Chapter 211
Promise yourself?

Ye Beichen's heart beat violently, and he looked up at Gao Mengyu.

Gao Mengyu seems to prefer black. Today, she is wearing a black off-the-shoulder dress with her beautiful collarbone looming.

The black pearl earrings under the earlobe, coupled with her beautiful face, gave off a hint of coldness.

However, when Ye Beichen looked up, he met him with unflinching eyes, and there was a sly smile in those eyes.

For a moment, the words "no problem" almost blurted out from Ye Beichen's mouth.

But when he saw Gao Mengyu's smile, Ye Beichen withdrew his thoughts in time.

There must be a conspiracy!

What is he, Ye Beichen?That is the god who is favored by the system, the richest man in the future!

He has an extremely powerful will, an extremely powerful mind.

It is absolutely impossible for him to be fooled!
Ye Beichen smiled and said, "Okay."

As soon as these words came out, Gao Chengyun on the side was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak.

These two, are you not paying attention to the occasion when flirting?

He is Gao Mengyu's elder.

Hearing Ye Beichen's words, Gao Mengyu's eyes trembled unconsciously, and a more intense smile appeared on her fair face.

"So... where do we start?"

This question stumped Ye Beichen.

He just tried it out and took the initiative in his own hands.

But the opponent's counterattack caught him off guard.

Stumped, do you really want to start?
"Well...let me go back and think about it, and I'll let you know when I think about it."

As Ye Beichen said, he took out a business card, handed it to Gao Chengyun, and said, "Director Gao, why don't you come to our company tomorrow. Besides, it shouldn't be a problem for you to buy five to ten points of stock from the stock market, right? "

Ye Beichen now owns 95 points of shares in Changhu Group, and of course Gao Chengyun cannot acquire more than [-] points.

Obviously, Ye Beichen planned to sell some of his shares.

If Changhu Group is just an ordinary private company, not only will he not sell the shares, but he will find a way to recover all the shares.

But Changhu Group is a listed company, so it is different.

Going public can make money, but Ye Beichen doesn't care.

But Ye Beichen couldn't help but care about the halo of the listed company.

A listed company and an ordinary private company are treated differently in official terms.

Furthermore, with the aura of listed companies, many subsidiaries of Changhu Group, such as Yulongji, have benefited a lot.

But if Ye Beichen holds all the shares in his hands, he will be forced to liquidate and kicked out of the stock market.

Ye Beichen's plan was to gradually throw his shares from He Changhu and He Changfa into the stock market.

And the remaining 51 points of shares in his hands will also be sold to Polaris Investment.

Although it is under decentralized control, in fact, it is still his.Don't worry about being criticized, and don't worry about other people making trouble.

He still occupies an absolute controlling stake, doesn't he?

Although Gao Chengyun didn't expect Ye Beichen to be right-handed, he also understood that he planned to sell part of the shares, and immediately responded: "No problem, Director Ye, I will withdraw [-]% of the shares from the stock market as quickly as possible."

"Yes." Ye Beichen nodded.

At this time, Gao Mengyu interjected: "Brother Ye, I also want to buy some shares of Changhu Group, what do you think?"

From Mr. Ye to Brother Ye, Gao Mengyu made the transition without any awkwardness.

"Haha, with the Gao family as the backing, the Changhu Group will naturally welcome it." Ye Beichen laughed.

But Gao Mengyu shook his head, and replied seriously: "It's not the Gao family, I bought some."

"it's the same."

Speaking of this, Ye Beichen smiled slyly, and said: "However, they have to be purchased from the stock market. This afternoon, the shares will be released one after another in the afternoon, and you just wait for the order."

Gao Mengyu twitched her lips when she got Ye Beichen's answer.

I don't know whether it's because I have a problem with Ye Beichen's "all the same" or because she is dissatisfied with the acquisition from the stock market.

However, the gesture of pursing his lips only lasted for a moment, Gao Mengyu smiled and said: "Then I will wait for Brother Ye to sell the shares in the afternoon, and... I will wait for Brother Ye to figure out where to start."

"Okay, then I'm leaving, wait for my news."

Ye Beichen made a perfunctory sentence, then got up and left.

After Ye Beichen left, Gao Chengyun glanced at Gao Mengyu, who was suddenly sullen, and asked hesitantly, "Mengyu, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Gao Mengyu replied in a low voice, and the cold expression returned to her face.

Ye Beichen knew nothing about all this.

He didn't feel bad for Gao Mengyu, but he also didn't dare to provoke him easily.

Behind Gao Mengyu is the Gao family. Although Ye Beichen has never been in touch with him, he has a simple understanding and guesses the identity of Mr. Gao.

That's a real behemoth!
Thinking back, it was just Ye Beichen's perfunctory.

Ye Beichen has already made up his mind, if he can stay away from Gao Mengyu in the future, then try to stay away as much as possible.

At noon, Ye Beichen once again rewarded the traders of Sheng Ye Fund and Zhang Fanhu.

After the meal, everyone gathered in the Sheng Ye Fund operating room for the final sweep.

When they turned on their computers, they suddenly discovered that the stocks of Changhu Group had been wiped out.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen smiled slightly, Gao Chengyun and Gao Mengyu moved quite quickly.

Stocks that hadn't been bought before were suddenly swept out and no one was selling them.

Some investors who are still desperately holding the stocks in their hands are even less likely to sell at this time.

No one sells, so naturally it can't fall anymore.On the contrary, because of the rapid acquisition of Gao Mengyu and Gao Chengyun, the stock price rose a little, to [-] yuan.

Huang Jiuchun asked for instructions: "Boss Ye, now..."

Ye Beichen hesitated for a moment, and then ordered: "Then let it out a little bit. Don't worry, just let ten o'clock out today."

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

Huang Jiuchun responded, and immediately ordered the trader to start working.

The hunger selling method can be used not only in selling mobile phones, but also in the stock market.

Throw out a little stock, wait for it to be swept away, take a break, and release a little more.

With such operations, and the cooperation of Gao Mengyu and Gao Chengyun, the stock price of Changhu Group did not fall any further, and even rose slowly.

Because the stockholders were surprised to find that Changhu Group's stock has become a hot commodity again, and it is impossible to buy it.

The stockholders beat their chests one by one, blaming themselves for not buying the bottom, and quickly joined the ranks of acquisitions, snapping up stocks together with Gao Mengyu and Gao Chengyun.

Miracles, for some people, are impossible to see in a lifetime.

But for Ye wasn't a miracle.

He just used his powerful financial resources to play around with He Changhu and a group of greedy investors.

Don't you see, when Changhu Group's stock fell to the bottom but no one bought it, some stockholders almost vomited blood with anger.

It is not sold when it costs [-] yuan a share, and no one wants it for [-] yuan a share!
Why are they not angry!

Now, they should vomit blood even more.The stocks that cost less than three yuan were wiped out, and the price, they actually grew like crazy!

Even fools know that they have been tricked by the dealer!

Insatiable greed, that's the end!

Ye Beichen said that he was happy to hear about it.

 Here comes the update.

  Thank you for the reward of 1398 for a glass of wine to comfort the wind and dust, thank you Wu Abi for your reward of 399, thank you for your reward of 200, thank you for your reward of 100, thank you for your reward of 99, thank you for your reward of [-], and thank you for your reward of zsy[-].

  Alright, alright, this episode is finally over, let's start playing... Ah no, interacting with the female anchor.I would like to remind everyone that the stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market, unless you can be a market maker.

  The next chapter around eight o'clock in the evening...

(End of this chapter)

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