The strongest god in the city

Chapter 210 How about I Promise with My Body?

Chapter 210 How about I Promise with My Body?
Slumped on the chair, the scenes from Ye Beichen's appearance yesterday to the moment he left, all emerged in He Changhu's mind one by one.

It is undeniable that this is a conspiracy, and He Changhu already guessed it yesterday.

In the face of absolutely powerful financial resources, it is true that all conspiracies and tricks are false.But he, He Changhu, does not have absolutely strong financial resources, and the owner is Ye Beichen instead.

Absolutely powerful financial resources coupled with conspiracy, He Changhu has almost no room to resist, and he has been trampled under his feet and crushed.

And He Changhu's struggle yesterday has become his burden now - because of the urgent need for money, He Changhu obtained tens of millions of funds with the most convenient mortgage method.

The most convenient way often means heavy interest and short cycle.

If it was before, He Changhu wouldn't feel much.But he had already invested a lot of money the day before yesterday, repurchasing five points of shares at a high price, and there is not much liquidity left. How can there be money to return the principal and the high interest?
Even if he mortgages the shares now, no bank dares to accept it, right?
Once it explodes, everything about him is gone.

"No, I can't do this, I can't do this!"

He Changhu stood up nervously, muttering: "I want to save myself, I must save myself! Ye Beichen, I won't let you succeed!"

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and quickly dialed a number.

"Hey, President Chen, I'm He Changhu, I'm a little tight right now, and I want to use the shares of Changhu Group as collateral... Hey, hello, President Chen!"

He Changhu called twice, only to find that the phone was hung up.And he didn't notice the beep coming from the phone.

He Changhu is also a decisive person, without the slightest hesitation, he dialed a number again, and said the words just now almost unchanged.

The result... naturally the same.

After that, He Changhu made more than a dozen phone calls, and finally found that even the usury was unwilling to lend him money.

The bank has a keen sense of smell, and a lending company at his level is also well-informed.

He Changhu's assets have been mortgaged, the company's stock has been attacked, and even the initiative has been lost. Who is willing to lend him money to waste money?
Even usury, people have to rely on performance upgrades and salary increases to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life!

Letting out a bad debt is the biggest stain in the lender's career, and there is no need to wash it away!

When He Changhu was hung up on the last call, he silently put away his phone and looked out the window.

He walked slowly to the window, watched the cars coming and going, and seemed to be thinking about which one was the last bus in his life...

"No, I can't just end like this, I can't be a coward! Ye Beichen, you won this time, but I definitely won't let it go like this! Just wait!" He Changhu gritted his teeth and said to himself , took out the phone again.

(Author: Didn’t die? Then you are melancholy! You have the ability to jump off a building!)

At this time, Ye Beichen was sitting in the teahouse of Yixianju, sipping a small cup of Biluochun gracefully in his hand.

Hmm...he doesn't know how to taste tea, but that doesn't stop him from pretending to be B.

Sitting in front of him was a man and a woman—Gao Mengyu and Gao Chengyun.

Just now, Ye Beichen had just completed the stock transaction with He Changfa, and unexpectedly received a call from Gao Mengyu, asking him to drink tea.

When he came to Yixianju, he realized that Gao Mengyu did not come alone, but also Gao Chengyun.

It turned out that the two were still a family.

Seeing Gao Chengyun's humble appearance, Ye Beichen roughly guessed Gao Chengyun's intention, but he didn't point it out.

"Mr. Ye, part of the jade has been sold, and some of the family's funds have also been withdrawn. Look, how about calling you the next payment in advance these few days?"

When Gao Mengyu spoke, there was a faint smile on his face, which surprised Gao Chengyun.

He had hardly seen Gao Mengyu smile at men other than his family.

What is Ye Beichen's background?
Ye Beichen took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Hehe, whatever you want, I'm not short of money for the time being."

Hearing this, Gao Chengyun felt a chill in his heart.

How many billion did you fight this battle?There is no shortage of money!How much money do you have?
But Gao Mengyu smiled playfully and said: "Since Mr. Ye doesn't need money for the time being, Mengyu will save it first. If you need it anytime, tell me anytime, how about it?"

playful smile...

This is because it is rarely revealed to family members!
"Yes." Ye Beichen nodded, then lowered his head and slowly sipped his tea.

Want him to ask?no way!

Seeing Ye Beichen's actions, Gao Chengyun immediately gave Gao Mengyu a wink.

Gao Mengyu shook his head lightly, expressing that there is no need to worry, and reached out to refill Ye Beichen with a cup of tea.

Time passed slowly, and the three of them drank tea quietly.

After more than half an hour, Ye Beichen's phone rang.

Seeing the number clearly, Ye Beichen smiled.

It's He Changhu.

After answering the phone, He Changhu's hoarse voice came over: "Ye Beichen, you have won, and my shares are yours! According to the opening price in the morning, I will sell them all to you!"

"The opening price?"

Ye Beichen frowned, and said with a smile: "The opening price? No, no, I will only buy at the current price. Now...forget it, let's take it at three yuan. You have 41 points of shares in your hand. I want it all. Of course, you can also refuse. It doesn't matter, we lose together, I don't care."

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a full minute of silence, He Changhu's voice came again.

"you are vicious!"


A bright smile finally appeared on Ye Beichen's face, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Now, the overall situation is settled.

It's impossible to shut down all businesses according to his previous method and say that they don't care.

I don't care about money, but I can't help but care about ruining a thriving company.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Chengyun asked eagerly, "Dong Ye, it was He Changhu who sold the shares to you?"

Ye Beichen smiled and said nothing, Gao Chengyun realized that he asked abruptly.

As a lobbyist, Gao Mengyu couldn't just watch Gao Chengyun feel embarrassed.

"Mr. Ye, my cousin has been serving as the executive director of Changhu Group, and he still has some knowledge about Changhu Group. He is also quite good in terms of ability. If you can't find someone to take care of Changhu Group for a while, you can consider him .”

Yes, this is the purpose of Gao Mengyu's appointment with Ye Beichen, and Ye Beichen also guessed it at the beginning of the meeting.

And Ye Beichen's subordinates really can't find someone to take care of the Changhu Group for the time being, especially at this critical juncture.As a listed company, Changhu Group has to be more cautious.

The three brothers He Changhu, He Changfa, and He Changlong couldn't do it, and Yuan Cheng was too thoughtful.Ye Beichen originally considered Wu Haiquan, but since Gao Mengyu recommended Gao Chengyun, he might as well give it a try.

After thinking about this joint, Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "Oh? Then what benefits do I have?"

Gao Mengyu's answer not only surprised Gao Chengyun, but also caught Ye Beichen off guard.

"How about a promise from me?"

 This chapter adds more rewards for Qixia's seniors.

  Thanks to the ignorant shell for 10050 rewards.Hmm... there are more.

  Thank you Sansheng Fireworks and Snow Night for the reward at 2476, thank you Yuxinger for the reward at 1888, thank you for the reward at 588, thank you for the reward at 100, thank you for TAT, Yixi warm wind, fireworks are easy to be cold and floating like a dream, the most beautiful It's time to have you, and you will get a reward of [-] million.

  thank you all.

  Today's update is over, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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