The strongest god in the city

Chapter 225 What do you want to do

Chapter 225 What do you want to do (add more for the ignorant Shell Reward)

Hearing his mother Wang Cuiqin's voice, Ye Beichen felt his eyes dry and had the urge to cry.

Others have already been forced to go home, and they have already threatened to go to court if they don't pay back the money.

Will it just go to court?

For the Sun family's method, it will never be as simple as going to court.

Restlessness at home is doomed.

However, even so, his mother was unwilling to touch his 1000 million.Just because the source of the money was unknown, if Ye Beichen obtained it illegally, once he moved, Ye Beichen would be in a state of eternal doom.

How could Ye Beichen not understand mother's thoughts?

Don't think about it, my mother must be worried about him now, not the lawyer who forced him to come.

At this moment, a rough voice came from inside the house: "Wang Cuiqin, are you obsessed with obsession! Do you think it is difficult for us to do anything with the house you rented?"

Hearing this voice, Ye Beichen was instantly furious.

Sun family!How dare you!
Taking a deep breath, Ye Beichen pushed open the half-closed door.

"Do whatever you want, if you can walk out without delay, I will lose!"

Ye Beichen glanced coldly at the haughty man in the room, then looked at Wang Cuiqin, and said softly, "Mom, I'm back."

When Ye Beichen appeared suddenly, Wang Cuiqin was overjoyed at first, but soon his face darkened, and he asked seriously, "Xiaochen, where did you get your money from!"

At this time, Uncle Wu Siyuan and Aunt Ye Shan also hurried over, looking at Ye Beichen worriedly.

"Xiaochen, what's going on?"

"Yeah, why did you transfer so much money all of a sudden? You can't be..."

Hearing what Wu Siyuan and Ye Shan said, Wu Qinxue, who was hiding at the foot, couldn't help curling her lips, and whispered to herself: "I said that my cousin must have been spotted by a rich woman, and she denied it, hmph."

All eyes were on Ye Beichen, and Ye Beichen quickly took in the scene in the house.

No one can hide in the small living room of more than ten square meters.

At this time, in the living room, apart from the burly man, there was also a gentle man in a suit and leather shoes, who seemed to be a lawyer.

At the corner of the wall, there were two young young men who were flamboyant, leaning against the wall shaking their legs, looking sideways at Ye Beichen.

Eyes narrowed, Ye Beichen squeezed out a smile and said, "Mom, aunt, uncle, I will explain about the money later. Let's pay back the money first and let them leave."

"No! Make it clear first, or you won't be able to move a penny!" Wang Cuiqin said firmly.

I swear that if I don't make it clear, I will never give up.

Ye Beichen smiled wryly, and said in embarrassment: "Mom, I earned the money myself. As for how I earned it, I don't need to tell outsiders, right?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the burly man and the lawyer, and found that the other party had been listening carefully.

Hearing this, Wang Cuiqin frowned, apparently hesitant.

Uncle Wu Siyuan seemed to have made up his mind, and he persuaded: "Sister-in-law, I think, let's send them away first. Xiaochen was raised by us, and he is not a child who messes around."

"That's right, sister-in-law, Xiao Chen is a good boy and won't do anything illegal." Ye Shan also hurriedly helped.

Hearing the two people's persuasion, Wang Cuiqin didn't nod immediately, but stared at Ye Beichen for a long time, and when she saw Ye Beichen was calm and fearless, she nodded slowly: "Okay, then transfer the money to them first." Bar."

As soon as this remark came out, Ye Beichen was slightly relieved.

Deal with it first, and when the outsider leaves, he can explain it well.

Wang Cuiqin glanced at the lawyer and said, "Wait, I'll get the card."

As she said that, she was about to enter the house, but Ye Beichen reached out and stopped her.

"Mom, you don't need to take out the card, I'll transfer the money directly."

Then, he took out his mobile phone and said lightly: "Bring out the bill and give me the card number."

Ye Beichen's condescending tone made the lawyer feel a little uncomfortable, but it was just that.If he can get the money, he can also get some benefits, right?

He immediately took out the bill from his bag and handed it to Ye Beichen.

Ye Beichen looked at it carefully, and the more he looked, the more hatred grew in his heart.

These are all evidences that ruined his family!

The Ye Group went bankrupt and owed huge debts. Even if they sold all the properties, they had only just repaid them.

The formerly prosperous Ye Group collapsed, directly destroying his father Ye Tianming. Under guilt, his father took his own life...

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the other party still didn't give up, and calculated that his assets were only enough to repay the previous debt.Now, it popped up again!
This is to make his family feel uneasy!
After reading the bill, Ye Beichen took out the lighter from his pocket and lit the bill casually.

"Boy, what do you want to do!"

The burly man snorted coldly and reached out to snatch the bill.He thought Ye Beichen was going to burn the certificate and destroy the corpse.

I'm afraid you won't come!

Ye Beichen snorted coldly in his heart, grabbed the bill with one hand, and grabbed the big man's wrist with the other.

The precision is incomparable, once grasped, there is no reason to escape.

Grab the big man's wrist, before Ye Beichen made a sudden force.

Hearing a "click", the big man immediately cried out in pain.

"Ah... my hand, my hand is broken. Ah... let go! let go!"

When Ye Beichen made a move, he used [-]% of his strength.Under the promotion of Dali Pill, how can ordinary people compare with it?
When the opponent shouted to let go, Ye Beichen let go of his palm and kicked him out at the same time.

This kick is also [-]% strength.

With a kick, the burly man flew upside down immediately.

The [-]-pound man was kicked from the center of the living room to the corner of the wall by Ye Beichen's kick, and hit the wall with a muffled "bang".

Silence, deathly silence.

In the whole room, everyone looked at Ye Beichen dumbfounded.

They couldn't figure out how Ye Beichen, who looked weak, had so much strength.

Wang Cuiqin and Ye Shan looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Wu Siyuan and the lawyer are right...what the hell!In short, they were shocked.

The big man was so dazed that he forgot to cry out in pain.

The two boys squatting in the corner were also stunned, so dazed that they forgot to shake their legs.

"I remember, just now you were talking about what to do, right? What to do? Tell me."

Ye Beichen snorted coldly, raised his foot and walked towards the burly man.

" hand, my stomach, don't come here, I didn't do anything, you can't touch me, I belong to Lord Qin..."

While moving his body, the big man didn't forget to show his signboard.

Hearing the word "Master Qin", Ye Beichen gave a disdainful smile and said, "Qin Feng? He is also worthy of being called Lord? Are dogs so classy now?"

Seeing Ye Beichen call Lord Qin's name, the big man's heart shuddered, he could only moan in pain, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

Ye Beichen glanced at him sarcastically, returned to the table, grabbed the message with the account number and official seal, and quickly transferred 300 million.

"Give you three seconds, get out with the dog! Go back and tell Sun Tianyu, I will collect the bill!"

 This chapter adds more to the ignorant Shell Rewards.

  Thanks to Mr. Wang, No ②, a glass of wine to comfort the wind and dust for 588 rewards, thanks to the indifferent boy for 500 rewards, thanks to Ruan Chuanpei, Yuyun Ziju, and Yin Yu for 100 rewards, and thanks for You Shensiyuan 99 rewards.

  I saw the reply in the previous chapter, but I didn’t expect that there are still many people watching it. Thank you for showing up and letting the author see hope...

  Today's update is here, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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