The strongest god in the city

Chapter 228 Brother Ye teaches you to slap your face

Chapter 228 Brother Ye teaches you to slap your face

Seeing the disappointment in Zhu Jiazhen's eyes, Yang Qi opened his mouth, tears streaming down his face.

"Zhu Jiazhen, look at you, besides making Xiao Qi cry, what other skills do you have? Hmph! You've been a waiter all your life!"

Tang Siling cursed angrily, and quickly took out a tissue to wipe Yang Qi's tears.

Zhu Jiazhen also panicked, there was no time to argue.

"Xiao Qi, I..."

"Get out yet!" Tang Siling shouted angrily.

Hearing this, Zhu Jiazhen's cheeks twitched, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Sun Kunpeng, who had been watching the show, spoke.

"Si Ling, who is Xiao Qi's friend here?"

As soon as Sun Kunpeng spoke, Tang Siling immediately put on a smiling face: "Young Master Sun, don't get me wrong, they are just classmates."

"Oh? Classmate? Since you are Xiaoqi's classmate, you are a friend. Who, I will say hello to Manager Feng for you, and he will take care of you."

Sun Kunpeng talked about friends, but he didn't call Zhu Jiazhen by his name, instead he still called "then who".The derogatory meaning can be heard by a fool.

"Young Master Sun is so generous!"

Tang Siling hastily patted Sun Kunpeng's ass, and said with a smile: "Zhu Jiazhen, don't you think it's a good deal? With Young Master Sun speaking, you will save at least ten years of struggle!"

Zhu Jiazhen stared at Sun Kunpeng, and said stubbornly, "I don't want you to take care of me!"


Sun Kunpeng narrowed his eyes, and his face immediately became gloomy: "What? You still dislike my Sun Kunpeng's care? Do you believe me or not, I will tell you to get out immediately!"

It's true that if you turn your face around, you will turn the sky upside down.

Ye Beichen sneered in his heart, resisting the urge to step forward again.

Manager Feng?Which onion?
He really wanted to see how the other party told Zhu Jiazhen to leave immediately.

Tell Zhu Jiazhen to leave?Have you asked him about Ye Beichen?
Sure enough, Zhu Jiazhen's reaction did not disappoint Ye Beichen.

Facing the threat, Zhu Jiazhen gritted his teeth without thinking, and said, "I don't believe it!"

"Ok, ok, hahaha... ok, ok!"

Although Sun Kunpeng was applauding and smiling, his eyes became more and more stern.

Dare to question him, Sun Kunpeng?
Then get ready to bear his wrath!
Sun Kunpeng was about to reach out and press the service bell, but Yang Qi hurriedly reached out to stop him.

"No. Young Master Sun, please don't argue with Zhu Jiazhen, he is just stubborn and doesn't intend to offend you." Yang Qi's words were already pleading.

She knew very well that it was not easy for Zhu Jiazhen to enter Yulongji.If you are expelled, you will definitely be hit hard.


Sun Kunpeng glanced at Yang Qi coldly, feeling even angrier in his heart.

Yang Qi is already his nominal girlfriend, although he only intends to throw it away after playing, but she is not allowed to help other men!

"Go away!"

Sun Kunpeng snorted coldly and pressed the service bell with one hand.

Yang Qi's complexion changed, and he wanted to persuade him again, but Tang Siling stopped him.

"Xiao Qi, please don't interfere with Young Master Sun's work."

Yang Qi angrily shook off Tang Siling's hand, but Sun Kunpeng had already spoken.

"Ask your Manager Feng to come here, and tell me that I, Sun Kunpeng, are looking for him!"

After saying this, Sun Kunpeng smiled coldly: "Don't you believe it? Soon you will know that I, Sun Kunpeng, do what I say and do what I say! If you get out today, you won't delay until tomorrow."

"I won't leave! What's wrong with Manager Feng? I signed a contract with Yulongji, and he has no right to fire me casually!" Zhu Jiazhen raised his head slightly, his eyes were firm.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that the truth might not be the case, but he didn't want to lose too badly in front of the person he liked.

"Dong dong dong."

Just as Zhu Jiazhen finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Manager Feng is here.

Sun Kunpeng smiled slightly and said, "Come in."

The door opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit and mustache walked in with a small step, with a smile on his face.

It was Manager Feng, and Feng Yuan came out.

"Welcome Young Master Sun, welcome Young Master Sun, if you don't call me, Young Master Sun, I'm too embarrassed to bother you. Haha..."

Feng Yuan's opening made Sun Kunpeng face enough.

Seeing these words, Sun Kunpeng did not show joy. Feng Yuan glanced at Zhu Jiazhen unexpectedly, and asked, "Sun Shao, are you dissatisfied with the waiter's service? This kid is the waiter on the first floor." , I haven’t seen the big world, I hope you don’t mind, Young Master Sun.”

"Don't mind? I don't mind if I tell him to leave. Old Feng, the words have already been let out. How to solve it is up to you."

Sun Kunpeng smiled coldly, leaned on the armchair, and squinted at Zhu Jiazhen: "Get out now, immediately, immediately!"

"Let him go out?"

Feng Yuanchu immediately figured out the meaning of getting out, and thought to himself: "How did this kid offend Young Master Sun, he deserves such anger from Young Master Sun?"

Paul Zhu Jiazhen?

Impossible, which green onion is Zhu Jiazhen, worthy of his protection?

Compared with Sun Kunpeng, Zhu Jiazhen is not even an onion.

Without thinking too much, Feng Yuanchu immediately made a decision: "No problem, Young Master Sun, if you speak, I will follow through."

As he said that, he looked down at Zhu Jiazhen, and said in a deep voice, "Zhu Jiazhen, right? Did you hear what Young Master Sun said? Now, immediately, get out of Yulongji!"

Zhu Jiazhen's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said, "Why do you let me go? I signed a labor contract, and you have no right to let me go."

"Why? Just because I am the manager of Yulongji! You are a waiter, and I want to fire you. What else do you need? Get lost!"

"I won't leave! Besides, my salary..."

Before Zhu Jiazhen could finish speaking, Feng Yuan interrupted him impatiently: "Hey, you are the only one who still needs a salary? You offended the honorable Young Master Sun, and we Yulongji didn't ask you for compensation, so we have pity you, understand? ? Get lost! Don't make me say it a third time!"

Being repeatedly humiliated by Sun Kunpeng and Feng Yuanchu, Zhu Jiazhen gritted his teeth tightly, and the veins on his forehead stood out.

At this moment, he really wanted to punch them and knock out both of their front teeth.

But when he saw Yang Qi who bowed his head and wept again, he seemed to be drained of all his energy.

He took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "Okay, I'll get out, I'll get out. Xiao Qi, you... Take care."

After speaking, he sighed softly, turned and left.

"You'd better take care of yourself, Xiao Qi doesn't need you to worry, what Sun Shao can give Xiao Qi, you can't give in your life."

Looking at Zhu Jiazhen's back, Tang Siling spoke again.

Zhu Jiazhen acted as if he hadn't heard of it, but looked carefully, his body seemed to tremble.

He opened the door, wanting to leave the box and Yulongji, but no one intended to let him leave like this.

Zhu Jiazhen slammed his head out and hit a body just in time.

"sorry Sorry."

Zhu Jiazhen apologized instinctively, looked up, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Ye... Brother Ye?"

Besides Ye Beichen, who else stood in his way?
Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "What? You plan to leave just like that? Turn around, Brother Ye will teach you to slap your face."

 First more.

  Thanks to the actor and Yichen for the 999 reward.

  Thank you TAT, face unchanged and sad, Admit, glass of wine to comfort the wind and dust for 200 rewards.

  Thank you for watching, Sansheng Fireworks and Snow Night, Fetters, (I don’t know Korean), Troubling Rain, Mr. Wang 100 rewards.

  Thanks to Dusk Autumn Maple Leaf Red, Wu Abi, Wu 99 for the reward.

  thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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