closely, almost everyone has a bad face.

Even, there are quite a few people who are depressed and may collapse at any time.

The company's share price was as high as [-] yuan yesterday morning, but it became [-] yuan last night, which is a few cents less than the day before.

How can those who bought the company's stock feel at ease to go to work?
The whole company is gloomy.A shadow was cast over everyone's heart.

Under such an atmosphere that people "love to hear and see", Ye Beichen immediately attracted many eyes as soon as he appeared.Curiosity, fear, and hatred.

Uncle policeman, yes, this is the man!

Ye Beichen faced all the gazes calmly, and smiled in his heart.

I just like how you can't get used to me and can't get rid of me.

When he came outside the meeting room, Ye Beichen stretched out his hand and opened the door, but there was only one person present - He Changfa.

Now, except for He Changhu and He Changfa, the shares of the other directors have all been held by Ye Beichen, so they are not eligible to appear again.

Seeing Ye Beichen, He Changfa stood up almost like a conditioned reflex.The movement was so fast that it almost overcame gravity and rushed to the sky.

"Ye... Dong Ye."

He Changfa yelled timidly, with a smile uglier than crying.

For Ye Beichen, He Changfa was only afraid.

Mingming made repeated brain-dead proposals yesterday and was ridiculed by everyone. In a rage, he announced that he would sell all the stocks.

In less than a day, and in less than 24 hours, Ye Beichen has become a major shareholder in the blink of an eye.

And his cousin He Changhu, even though he mortgaged a large amount of assets yesterday, even if the stock price has shrunk sharply, he only repurchased 38% of the shares.Plus the previous 41 points, that's [-].

Comparing the two, He Changhu, who has always been calm, lost completely.

"only you?"

Ye Beichen asked, then pulled the chairman's chair away and sat down.

Before He Changfa could answer, Ye Beichen said to himself, "Since there is no one else, I'll just announce the order."

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was suddenly violently pushed open, and He Changhu's voice came from outside the door: "Wait! Who said I won't come!"

Ye Beichen looked up, and saw He Changhu walking in with a livid face.

It's only been a day since I saw him, and He Changhu's mental state is much worse than yesterday.

Not only that, but even his chubby figure has shrunk.

Seeing He Changhu's posture, he entered halfway, and the attack is menacing. Do you still want to play Return of the King?
Ye Beichen smiled lightly and said, "Since you're here, sit down."

He Changhu's face froze when he heard Ye Beichen's tone that he had already regarded himself as the master.

He glanced at Ye Beichen's seat unwillingly, snorted coldly, and sat opposite Ye Beichen.

"Now that the directors are here, I won't talk nonsense to you."

Ye Beichen glanced over He Changhu and He Changfa one by one, and said casually: "I want the shares in your hands, and I will buy them at the opening price in the morning."

"Why don't you go grab it!"

Before He Changhu could speak, He Changfa stood up again and said angrily, "Yesterday it was still [-] yuan. You pay according to the opening price in the morning..."

"so what?"

Ye Beichen took out a cigarette and lit it, took a puff, and asked sarcastically, "Why didn't you say that the price of Changhu Group was only two yuan when it went public? Are you satisfied with the price of two yuan?"

"You're obviously preposterous!" He Changfa scolded angrily.

Ye Beichen shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Is it worth it for me to argue with you? By the way, I don't like that point of yours. You can throw it into the stock market to cash out. I remember when I first entered the group building, the price It's three yuan and fifteen cents, and I don't know if it has fallen below three yuan now."

He Chang stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

Yesterday was four yuan and six, and one point of him was worth 400 million.But now, if he throws one point into the stock market, it will be less than 1000 million!

Overnight, 400 million evaporated...

"Long hair, sit down!"

He Changhu snorted coldly, then looked at Ye Beichen with cold eyes, and said, "Ye Beichen, stop wishful thinking, even if my shares are rotten in your hands, I won't sell them. Don't you want to grow up?" The Tiger Group? It’s yours now. But you want to develop the Changhu Group, don’t even think about it!”

Speaking of this, He Changhu smiled darkly and said, "Don't think that you are the only one who can make trouble, and I, He Changhu, can do it too!"

He thought that Ye Beichen would be angry if he said this, but Ye Beichen looked at him jokingly and said, "Who said I want to develop the Changhu Group? I bought the Changhu Group just to see if you are unhappy. Tiger Group closed down. Development? Do you think I'm so free?"

As soon as this remark came out, He Changhu's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked, "What do you want to do?"


Ye Beichen laughed and said, "I don't want to do anything, simply put... I don't want to do anything. No one questioned my equity, right? Then I will issue the first order - Changhu Group will start today, including all All industries are on a long holiday. Yulongji and pig farms are all closed. I will let my subordinates pay the monthly salary. Anyway, the group still has money, and it will be counted when it is used up."

He Changhu stared at Ye Beichen with wide eyes, trying to tell the truth from the expression on Ye Beichen's face.

But Ye Beichen didn't give him a chance at all. After speaking, he laughed, stood up and walked out the door.

As he walked, he said, "I will ask my assistant to notify the various departments of the group. Don't worry about what I say. It's strange that you will know the result."

"Wait! Wait! Ye Dong, you wait."

He Changfa yelled in a hurry, and ran after him.

Hearing the shout, Ye Beichen stopped, turned around and asked indifferently, "What? I don't know how to sell the stocks?"

"No, it's not, Director Ye."

He Changfa wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: "Dong Ye, I'm selling the shares in hand, so please show mercy and buy them according to the opening price in the morning. I beg you."

"Oh? Aren't you unwilling to sell it?" Ye Beichen looked at He Changfa with a smile and asked.

He Changfa quickly bowed, and said: "Ye Dong, I was wrong, I am willing to sell, and I will sell it at the opening price in the morning."

The opening price was [-] yuan. When Ye Beichen joined the group, it was already [-] cents. When he sells it again, he may drop to what extent!
One minute later, for him, it may be a loss of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.


Ye Beichen thought about it, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll show mercy and accept your shares. Anyway, a little loss is a loss, and you won't be upset if you lose completely."

"Thank you Dong Ye, thank you Dong Ye."

He Changfa nodded and bowed and followed Ye Beichen out. He Changhu didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

It wasn't until the two walked away that He Changhu collapsed on the seat as if all his strength had been drained.

He didn't expect Ye Beichen to be so ruthless!
 Here comes the update.

  Thank you for the blue summer 998 reward, thank you for your heart, if you are willing to reward 100, thank you Yeling 99 for the reward.

  The following is an update for the rewards, about 0 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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