The strongest god in the city

Chapter 220: Flower-picking thief?

Chapter 220: Flower-picking thief?

"Hehe, this 100 million is super worth it! Hahahaha..."

He casually added 100 million to crowdfunding, seeing that everyone's goal had been achieved, Ye Beichen couldn't help laughing.

Crowdfunding tens of thousands of dollars to watch the TV headquarters, and it was all raised within ten minutes!

Although the biggest possibility is that no one will really smash it, but I think TV is destined to be a laughing stock in the live broadcast industry and go down in history.

In the future, as long as anyone mentions me to watch TV again, I will definitely be reprimanded by others.

In a flash of his brain, tens of millions of accounts were blocked, and the headquarters was smashed by crowdfunding. 1000 million was completed in ten minutes. How much public resentment did this arouse?How dark it is!

After this catastrophe, if I can still watch TV, Ye Beichen will lose.

If you dare to mess with him, Ye Beichen, and insult him together, then get ready to be broken!

Opening the Hukou TV client, Ye Beichen clicked into Hongyun's live broadcast room, and found that the navy had disappeared.

It should be the reason why I watched TV suffered heavy blows, lost a lot, and had no one to direct.

After being attacked and abused by the trolls, the popularity of Hongyun's live broadcast room increased instead of falling.

And the beauty anchor Hong Yun was like a normal person, and she continued her live broadcast, which made Ye Beichen take a high look.

Well, it's okay to take a few more glances.

Ye Beichen's eyes looked at Hong Yun from head to toe, and looked back and forth several times. He had to admit that Hong Yun's charm was much stronger than Xianer's.

Xian'er's charm is mostly deliberate.But the charm of the red rhyme seems to emanate naturally, there is no need to deliberately.

This woman cannot be provoked, or she will be sucked dry sooner or later.

After making up his mind, Ye Beichen brushed a hundred super rockets, and without waiting for Hong Yun to thank him, he directly exited the live broadcast room.

He went to Xiao Sima's live broadcast room to check again, and after confirming that there was no problem, he turned off the client.

"Alas... Life is really lonely like snow."

Ye Beichen took a puff of his cigarette, and suddenly his eyes froze.

There is noise outside the window!
There are thieves!

No, his room is brightly lit, could he be a fool?
Thinking of this, he walked easily to the window, and looked at the small courtyard downstairs through the gap in the curtains.

Through the moonlight, Ye Beichen happened to see a man in black jumping off the courtyard wall, rolling on the ground, half squatting on the ground, and looking around.

Do you think there are traps in my house?
Ye Beichen complained in his heart, thinking it was wrong, why did he still think about the thief when a thief came into his house?
However, this black dress really made Ye Beichen play too much.

I saw the man in black downstairs looking around, and after confirming that there was no danger, he walked forward little by little.

Well, it is indeed a little bit, moving at a constant speed of about five centimeters at a time.

Ye Beichen speculated that it would take about half an hour for the other party to move from the courtyard wall to the door...

After watching it for a while, he almost swears.

Not only did the opponent save almost the same amount of movement, but the interval between each time was almost the same.

This thief, I'm afraid he has obsessive-compulsive disorder!

While complaining in his heart, Ye Beichen left the window, opened the bedroom door and walked downstairs.

He felt that it was necessary for him to help the man in black so that he would not collapse in his yard from exhaustion.

When he came to the living room downstairs, Ye Beichen opened the door a little and looked out, his scalp felt numb.

The man in black is gone!
Could it be that there are ghosts!
Ye Beichen gritted his teeth, pulled them away and rushed out.

Looking around, there was no trace of the man in black.

Really ghosts!

The next moment, a rustling sound came from above Ye Beichen's head.

Ye Beichen looked up and saw that it was the man in black!The man in black actually climbed up to the window on the second floor and was opening the window!

That's Yuxin's room!
Ye Beichen was furious immediately, the man in black was trying to kill him!

Yuxin is very unruly when she sleeps, she will reveal something every now and then, if you see it, it's okay!

Ye Beichen didn't hesitate any longer, and said coldly, "What are you doing!"

As soon as the shout came out, the man in black trembled in fright, lost his grip on one, and fell straight down with a cry of "ah".

Just when the face of the man in black was about to touch the ground, Ye Beichen was surprised to find that the man twisted his body quickly and landed on his back!

Ye Beichen's eyes were fixed, this is a master.

A master thief?It can't be so unscrupulous, right?
The next moment Ye Beichen thought of the flower picker. Although he had no morals, his pursuit was much better than that of a thief.

But this, Ye Beichen absolutely can't bear it!

It was only a moment to think about it in my heart, and the man in black also got up at this moment, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Want to run?"

Ye Beichen sneered, and kicked the man in black on the back with a flying kick.

Ye Beichen won't worry if he doesn't teach him a lesson.

The man in black seemed to sense something, and quickly twisted his waist, letting Ye Beichen kick in the air.

"Huh? Can this also hide?"

Surprised, Ye Beichen slapped him with his backhand.

The man in black kept silent, and greeted him with a punch.

The next moment, the man in black was even more shocked.

His fist hit Ye Beichen's palm like a ball of cotton, and he couldn't exert any force at all.Not only that, but there is a tendency to sink.

It was Ye Beichen who performed Taijiquan, twisting his palm and dragging the opponent's palm.

Taking advantage of the other party's lack of reaction, Ye Beichen raised his other hand and slapped the man in black on the face.

With a crisp sound of "pa", the man in black was slapped with stars in his eyes.

Even so, Ye Beichen was still not satisfied.

How do you know you're afraid when you don't feel the pain anymore?How do you know that some places cannot be entered casually, and some people cannot be provoked casually?
No, he, Ye Beichen, can't be messed with if he doesn't carelessly!

I saw Ye Beichen took the man in black's fist and hit him on the nose.

Even through the black clothes, Ye Beichen could still imagine the scene of the other party's nosebleeds.

However, Ye Beichen was still not satisfied!

I saw Ye Beichen's hands protruding like lightning, his left hand seemed to flash with lightning, and his right hand seemed to hold endless rules. These hands containing powerful energy kept bombarding the face of the man in black.

Hmm... To put it simply, it's slapping, the kind where one slaps past and the other slaps back.

Under Ye Beichen's ruthless torture, the man in black wanted to die, and couldn't stop...

(Men in Black: Who are you talking about?)


Finally, the man in black couldn't bear it anymore, shouted angrily, covered his face with his hands, and quickly jumped away.


Ye Beichen didn't step forward, but looked at the other party lightly, he wanted to see what big moves the man in black could make.

It turns out that he thought too much.

The man in black angrily took off his face scarf and shouted angrily, "I'll just deliver a takeaway, do you need to hit me like the woman who robbed you!"

Under the black facecloth was a face... I don't know how to describe it.If I had to describe it, it would probably be a scene where a variety of purples and reds are blooming on a piece of black land.

Through all the purple and red, what Ye Beichen saw was an old face.

He was still an old man.

Delivery?Who would believe it!
 The update is here... sorry for the lateness.

  Thank you for the silent 999 reward in the silent place, thank you for the 588 reward in the small woods, and thank you for the rewards of TAT and H100.

  I got promoted in the first round of PK on mobile QQ, and entered the second round which made me kneel twice in a row.Really... there are shadows.If it is eliminated again, it may be notified that it will be put on the shelves the next day...

  Next chapter, around nine o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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