The strongest god in the city

Chapter 229 Calling Chapter Saying Hello?

Chapter 229 Call to Say Hello?

"Who let you in? Get out!"

Seeing that Zhu Jiazhen not only didn't leave, but brought someone back, Feng Yuan stared and shouted angrily.

Who is Sun Kunpeng?

Sun Kunpeng is not only a frequent visitor of Yulongji, but also has a lot of influence in the rich second generation circle in Yulan City.

How could he, Feng Yuanchu, tolerate Sun Kunpeng being disturbed?
"Ye Beichen, follow us!" Tang Siling screamed.

"Following you?"

Ye Beichen chuckled, "What do you think you are? Worthy of me following?"


Tang Siling was so angry that she pointed at Ye Beichen and wanted to curse, but Sun Kunpeng waved her hand to stop her.

"What's the point of arguing with this kind of person? Is there a sense of accomplishment if you win him?"

Sun Kunpeng smiled disdainfully, waved his hands, and said, "Old Feng, get out, and strengthen the security in the future, so that no poor ghosts are allowed in. Those who can come here to eat, their status is precious, and you will be compensated if you touch it." Can you afford it?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Feng Yuan was in a hurry to respond, and was about to speak, but Sun Kunpeng seemed to think of something, and then said: "Ah, I remembered, Ye Beichen, my lawyer is still in your small house, right? Why, you didn't mean it secretly Come here, planning to beg me to forgive you once? Come here, kneel in front of me, and slap yourself. I am satisfied with the slap, so why not give you a few more months?"

"Give me a few more months? Well, it's a good idea, but...not interested." Ye Beichen snorted softly.

Hearing this, Sun Kunpeng's pupils shrank.

Not only because of Ye Beichen's words, but also Ye Beichen's indifferent attitude made him very annoyed, so angry that he wanted to slap him.

But helplessly...he couldn't beat Ye Beichen at all.

"Old Feng, call the security guards and throw them out!"

"Okay, Young Master Sun."

Feng Yuan responded, and took out his cell phone to make a call.

Zhu Jiazhen was also in a hurry. It didn't matter if he was kicked out, but it would be bad if Ye Beichen was thrown out together.

He secretly winked at Ye Beichen, but Ye Beichen didn't seem to notice, he laughed and said, "Call someone? I will too."


Sun Kunpeng's eyes lit up, and he waved his hands and shouted: "Old Feng, wait, let him call, and I'll see if he can find any cats or dogs."

Hearing this, Feng Yuanchu put down his phone and looked at Ye Beichen with a sneer.

Across the screen, Wang Cuiqin, Ye Shan and others had already gathered on the screen, watching the movement here curiously.

Ye Beichen is not like someone who is not sure about things.

They were curious who Ye Beichen would call.

Ye Beichen glanced at Feng Yuanchu, and asked calmly, "Are you the manager of Yulongji?"

"That's right. I, Feng Yuanchu, are the manager of our store. What's the matter? Are you planning to call and complain to the manager? Sorry, I am. If you have something to do, you can tell me. Hahaha..."

Hearing Feng Yuan laugh wildly, Ye Beichen shook his head disdainfully.

Manager Max?Do you really think Yulongji is opened by your family?
Ye Beichen didn't rush to make a phone call, and asked again: "Since you have the experience of Yulongji, why do you want to drive out your employees indiscriminately?"

Ye Beichen thought that Feng Yuanchu would at least say something high-sounding, such as customer first and service first.

But Feng Yuan didn't come out, he puffed up his chest, and snorted: "I'm willing, why? Why, you can't find a manager, and you plan to reason with me? Sorry, Feng Yuan is out of reason name, useless!"

"Yes, Not Bad."

Ye Beichen nodded with a smile, as if complimenting the other party.

However, being so arrogant is indeed worthy of praise, a prize...

Ye Beichen took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Director Gao, the next notification is that there is a manager in Yulan City, Hui Province. Feng Yuan will be fired. Reason? No reason is needed. I think he is disgusting. Is that enough? Oh, that's right. , Notify the audit and check the account of Yulan City. Well, that's it."

After speaking, Ye Beichen hung up the phone casually, only to see people all over the room staring at him in a daze, with a look of ignorance.

Gao Dong?next notice?Manager Yulan fired?
Looking at Ye Beichen's appearance, he looks decent, can't it be true?
However, a loud laugh completely destroyed the atmosphere of the scene.

"Hahahaha... Gao Dong? Hahaha... Kid, who are you calling? Return Gao Dong!"

It was Feng Yuan.

His eyes were full of sarcasm, nothing else.

Ye Beichen shrugged and said with a smile, "Gao Chengyun, haven't you heard of it?"

"Gao... Gao Chengyun? Gao Dong?"

Feng Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly smiled slyly, and said, "So what about Gao Chengyun? He is the executive director, but I am the chairman, what can he do to me? How dare he fire me?"

"Hmm...have you not been in touch with He Changhu recently?" Ye Beichen smiled strangely, "Why don't you give me a call and say hello?"

"No need! The chairman treats me like a younger brother and doesn't need politeness."

Hearing this, Ye Beichen chuckled, "Maybe, you won't want to be his younger brother soon."

"What do you mean?"

While Feng Yuan was in doubt, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open and hit the wall with a "bang", which made Feng Yuan jump.

Feng Yuan looked back and saw the personnel manager Mei Anqi rushing in in a panic, and couldn't help frowning coldly: "Manager Mei, what are you doing! Don't you know there are guests?"

"President Feng, something...something happened, please take a look."

Mei Anqi's forehead was covered with sweat, but she didn't care to wipe it off. She just handed Feng Yuanchu a piece of fax paper in her hand.

"What can happen? Make a big deal out of a molehill!"

Feng Yuan snorted coldly, and while reading the fax, he didn't forget to teach Mei Anqi a lesson: "As the manager of Yulongji, why are you absent all day? This is just a simple appointment and dismissal... eh? What!"

When Feng Yuan saw the faxed text, he was immediately stunned.

"Because Feng Yuan, the manager of Yulongji in Yulan City, looks disgusting and interferes with the dining experience of the distinguished guests, he was expelled...Impossible, this is not true! It must be fake, fake!"

"No, Mr. Feng, this is from the chairman's office of the group, with the chairman's signature and seal on it."

Hearing Mei Anqi's words, Feng Yuanchu hurriedly looked at the bottom of the fax.

The official seal is correct, the chairman's signature - Gao Chengyun!

"Fake! Haha! It's fake!"

Feng Yuan laughed wildly, slapped Mei Anqi on the face, and cursed angrily: "Are you stupid! The chairman is He Changhu and Dong, when will Gao Chengyun become the chairman!"

"President Feng, the group issued a notice early in the morning. I asked your secretary to put it on your desk. He Changhu has been cleared out of the Changhu Group, and the current chairman is Chairman Gao."

Mei Anqi covered her face and said aggrievedly.


Feng Yuan was stunned, what... what's going on!

"No, I don't believe it!"

Feng Yuanchu roared angrily, and frantically called He Changhu, the notification tone on the phone made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is empty..."

It wasn't until this moment that he understood what Ye Beichen wanted him to call to say hello.

Looking at Ye Beichen's indifferent smile, Feng Yuanchu suddenly remembered that when Ye Beichen called just now, he also said that he wanted the audit to come to Yulongji...

In recent years, he has been greedy a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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