The strongest god in the city

Chapter 224 1 Must Be Needed

Chapter 224
Sun Kunpeng's words made Yang Qi frown.

"Xiaoqi, don't worry about it. Although Young Master Sun is a little proud, he is a very good person. After you followed him, wouldn't Young Master Sun take care of the family affairs with a single word?"

Hearing Tang Siling's comfort, Yang Qi silently lowered his head, and let out a faint "hmm" through his breath.

Seeing this, Tang Siling smiled indifferently, and turned her gaze to Sun Kunpeng and Ye Beichen again.

"Take it, Brother Ye, take a taxi home, and you can still see my lawyer. Hahaha..."

Sun Kunpeng smiled wildly, only he knew the satisfaction in his heart.

He couldn't be more impressed with Ye Beichen.

At the beginning, he wanted to harm the female students in Ye Beichen's class, but Ye Beichen slapped her several times in public, and kicked her on the ground like a dog.

The ridicule in my ears at that time seems to be still heard now.

But when he reported the matter to his parents, not only did he not get support, but he was dragged by his parents to come to apologize to Ye Beichen.

How ridiculous to apologize after being beaten!
After this incident, Sun Kunpeng planted the seeds of hatred towards Ye Beichen in his heart.

Times changed, and finally, the Ye family's business was over. Sun Kunpeng looked for opportunities to get back the business, but he never saw Ye Beichen again.

Today's opportunity came, how could he miss it so easily?
Ye Beichen squinted his eyes to see Sun Kunpeng's complacent appearance, and listened to his wild laughter, suddenly felt dull.

Only children can play this kind of tricks, right?

20 yuan to insult someone?Sun Kunpeng is too good at it, right?
"What? Too little?"

Seeing Ye Beichen's silence, Sun Kunpeng laughed and said, "Your family is going to get 300 million this time, right? Don't worry, there will be more in the future. As for the 20 yuan, just treat it as a little bit of my heart, and it can help you a little bit, right? You Don't think that 20 yuan is too little, you are worth it..."

Before Sun Kunpeng finished speaking, he saw Ye Beichen suddenly step forward, which made him take three steps back in a hurry.

"You... what are you doing? Do you still want to beat me?"

"Tsk tsk, grandson, I haven't seen you in a few years, are you still so timid?"

Speaking of this, Ye Beichen shook his head disdainfully: "Hit you? With your kidney-deficient body, I'm afraid I'll kill you with one punch. You can keep the 20 yuan, and you can use it later, um, It will come in handy. I promise."

After saying this, Ye Beichen ignored the other party and got into a taxi: "Let's drive."

Watching the taxi leave, Sun Kunpeng snorted coldly, walked towards Tang Siling and Yang Qi, and exaggeratedly said: "Just like him, I can hit ten of them. If he didn't run fast, I would give him one punch." He just got down on the ground. Huh, even if he ran fast, it would be unlucky for him to go home..."

Speaking of this, Sun Kunpeng suddenly stopped talking, his eyes narrowed, and a smile that he thought was pretty appeared on his face.

"This... is Xiao Qi's younger sister, right?"

This sentence, although trying to be calm, but the lewd light in his eyes has already betrayed him, and it happened to be seen by Yang Qi.

Yang Qi felt sad in his heart.

"What little sister Xiao Qi! She is the Yang Qi I told you about. Young Master Sun can just call her Xiao Qi." Tang Siling quickly took over the conversation.

Sun Kunpeng nodded slightly when he heard the words, looked Yang Qi up and down, and muttered to himself: "Xiao Qi, um...Xiao Qi."

Although Yang Qi is not stunning, and his figure is not as good as Tang Siling's, but that well-behaved appearance made Sun Kunpeng feel a desire to protect.

"Well, it should be quite cool if it is ravaged." Sun Kunpeng thought so.

Being watched unscrupulously by Sun Kunpeng, Yang Qi couldn't help lowering his head, and heard Tang Siling say: "Xiao Qi, why are you so shy? Young Master Sun will be your boyfriend in the future, this is what Uncle Yang meant. Call Sun Shao."


Yang Qi hesitated for a moment, and as soon as he opened his mouth to call for someone, Sun Kunpeng laughed and said, "What's your name, Young Master Sun? Call me Brother Peng. Xiao Qi, Brother Peng will treat you well in the future."

Yang Qi frowned in embarrassment, and finally only called "Brother Peng".

Hearing that Yang Qi didn't follow his wishes, Sun Kunpeng's face darkened, and he was about to explode.

Tang Siling hurriedly smoothed things over with a flattering smile: "Haha, our little Qi is shy, so please don't scare him, Young Master Sun. Well, well, we all know each other now. Young Master Sun, are you going to invite us to a big meal? It's been several hours since we ate."

"No problem. Just tell me what you want to eat."

Sun Kunpeng said arrogantly, thinking in his heart: "Why are you pretending to be pure with me? I have played with you, and I am much purer than you. When I leak a little money, why don't you kneel in front of me obediently!"

Seeing Tang Siling roll her eyes, she said, "Young Master Sun, I heard that Yulongji's dishes are pretty good, why not..."

Hearing the words Yulongji, Yang Qi's heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

I saw Sun Kunpeng waved his hand boldly, and said: "Okay, Yulongji! Let's go, Xiaoqi, Brother Peng will take you to a big meal."

Seeing that Yang Qi was still hesitating, Tang Siling grabbed her and whispered in her ear: "Let's go, Xiao Qi, it's best to let Zhu Jiazhen see it, and let him stop the toad from eating swan meat." idea!"


Yang Qi wanted to say something else, but Tang Siling forcefully pushed her towards the co-pilot: "Don't worry, Uncle Yang trusts you!"

Hearing this, Yang Qi sighed and got into the passenger seat...

On the way for the three of Sun Kunpeng to Yulongji, Ye Beichen had already arrived at the Lotus Apartment.

Lotus Apartment is very old, almost 20 years old.

After the Ye family's misfortune, all the properties were sold to pay off the debts, and they were almost destitute.

All relatives have almost cut off contact, and even the phone calls have been blocked.

The only ones who were willing to help were Wu Qinxue's parents - Ye Beichen's aunt and uncle's family.

My aunt and uncle took out the remaining [-] yuan in savings, but my mother, Wang Cuiqin, only took [-] yuan and rented the house.After that, he went to a restaurant to find a job to support his family.

From Kuotai to waiter, Wang Cuiqin never complained in front of Ye Beichen.

Before, Ye Beichen only kept it in his heart, never thinking that he could reverse his fate.

Now, standing outside the old lotus apartment, Ye Beichen was confident that he could change everything.

Those who harmed his Ye family will be punished.

Those relatives who avoid him, wait to regret it!

Entering the community, Ye Beichen came to the downstairs of the corner building and walked upstairs quickly.

The old community has only six floors and no elevator, and the house Wang Cuiqin rents is on the sixth floor.

Outside the door, Ye Beichen took a deep breath. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard his mother's scolding from inside the room: "I will definitely pay back the money, but I have to wait for my son to come back. I can't move this money!"

 Here comes the update.

  Thanks Lei 100 for the reward.

  By the way, are there still people watching... It feels like... there are only a few people
(End of this chapter)

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