The strongest god in the city

Chapter 215 They Will Not Be Satisfied With Banning

Chapter 215 They Will Not Be Satisfied With Banning

Now that he took action, he definitely wouldn't just target Hong Yun.

Ye Beichen exited Hong Yun's live broadcast room gloomyly, and then clicked on Xiao Sima's live broadcast room.

At the sight, there was indeed a lot of scolding, which directly exploded little Sima's black material.Even bedwetting became a black spot when I was a child, as if they were the ones who washed the sheets in the first place.

Hong Yun is fine, and it's not convenient to watch the barrage while dancing, but it's just that the housekeepers are tired and have cramps in their hands.

Little Sima's side is different.

He is eating chicken live, and he has reached the point of winning. He opens the barrage from time to time to watch and interact with the audience.

When he saw the scolding, he also joked a few words with a playful smile.But when he found that no matter how much he teased, the barrage not only didn't decrease, but was overwhelming, his face also darkened.

As a direct result, he was shot in the head in the game.

Facing millions of spectators, little Sima opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the scolding back.

Seriously swearing in front of millions of people, even if you just swear back, the impact is very bad.

Once it is sent out of context, and someone behind the scenes pushes the flames and pours dirty water on him, the decline in popularity is a trivial matter, and if it doesn't go well, it will cause big problems.

Little Sima turned off the game resentfully, called the room manager to seal the account, and started to seal the account himself.

But how can he seal up those tens of thousands of accounts?
Occasionally, there are fans who help to swear, and in a hurry, they will be banned accidentally, and it will be a mess.

Ye Beichen exhaled lightly, and dialed Qian Shaocheng's number.

"Boss Ye, are you looking for me?"

Qian Shaocheng was a little short of breath, if he couldn't hear the crackling sound of the computer keyboard over there, Ye Beichen might have thought he was doing something good.

Ye Beichen didn't beat around the bush, and asked directly: "There are people making trouble in Hong Yun and the live broadcast room, did you see it?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye, this side is dealing with it, but there are too many people on the other side, and the IPs are scattered all over the country, so it is very difficult to deal with. The technical department is stepping up the banning of accounts."

Hearing Qian Shaocheng's answer, Ye Beichen frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Why are you still blocking the account? Just block the IP together!"

"Ah? But... there must be some of our users among these trolls, I'm worried..."

"Worry ass!"

Ye Beichen cursed, interrupted Qian Shaocheng's words, and said, "Are you worried that their trumpet account won't be able to spend money for you if they get banned? Hehe, think about it yourself, and do it for fifty cents." Sailor, are you still willing to spend money on your platform?"

"Then... I'll order them to block the IP immediately!" Qian Shaocheng hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth.

In fact, what he considers is not only whether these trumpets will cost money, but what he cares more about is that once Hukou TV plans to go public in the future, the daily active users will be capital, which may increase the market value.

Can a platform with 500 million daily active users compare its listed market value to a platform with 1000 million daily active users?

Obviously not.

Once the IP is blocked this time, it may affect [-] daily active users, so he has to be cautious.

However, since the big boss ordered so, Qian Shaocheng could only follow through.

Hanging up the phone, Qian Shaocheng immediately shouted: "Block the IP! If you dare to abuse the anchor in the two live broadcast rooms, no matter what level, no matter how many accounts there are under the IP, all IPs will be blocked!"

With such a decision, the result is still very good.

Dozens of technicians worked together, and the house management of the two rooms was sealed. After only 3 minutes, the barrage of abuse was significantly reduced, and it became less and less.

The live broadcast room returned to normal, but the popularity dropped significantly.

No one is here to swear.

Ye Beichen thought for a while, and called Qian Shaocheng again.

"Boss Ye, everything has been taken care of."

"Well, is there any evidence to prove who did it?" Ye Beichen asked with narrowed eyes.

Qian Shaocheng hesitated for a moment, and replied: "This... technology, I can't find it, so I can only ask someone, but the information will be very messy."


Ye Beichen nodded.

In fact, there is no need to investigate, and the suspects are not just those two?
One is Dou Sha TV, who was poached, and the other is I watch TV, who is determined to fight him.

Lin Ruoyuan and Chen Luo both had grudges against him, and they were in partnership, so they could guess the purpose by moving their buttocks.

On the other end of the phone, Qian Shaocheng thought for a while, and said hesitantly: "Mr. Ye, I heard... I watched TV and there are activities today."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen's pupils shrank immediately.

Is this indistinguishable?

But he didn't make a decision immediately, and asked again: "What about Shark Fighting?"

"Dou Sha is quite normal. After all, the other female anchors we signed the agreement privately have not come yet."

With this answer, the goal is almost ready.

Ye Beichen took a deep breath, smiled coldly, and said, "Okay, I see, you let the technology continue to increase tonight... huh?"

"Boss Ye, what's the matter?"

Ye Beichen paused, and Qian Shaocheng asked quickly.

Then Ye Beichen squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "They are here again!"

The barrage that had just stabilized was filled with curses almost at the same time.

A screen is full of curses.

Little Sima's face was darker than the bottom of the pot, and the scolding seemed unbearable.

Ye Beichen casually fired a hundred super rockets and sent them out.

"If you have money, you can really do whatever you want as a presenter Xiao Sima Super Rocket x1."

"If you have money, you can really do whatever you want as a presenter Xiao Sima Super Rocket x2."


"If you have money, you can really do whatever you want as a presenter Xiao Sima Super Rocket x100."

One hundred super rockets blasted out, the barrage paused for a while, and cursed again.

This time, he not only scolded Xiao Sima, but also Ye Beichen.

"Mr. Ye, the technical department will work overtime tonight, and they will all be banned!"

Qian Shaocheng obviously also saw the barrage, and his tone was aggrieved.

Ye Beichen smiled coldly, and said, "Banning, hehe, they won't be satisfied with banning. Shaocheng, how many people can the TV server handle?"


Qian Shaocheng obviously didn't expect Ye Beichen to ask this question suddenly, he was surprised, and quickly said, "Boss Ye, don't you mean it?"

"Don't worry about it, you don't know. You just need to tell me how many people my TV server can handle!"

Qian Shaocheng didn't ask any more questions, and answered honestly: "Before Wei Kun made the decision, I watched TV. I didn't have any requirements for the hardware, as long as I could get by. But I heard that the Chen family and the Lin family invested another sum of money in this change of ownership. Added servers. Now, according to my estimation, it can withstand 300 million people online at the same time. If it exceeds 400 million, the server will definitely crash."

"Okay, then follow the 500 million!"

Being scolded, Ye Beichen has no reason not to fight back.

Even his family members have scolded him, so it's not just as simple as fighting back!

 Here comes the update.There is another chapter, let’s not talk about time, I cry, 5555555
  Thanks for tipping Window 100 towards Northwest.

(End of this chapter)

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