The strongest god in the city

Chapter 217 Why Are You So Stuck

Chapter 217 Why Are You So Stuck (Please recommend a ticket)

At this time, the one on the main TV list I watch is Yimeng, a beautiful anchor who has just been poached from Hukou TV.

Ye Beichen saw Yimeng's ecstatic dance without clicking on the live broadcast.

Ye Beichen smacked his lips unconsciously. With this size, he was almost naked, right?
I still watch TV cow B ah!
Enough anger!
Thinking so, he clicked to open Yimeng's live broadcast room, but found that he didn't enter after clicking twice.It wasn't until the third time that he finally entered the live broadcast room.

Looking at it, the barrage has already been occupied by him.

"The emperor is mighty."

"Worship the emperor."

"Wait for the emperor to speak."

"Following, please invite the emperor to make a grand debut!"


It's true that the name has arrived before the person arrives.

He, Ye Beichen, had only just appeared, and it was already difficult to find a discussion about Yimeng in the barrage.

There are nearly 200 million people in the live broadcast room, and the real popularity is about 80 million, but there is no way to talk about it.

It can be seen how many audiences came because of Ye Beichen.

In fact, Ye Beichen also forgot one thing - he is already famous, even the 80 million fans who originally belonged to Yimeng also followed his Weibo.

How do you choose between a bonus of 500 million and pleasing the goddess?
Goddess can please tomorrow, the shop will disappear after the bonus has passed this village.

Besides, after taking the bonus and giving some gifts to the goddess, the goddess must also like it, right?

Over a million people swipe the screen together, the power can be imagined.

Looking around, one screen is completely occupied, and if you want to watch the live broadcast, you can only turn off the barrage.

However, Ye Beichen was still not satisfied.

Although it was a bit stuck just now, and it will be even more stuck in a few minutes, but how could it be that what he wants is just a freeze?

He smiled coldly, typed out a sentence and sent it out.

Too deep to have no friends: The barrage is not enthusiastic enough.

Those who came with the nickname of the deity, even though they were quickly washed away, many people still saw the news of Ye Beichen.

To Ye Beichen's surprise, the bullet screen suddenly disappeared by half after he spoke.

How is this going?Can you do it against him?
Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, and he refreshed his Weibo casually, sweating coldly.

Well, I saw that there were nearly [-] more replies below the event Weibo, all of which were what he just said - the barrage is not enthusiastic enough.

From the first reply to the last reply, the difference was less than three seconds.

Nearly 100 replies, three seconds, compared with the more than [-] million active users in the live broadcast room, already accounted for one-tenth.

It can be seen that there are quite a few sharp-eyed people waiting.

The reason why Ye Beichen was sweating was that he really just wanted to make the barrage more lively, but unexpectedly he was taken seriously and picked out the first sentence.

Well, 500 million, nothing to say.

At this time, Ye Beichen looked at the live broadcast room, and the barrage became even crazier.

But the difference is that in front of the barrage, there seems to be a resistance blocking it, making the barrage scroll much slower than before.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen smiled.

resistance?It was stuck, and it was getting stuck.

After seeing the nearly 300 million popularity in the live broadcast room, Ye Beichen turned off the barrage and found that Yimeng's dance also faltered.

When the server couldn't keep up, Yimeng, who was still dancing briskly, seemed to be dancing a mechanical dance at the moment.

Click to move, stop again, click to move again.

It's jumping so hard that I can't even shake it, so what do you think?
Don't think about it, the audience who originally just watched the live broadcast must be full of slots.

You let me watch this?Can't you give me time?
There is no other way but to close your eyes and rely on your brain to make up for it.

Everything in front of me has become dull...

Cough, crooked, crooked, this style is wrong!
In short, after a bit of thinking, they simply vented their dissatisfaction on the barrage.

Barrage, even slower.

The screen moved for a long time.

This is a sign of collapse at any time.

With victory in sight, Ye Beichen showed a satisfied smile.


not enough.

Ye Beichen chuckled, and typed out a paragraph again: "Why is my TV so slow? No money to add a server?"

Sure enough, as he expected, after he sent a paragraph, the stuttering of the barrage suddenly eased a lot, and the screen turned into a mechanical dance of clicking.

Ye Beichen refreshed Weibo.

That's a cow!

More than 20 messages were replied in three seconds!

This is the hand speed that can only be achieved after being single for many years!

Suppressing the admiration in his heart, Ye Beichen glanced at the popularity in the live broadcast room, and couldn't help laughing.

The popularity of Yimeng's live broadcast room alone has reached 350 million!
But the popularity of my TV watching is all in Yimeng's live broadcast room?

surely not.

I watch TV no matter how rubbish it is, there are quite a few anchors, everyone has a few fans, and together they can be compared with Yimeng.

At this time, Ye Beichen guessed that, excluding the agreement number, I think the true popularity of the entire TV platform must have exceeded 350 million.

Qian Shaocheng said that if the popularity exceeds 400 million, I think the TV server will definitely crash.

At this time, 350 million people are 50 people away from collapse.

50 million is a lot?
Isn't there Ye Beichen's raise?
Popular Weibo owners will call on fans to like them, and even their parents and aunts will give them likes if they are not popular.

After liking it, seeing the content on Weibo, can you still resist coming to watch TV with me?

Such a spread, let alone 50, 500 million is easy!
At this time, the barrage frantically swiped, and the content made Ye Beichen dumbfounded.

It turned out to be Yishui's support for him to buy me to watch TV.

"I can watch TV if I like it? Hehehe."

Ye Beichen was talking to himself, his tone was extremely brisk, and Pan Linsheng and the entire technical department at the other end were already in a hurry.

"Mr. Pan, the number of active users has reached 380 million, and the server is almost overwhelmed."

"Mr. Pan, the barrage in Yimeng's live broadcast room is too crazy, and the amount of information has exceeded the critical point. Come up with a solution."

"President Pan..."


Hearing the alarms sounding in his ears one by one, Pan Linsheng felt so irritable that his head grew bigger.

He shouted angrily, and after calming everyone down, he asked in a deep voice, "How many people can our server support?"

"Suppressing 20. And there are too many information flows, which have exceeded the limit that the server can come out. It may happen at any time..."

Listening to the stammering report from the director of the technical department, Pan Linsheng's back was instantly drenched with sweat.

Can it accommodate up to 20 people?
In normal times, it may be a trivial matter, after all, there is not much popularity in normal times.

But today, the popularity skyrocketed by tens of thousands every minute, how many minutes would it take to reach 20?

"It must be Hukou TV! It must be their sailors! But how dare they find millions of sailors to make trouble?"

At this moment, a technician suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Mr. Pan, the source has been found. It is Haohuang. Haohuang is doing activities on Weibo, and the address is our platform!"

Hearing this, Pan Linsheng couldn't react for a long time.

 Here comes the update.

  Uh... Thanks to the rich actor Wanshang.

  The local tyrant is mighty!Must... add more...

  Thank you Pikachu 1998 for the reward, thank you.

  Thank you Li Kuanglan for being a little trash. 100 rewards, um, not bad.

  On Monday, continue to recommend tickets and give rewards to the list, please send me to the list...

  The next chapter... I don't say
(End of this chapter)

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