Chapter 218
"Haohuang? Impossible! He was still helping Hukou TV to recruit people a few days ago, how could he help us advertise, and it was free!"

Pan Linsheng asked with staring eyes full of distrust.


The technician opened his eyes, and said with a bitter face: "Mr. Pan, you may have misunderstood. Hao Huang is not advertising for us, but... harming us."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Pan Linsheng felt that his IQ had been insulted.

How could a local tyrant, who is majestic and can spill hundreds of millions of soft sister coins with a wave of his hand, be so ruthless...


Pan Linsheng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted: "You inform all the anchors and delete all the agreement numbers. Also, kick me offline for some inactive users! Hurry up!"

After speaking, he quickly rushed out of the office and walked to the elevator.

At this time, his mind was extremely clear.

Haohuang, it is the Haohuang who scatter soft sister coins at the Hukou TV press conference, and the same Haohuang who maliciously poached people a few days ago and advertised for Hukou TV in the Dousha TV live broadcast room!

On someone else's platform, in someone else's live broadcast room, Shenhao, who is admired by everyone, put aside his identity and actually put up a small advertisement. What other words can be used to describe such behavior, other than shameless?

Hmm... Also, vile, shameless, indecent... etc., etc., there are too many adjectives.

Of course, Pan Linsheng didn't think of Ye Beichen's shameless behavior before he came to the conclusion that Ye Beichen was causing trouble.Rather... Isn't there two similar shameless people in his CEO's office?

Chen Luo and Lin Ruoyuan, young masters from two big families, can obviously play with Hukou TV in a fair manner, but they are obsessed with posting small advertisements.

With Chen Luo and Lin Ruoyuan as examples, Pan Linsheng had to admit that he thought too much about the rich and lofty.

Arriving outside the CEO's office, Pan Linsheng stretched out his hand to knock on the door, but quickly withdrew his hand in fright.

It took less than 10 minutes for him to leave. The two young masters should not be over yet, right?
He thought for a while, leaned over and put his ear on the door.

It's so quiet, hasn't it started yet?

Pan Linsheng hesitated for a moment, then reached out and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Luo's lazy voice came from the office.

Without any further hesitation, Pan Linsheng stretched out his hand to open the door and walked in.

Chen Luo and Lin Ruoyuan were still sitting opposite each other, both lazily leaning on the sofa.Next to the two, there was a beautiful woman holding wine glasses for them.

Pan Linsheng felt that something was wrong, and when he recalled in his mind, he remembered that the two beauties seemed to have switched places.

Looking carefully, although the two beauties had smiles on their faces, their brows were slightly wrinkled.

Pan Linsheng was secretly slandering, when Chen Luo said with a little displeasure: "Old Pan, what's the matter with you?"

Pan Linsheng was startled when he heard the words, he quickly collected his mind, and said indignantly: "Young Master Luo, the Haohuang has messed up!"

"The emperor? Ye Beichen's people?"

Chen Luo stared, stood up abruptly, and quickly asked, "What the hell is he doing? Does he still want to take over our platform?"

The only thing Chen Luo hasn't figured out so far is the identity of the emperor.

According to the clues, Haohuang is Ye Beichen.

But logically speaking, his father judged that Haohuang was not Ye Beichen.

Because, if Haohuang and Ye Beichen are the same person, it is impossible to explain why Ye Beichen suddenly has a lot of money.

He guessed that behind Ye Beichen, there was a remarkable person standing!
It was precisely because of this that the Chen family and the Lin family did not act rashly.

I have to say that empiricism kills people!
Being stared at by Chen Luo, Pan Linsheng didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately replied: "Young Master Luo, Haohuang is holding an event on our platform, give away 500 million!"

"What! Is there such a good thing? Has he lost his mind?"

Chen Luo asked in surprise, Lin Ruoyuan on the side also couldn't react for a long time.

What is rhythm?How to help their platform gain popularity?
Pan Linsheng was about to cry, it was exactly as he thought.

"Shao Luo, that's not the case. He called a large number of Weibo fans to join our platform, a total of several million people! But our server can only support 300 million people, and if there are more, it will freeze. More than 400 million, then..."

"Then what? Will it explode?"

"It won't blow up, but it's more serious than blowing up! Luo Shao, if the server blows up, we can still explain it, but the server is directly paralyzed and unable to log in, then... it's really over!"

When Pan Linsheng said this, his face seemed to be covered with a bitter gourd, a vivid bitter gourd face.

Hearing this, Chen Luo was instantly furious.

He reached out and grabbed the wine glass in the hand of the beautiful woman beside him, slammed it on the ground, and said coldly: "Ye Beichen! Haohuang! You are very good! How dare you make trouble on our platform! Good, very good! Ruoyuan, we will do it too!" Events, we also give away! I don’t believe it, we do it together, it’s not as good as him alone! We also want to paralyze Hukou TV!”

"Okay, isn't it just money! Who is afraid of whom!"

Lin Ruoyuan is also a bachelor, without even thinking about it, he took out his phone and wanted to post on Weibo.

Seeing this, Pan Linsheng hurried forward and stopped Lin Ruoyuan's movements.

"Young Master Lin, you can't do it! You can't do this!"

"Why? Why can Hukou TV but we can't?" Lin Ruoyuan stared and asked coldly.

Pan Linsheng's cheeks twitched, and he said with a mournful face, "Because the Hukou TV server can handle at least 2000 million people! Where can we find tens of millions of people to fill the Hukou?"


Both Chen Luo and Lin Ruoyuan were dumbfounded.

After a long time, Chen Luo licked his chapped lips and asked softly, "If the server crashes... how long will it take to fix it?"

"It can be fixed within an hour."

Hearing this answer, Chen Luo breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's okay, after an hour, Wuzhao, Dianniu, will be dating."

When Pan Linsheng heard this, his head was full of black lines.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell Chen Luo the truth.

"Shao Luo... If our server crashes, no more than one-tenth of the viewers will wait for it to be repaired. It is more likely that they will either sleep or go to another platform to watch the live broadcast. After all, the live broadcast platform is not just ours."

"You mean we're just going to end the game tonight? The beauty anchor we put a lot of effort into tonight crashed along with the server crash?"

Chen Luo asked, her voice getting higher and higher.

At the end, he kicked Pan Linsheng to the ground violently, and shouted angrily: "I paid you a lot of money, and you gave me this result? Huh? Even a small problem can't be solved. Do you think we are fools? Get out! Get out now!"

Pan Linsheng got up from the ground in a panic, and wanted to say something, but Chen Luo shouted again: "Get out!"

Seeing this, Pan Linsheng gritted his teeth, turned around and left.

It wasn't until Pan Linsheng walked away that Chen Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly, "Ruoyuan, let's say that what happened today was planned by Pan Linsheng, and we were just bewitched. Do you understand?"

 Here comes the update.

  Thanks for the reward of Shenzhen-Hong Kong 1597, thank you for the reward of A-Mama 988, thank you for your persistence, (I can’t type in Korean) 100 for the reward, thank you, um, which 99 for the reward.

  Let me tell you a few words, the word count of this book has exceeded 45, and it is getting closer and closer to the shelves.After staying for more than three months, the author's mentality became worse and worse, and he became more and more anxious. He was worried that the results of the shelf would be too poor, and that months of hard work would be in vain. The anxiety caused the plot to collapse.Therefore, if there is something that is not well written and you don't like it, I sincerely hope that you can bring it up. The author doesn't want to be on the shelves soon, and lose readers who can catch up here.

  Thank you all for sticking around here.

  There is another chapter, more at twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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