The strongest god in the city

Chapter 219 I See 1 Raw Black

Chapter 219 I've Seen Black All My Life
The technical department didn't know that Pan Linsheng had left, and it didn't know that Chen Luo had sinisterly put all the blame on Pan Linsheng.

However, all this has nothing to do with them, and they have no time to take care of it.

At this time, the technical department was filled with shouts from technical director Sun Ming.

"All protocol numbers are offline!"

"I kicked the number without grade! Don't worry about it so much!"

"What? You're still online after kicking? Then... block it! Block it for me!"

"Don't worry so much! Those with the same IP will be dealt with as malicious registration, and the IP will be blocked by me! All machine codes will be blocked!"

"The server is about to burst, and Boss Pan still hasn't answered the phone!"

"Are you stupid, why have you blocked all the eighty-level accounts! Unlock it for me!"

"Fuck you, you even blocked the house management, do you want to block the host as well?"


Sun Ming was sweating profusely and his voice was hoarse.

Dozens of employees under him were in a hurry.

But apart from making the technical department jump around and messing up the live broadcast platform, the pressure on the server hardly eased.

The entire platform has long been stuck, showing signs of collapsing at any time.

At this time, a technician asked weakly: "Director Sun, can we seal... the Emperor?"


When Sun Ming heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that? The Emperor Hao is making trouble on our platform, and we should seal him. As long as the source of the Emperor Hao is sealed, the whole world will be clean! But..."

When Sun Ming said this, he felt a little embarrassed.

The person sitting opposite was, after all, a real local tyrant.If one is not careful, the consequences can be serious.

He hesitated for a moment, then called Pan Linsheng again, but no one answered.

"what the hell!"

Sun Ming cursed secretly, gritted his teeth, and spat out a word viciously: "Feng!"


In Villa No. [-] of Amethyst Yufu, Ye Beichen was speechless as he watched the swaying barrage.

Didn't Qian Shaocheng say that 400 million people are bound to collapse?
I see that after the agreement number was taken down, the popularity of TV decreased, and it was quickly replenished by active users. It has infinitely approached the 400 million mark. Why doesn't it collapse?

After thinking for a while, Ye Beichen sent out a bullet screen, saying, "Mud can't support the wall! A good platform, even servers can't be afforded, and there is still money to pay the anchor?"

After saying this, the barrage slowed down for three seconds, and then rushed out at a faster speed.

"I watch TV crap!"

"Support Hao Huang to buy me to watch TV."

"Support Haohuang to buy it, I watch TV and throw it away."

"The emperor is mighty."


Countless barrages rushed out, and the speed became slower and slower.

Suddenly, the screen froze, and Ye Beichen was stuck out of the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen was overjoyed, and thought, "Did the server crash?"

He tried to click a few times, but found that he couldn't click in at all, so he couldn't help laughing.

I watched TV and finally broke down!

However, when he refreshed Weibo a few times, his face immediately became gloomy.

In the Weibo message, besides many replies to what he just said, there are many other messages.

"Where did the emperor go?"

"Why is the emperor gone?"

"Hao Huang ran away?"


Not one person was asking, but thousands of people asked the same question—how did Ye Beichen go offline?
In addition, there are also many complaints, saying that they cannot be on my TV.

After summarizing the message, Ye Beichen came to a conclusion - he was banned and kicked off the assembly line!

He, Ye Beichen, was actually kicked off the assembly line?I am really brave enough to watch TV!
However, the gloom only lasted for a second, and a sinister smile appeared on Ye Beichen's face again.

"Chen Luo, Chen Luo, I still can't find an excuse to slander you, but you came here yourself."

Mumbling to himself, Ye Beichen felt that it was time to post a Weibo.

"Oh, the dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. I don't hesitate to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make an advertisement for me to watch TV. I didn't expect that the server I watched TV was so stuck that it didn't matter, but it actually kicked me off." It’s offline. Hehehe, I watch TV, and I’ve been black forever. From now on, I’ll never log in to watch TV again!”

After writing this passage, Ye Beichen read it himself, and then modified it a little.It wasn't until reading it that fans felt that he had been greatly wronged, so they nodded in satisfaction and sent the Weibo out.

As soon as the Weibo was sent out, the comments immediately went viral.

What, Haohuang was kicked?
I watched TV and dared to seal the account of Haohuang?

Haohuang spends hundreds of millions of dollars for activities, but I watch TV and still bite back?
The garbage server can't support millions of people!
The complaints in the comments lasted for more than a minute, and soon one by one complained - they were also banned!

This was fun, not only Ye Beichen's account was blocked, but even the accounts of ordinary viewers were blocked by tens of thousands.

Why do I watch TV, I think you are so bold!

After a while, the trend of the message turned again, and the banned message was covered by another topic-I think the TV server crashed!

Happy to run, happy to hear and see!

Ye Beichen struck while the iron was hot and posted another Weibo.

"I watch TV, you block my account, I have no problem. But you have blocked millions of accounts of ordinary viewers. I watch TV, what do you want to do!"

As soon as the Weibo was posted, it immediately attracted a lot of support.

Below the message, I have been watching TV for a lifetime.

The fermenting power of Weibo is very powerful, and within a short while, a message rushed to the top of the trending search - I see millions of TV titles!

Once this hot search spread, it became more and more exaggerated.

Hukou TV immediately launched a troll, pretending to be I Watch TV users to support, complaining that their accounts with dozens of levels were blocked, and uninstalled I Watch TV from then on, and never logged in again.

The incident was repeatedly exaggerated. Just 10 minutes later, I watched TV blocked the accounts of millions of users, and the news that the server was still crashing spread on Weibo.

There are very few Weibo users who support me to watch TV. Just after speaking, they are too scared to speak by countless abuses.

Even with the support of the navy, they were attacked by Ye Beichen's angry fans and were helpless.

Blocking someone's way of making money is like killing one's parents!

If I watch TV the server is more powerful, if I watch TV without random account banning, the next 500 million is likely to be theirs!
How can they not be angry!
I looked at the TV technology department, looking at the already pitch-black screen, Sun Ming sighed, and said, "Let's fix it, let's count as far as we can."

At this time, a technician refreshed Weibo casually, and he was so scared that he almost dropped his phone.

"Director Sun, something happened!"

Sun Ming was startled, and asked weakly: "The server has crashed, what else can happen?"

The technician quickly handed the mobile phone to Sun Ming. Sun Ming almost vomited blood when he saw it.

Crowdfunding was actually launched on Weibo, and the crowdfunding was tens of millions, smashing the headquarters of I Watch TV.

And crowdfunding funds have reached more than 800 million!
This is the rhythm of running quickly!
 Here comes the update.

  This chapter adds more rewards for (σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ good friends.

  End today, continue tomorrow.

  Finally ask for a wave of recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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