The strongest god in the city

Chapter 216 It's About Time to Act

Chapter 216 It's About Time to Act

I watch the TV headquarters, the president's office.

At this time, although it was already approaching nine o'clock, Chen Luo and Lin Ruoyuan did not leave, but sat opposite each other, holding a glass of red wine in one hand, sipping quietly.

the other hand...

Well, the movements of the two are almost the same, they are both groping around the beautiful woman beside them.

That's right, even in the president's office, neither of them gave up their hobbies, what kind of persistence is this!
To be precise, Lin Ruoyuan was brought into the Tao by Chen Luo, and the beauty was also matched by Chen Luo.

Even though Lin Ruoyuan was the young master of the Lin family, he was still picking up customers at the 4S store before, why was he so unrestrained?This is something he didn't even dare to think about before.

Now he just wants to say... Cool!This is life!
Whether it's Chen Luo or Lin Ruoyuan, neither of them is the president of I Watch TV, they are just nominal consultants, but their power is many times greater than that of the president Pan Linsheng.

For example, now, the two are leaning against the sofa, with red wine in their left hands and beautiful women in their right.But Pan Linsheng, who was in his early forties, obediently stood aside, ready to pour wine for the two of them at any time.

What the president did was useless enough.

At this time, the phone on the desk rang.

Pan Linsheng looked at Chen Luo asking for instructions, and seeing Chen Luo nodded, he walked over to answer the phone cleanly.

"Hello, I'm Pan Linsheng. Um...very good, I see."

After answering the phone, Pan Linsheng came back with a flattering smile on his face.

"Young Master Luo, Young Master Lin, your ideas are too powerful! I admire you!"

As he said that, he gave a thumbs up, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Hmph, Ruoyuan and I, just one of them, can crush Qian Shaocheng in IQ. Adding the two together, even the entire Hukou TV is not enough to watch!"

Chen Luo smiled triumphantly, tasted the red wine, and asked casually, "Tell me, what's the situation now?"

Chen Luo could do whatever he wanted, but Pan Linsheng didn't dare.

He smiled flatteringly again, and said, "Young Master Luo, your guess is correct. The navy we arranged appeared once every 5 minutes, and Hukou TV was already in trouble, and the popularity of the live broadcast room dropped sharply. Moreover, through your What a clever way, I think the traffic of TV is growing crazily, and the number of active users is about to break through the 150 million mark!"

"good, very good, excellent!"

Chen Luo praised three times, raised his glass and clinked a glass with Lin Ruoyuan, the two drank it down in one gulp, both burst into laughter.

What is the trick that Pan Linsheng is talking about?
Secretly advertise!

Before a wave of naval scolding, first chat privately and send out a wave of small advertisements.

What I watch TV live broadcast of beautiful women, what I watch TV live broadcast of beautiful women, the spring is in full bloom.

And so on, be more explicit, more explicit.In short, it is to attract people to me to watch TV.

This is not a clever way, it is shameless to be caught by what Ye Beichen did in Dou Sha!
The technicians of Hukou TV are busy banning the abusive trolls, how can they have time to monitor this information?
Not to mention, although this method is shameless, it did attract many hungry wolves who were hungry in the middle of the night.

Watching TV is interesting enough for me, and I don't make false advertisements.

Relying on the background of Chen Luo and Lin Ruoyuan, I watched the two beautiful anchors featured on TV tonight, but they challenged the bottom line of the scale all the time.

On the side, Lin Ruoyuan thought for a while and asked, "Young Master Luo, our server can only accommodate 200 million people, should we add some servers tomorrow?"

Chen Luo frowned: "Server? We've almost used up our funds this time? Are we going to invest again? Old Pan, what do you think?"

This owner obviously doesn't want to invest any more money, but also wants to make a lot of money from it.

Pan Linsheng didn't dare to answer randomly.

"Shao Luo, I think what Lin Shao said makes sense. After all, our popularity is getting better and better, and there are more and more recharge users. At that time, you and Lin Shaoke will become business myths when we plan a wave of listing. Already!"

"Haha, it makes sense and makes sense!"

Chen Luo laughed loudly, grabbed the cigars on the table, threw one to Pan Linsheng, and asked the beautiful woman next to him to light one for him, before saying, "That's it, you go to add servers tomorrow, according to... yes Now, what is the server capacity of Hukou TV?"

"2000 million!" Pan Linsheng replied without any hesitation.

But Chen Luo snorted coldly, and said, "That bastard from Hukou dares to pay 2000 million, how can we be worse than him? Alright, you pay 100 million! Just to tell Ye Beichen, we just want to suppress him One head!"

"Young master Luo is wise!"

Pan Linsheng flattered again.

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to flatter. As for adding servers indiscriminately and causing the servers to be idle, I don't blame him.

The young master is having fun, how can he spoil the fun?
But Chen Luo waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, you go out first, Ruoyuan and I have something to discuss."

"Okay, Young Master Luo. Then Young Master Luo and Young Master Lin, I'll go to the technical department first."

Pan Linsheng understood, and immediately left the CEO's office.

When the office door was closed, Chen Luo glanced at Lin Ruoyuan who was confused, and said with a smile, "Ruoyuan, are you here for a friendly match?"

"Friendly match?"

Lin Ruoyuan was taken aback for a moment, but saw Chen Luo's gaze sweeping back and forth on the two beauties, and he immediately understood.

"Can you still play like this?"

"What do you think? Hahaha... In the future, follow my brother and me, there will only be more tricks!"

Chen Luo laughed, got up and pulled the beautiful woman beside Lin Ruoyuan into his arms.

On the other end, Ye Beichen hung up the phone, glanced at the curses on the bullet screen, and smiled coldly.

After logging onto Weibo, Ye Beichen quickly wrote a message and sent it out.

"Are you still worried about having no money to eat and can only eat soil? Are you still depressed because you have no money to buy a house and can't marry a wife? Are you still crying every night because you have no money and are hanged everywhere? It’s okay, I have it! Come and watch TV and find me, I’ll wait for you in the most lively live broadcast room! I send a sentence every minute, as long as you are the first to leave a message under this Weibo, 500 million will be yours If you are rich, you are so self-willed!"

After sending the message, Ye Beichen downloaded I Watch TV while refreshing Weibo.

The first refresh, only dozens of replies.

The second refresh, there are thousands more replies.

Refresh for the third time, and the replies have exceeded [-].

Fourth refresh...

When Ye Beichen finished downloading the client and registered the account, the replies had already exceeded one million.

"It's still not enough."

Ye Beichen muttered to himself, thought for a while, and posted another Weibo.

"Add a note. Forward the last Weibo, and I will draw ten lucky winners after the event. The reward is still 500 million!"

What does Ye Beichen want?It's popularity, enough to destroy my popularity for watching TV at once!
Sure enough, when he posted his second Weibo within a minute, the previous Weibo had been retweeted over a million times, and the number of comments exceeded 1 million.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen smiled evilly: "It's almost time to act!"

 This chapter adds updates to Shuofeng V Wanshou.

  Thank you Lord Grim for the 100 reward.

  It's a new week, weakly ask for a recommendation ticket, then greedily ask for a wave of rewards, and hit the list...

(End of this chapter)

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