The strongest god in the city

Chapter 227 Just Encounter

Chapter 227 Just Encounter
"Sir, please come in."

The waiter brought Ye Beichen and others to the second floor, opened a small door, and said, "This is the back door of Box 666, you can enter and exit through the other door on the screen side, and it won't disturb your meal. "

Ye Beichen nodded with a smile, and said in his heart, "It's quite thoughtful."

Entering the box, Ye Beichen saw a huge ink screen at a glance.

It's not so much a screen, it's more like a curtain, stretched from one end to the other, it fits perfectly, and you can't see the scene next to the screen at all.

Even, if the voice is slightly lowered, you can't even hear the voice from the next door.

After all, the half of the private room alone covers forty or fifty square meters.

"Mom, aunt, uncle, Xiaoxue, sit down."

Ye Beichen called everyone to sit down, and another waitress replaced the young man with the menu.

"Hello, this is the menu."

A menu was handed over to Ye Beichen, and three other menus were handed out.

Wu Qinxue pouted unhappily when she saw that she was the only one without a menu.

Seeing this, Wang Cuiqin smiled affectionately, and placed the menu between her and Wu Qinxue, who then smiled.

Looking at the menu, Wu Qinxue couldn't wait to shout: "I want to eat hairy crabs, as well as abalone and lobster..."

Ye Beichen shook his head with a smile, and said, "Write it all down."

Hearing this, the waitress quickly wrote down all the big dishes Wu Qinxue ordered.

It seems that because Wu Qinxue ordered a few big dishes, although the others didn't stop her, they all ordered dishes with relatively affordable prices.

Especially Ye Beichen's aunt, Ye Shan, ordered two dishes, both of which were the specials launched by Yulongji today.

Ye Beichen didn't point it out, but ordered a few hard dishes at random, and filled up a table of banquets.

After ordering the dishes, the waitress walked out of the box. Ye Beichen was about to speak, but he heard a familiar angry voice from the next door: "What are you doing! Didn't I ask you to call Zhu Jiazhen to pass on the dishes? What about others?"

Hearing this voice, Ye Beichen's pupils shrank.

It was Tang Siling.

Such a coincidence?
Ye Beichen didn't come here on purpose, but the other party didn't.

As soon as Tang Siling opened her mouth, Ye Beichen knew that she did it on purpose.Tang Siling wanted to take this opportunity to ridicule Zhu Jiazhen and make Zhu Jiazhen completely give up.

The last time I talked to Zhu Jiazhen on the phone, the other party said that he had just joined Yulongji to work.

Ye Beichen felt disgusted, this woman is so cruel!

At this time, a weak female voice came: "Excuse me, ma'am, Zhu Jiazhen is the waiter on the first floor, so..."

"I'll take care of you on the first and second floors! Do you know what it means that the customer is God? We come to Yulongji for dinner, we are God! God's request, you are not satisfied, is this your attitude?"


The waitress was left speechless.

What about Yang Qi?Did Yang Qi not respond?

Just as Ye Beichen thought of this, he heard Yang Qi say, "Siling, it's better not...don't embarrass Jiazhen. After all...we're all friends, that's really not good."

"Not good? What's wrong?"

Tang Siling immediately retorted: "He, Zhu Jiazhen, is the waiter of Yulongji. Passing dishes is his job. Why can't it be good? Siling, I'm also doing it for your own good, and I also want you to get rid of Zhu Jiazhen's entanglement as soon as possible."

"Si Ling, I..."

Yang Qi wanted to say something else, but Sun Kunpeng said suddenly, and made a final decision: "Go and tell you Manager Feng, let that Zhu or something pass the dishes, just say what I, Sun Kunpeng said."

"Okay, sir, I... I'm going to tell Manager Feng now."

Seemingly guessing that Sun Kunpeng had something to do with it, the waiter didn't make any excuses, just responded and went out.

At this time, Tang Siling spoke again: "Xiao Qi, I'm not talking about you, you are sometimes too soft-hearted. Then Zhu Jiazhen is a poor boy, compared with Sun Shao, even the nails of Sun Shao's fingers The black mud is not even counted, how can it be worthy of you?"


Ye Beichen couldn't help laughing, and Wu Qinxue laughed even more.

Why, young master Sun, you don't like cleanliness so much?


Following Yang Qi's soft sigh, the neighbor fell into silence.

While Ye Beichen was still thinking, Wang Cuiqin pushed his arm and asked in a low voice, "Xiaochen, is the Sun family next door?"

"Well, Sun Kunpeng, the son of Sun Tianyu."

When Ye Beichen spoke, the hatred in his eyes was not concealed at all.

On the contrary, Wang Cuiqin was much calmer. She shook her head and said, "It's been several years, and it's still like this."

Ye Beichen understood the meaning of these words.

The mud cannot support the wall, and it is Sun Kunpeng who is talking about it.

After a while, there was a knock on the door next door, and Tang Siling couldn't wait to call: "Come in."

Then, there was Tang Siling's excited cry: "Ah, Zhu Jiazhen, what a coincidence, it was you who came to pass the dishes."

What a showman!
Hearing this sound, Ye Beichen frowned, stood up and came to the screen, opened the screen a little, just in time to see the situation next door.

It was indeed Zhu Jiazhen.

He is not tall, and his appearance can be considered average. He has an honest appearance, even when he smiles, he is very simple and honest.

But at this time, Zhu Jiazhen obviously couldn't laugh anymore.

Zhu Jiazhen, who was holding a tray, looked at Yang Qi in surprise, and said, "Xiao Qi, why are you here?"


Yang Qi opened his mouth, and when he lowered his head, Ye Beichen seemed to see tears in the other party's eyes.

Tang Siling saw the opportunity, and triumphantly took over the conversation: "Haha, Young Master Sun invited Xiao Qi to eat, and I never thought that you would serve the food. What a coincidence. Zhu Jiazhen, bring the food quickly, by the way , Remember to report the name of the dish, and speak louder."

Zhu Jiazhen looked at Sun Kunpeng, who was sitting in the middle, who seemed to be condescendingly looking down at him, and then at Yang Qi, who bowed his head and said nothing. He frowned, took a deep breath, and walked to the table.

As he took out the dishes from the tray and placed them on the table, he shouted loudly: "Ants climb the tree."

"What? I can't hear you."

Tang Siling yelled exaggeratedly, and even put the handle on her ear, as if to let herself hear more clearly.

Zhu Jiazhen gritted his teeth and raised his voice again: "The ants climb the tree!"

"Speak louder, I still can't hear you clearly. Are you unable to eat breakfast or what?" Tang Siling was still relentless.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen became angry.

This is to peel off the skin of a person, and if you are not satisfied with stepping on the ground a few times, you still have to urinate, right?

Ye Beichen was about to kick the screen away, but Yang Qi stood up and slapped the table.

There was a "snap" that made the dishes ping-pong.

"Si Ling, you're going too far!" Yang Qi's fair face was flushed, and her eyes were also red, as if she was about to cry.

Tang Siling blinked her eyes, and asked innocently: "Xiao Qi? What's the matter? Am I helping you? You are already with Young Master Sun, why does this kid have unrealistic fantasies?"

Hearing this, Zhu Jiazhen was stunned.

"Xiao Qi, you... didn't you promise me to give me three years?"

 One good news, one bad news.

  The good news is that I originally thought that this PK kneels down and will be forced to be put on the shelves tomorrow, but the editor gave me another chance to survive.Temporarily unavailable.

  The bad news is that the editor asked me to slow down the update and recommend it next week.The rule is, 50 words, no recommendation will be arranged.So... these days, I can only update twice a day.

  Although the request is a bit too much, the author Jun still sincerely hopes that everyone can accompany me to get through it together.Boil on the recommendation, and the update will be released.

  Finally... I'm sorry, I hope I can understand.


(End of this chapter)

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