The strongest god in the city

Chapter 230 Get Out!Immediately!

Chapter 230 Get Out!Immediately!

Feng Yuan's legs gave out and he fell to his knees.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, Grandpa Ye, I was wrong. I shouldn't have ridiculed you, I shouldn't have dismissed employees indiscriminately, I shouldn't have flattered Sun Kunpeng. I'm not human, I'm an asshole, I'm a dog!"

As Feng Yuan went out to speak, he stretched out a slap and slapped himself on the face.

Seeing this slap made Ye Beichen raise his eyebrows, Feng Yuanchu slapped himself one after another as if he was greatly encouraged.

Crackling, a loud slap sounded, crisp and sweet.

(Author Jun: This time it is really crisp and sweet!)

This scene made Sun Kunpeng's face black, and Feng Yuanchu actually said in public that he should not flatter him!
But... What is Ye Beichen capable of?He actually called the chairman of Changhu Group directly and ordered him to fire Feng Yuanchu.

Yes, it is an order!This tone was exactly the same as his father's phone call to the group's subordinates.

Could it be that Ye Beichen turned over?
Tang Siling covered her mouth and looked at Ye Beichen in surprise.

How could Ye Beichen, who was ridiculed by her repeatedly, have such a great ability?Can the manager of Yulongji be fired with just one phone call?

On the other side of the screen, Wang Cuiqin, Ye Shan and the others looked at each other, seeing surprise and joy in each other's eyes.

Surprised by Ye Beichen's energy.

To my joy, it was the chairman of the Hukou Group who spoke to Ye Beichen on the phone, not some evil force.

If Ye Beichen said before that he did not commit any crimes, Wang Cuiqin and the others were still a little worried.After all, some things are walking on the edge of the law.

But now, they are completely relieved.

Only Zhu Jiazhen performed better at the scene, because in his opinion, Ye Beichen has always been a capable person.

"Alright, alright."

Ye Beichen glanced at Feng Yuanchu, whose cheeks were swollen, waved his hands, and said, "Although you speak and act inappropriately, you are right in one thing—you are a dog, but you are quite self-aware. .”

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ye, I am a dog, and I will be your dog from now on."

Feng Yuanchu seemed to see hope, and he was about to climb up the pole, regardless of etiquette, justice and shame.

But Ye Beichen chuckled and said, "Don't, I raise dogs in a civilized manner, and I never raise dogs that bite people. You are a dog, but you are Sun Kunpeng's dog. I... don't like it!"

"Ye...Mr. Ye, what do you really mean?" Feng Yuanchu was a little dazed.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Beichen snorted softly and said, "It means... get out! Get out now! Immediately, immediately!"

Ye Beichen uttered the last few words coldly.

Didn't you let Zhu Jiazhen go?
Isn't this coming?Return the original number, not a single word.

"you are vicious!"

Feng Yuan gave Ye Beichen a vicious look, turned around and was about to leave.

He has made up his mind to run now.Otherwise, once the incident happens, it will be beyond redemption after all.

However, Ye Beichen's voice from behind made him feel ashamed.

"Are you the HR manager? I'll give you a chance. If you know what Feng has done recklessly, you can report it to the group, and the group will immediately call the police and arrest you."

"I report!"

Mei Anqi yelled without hesitation: "This surname Feng played with female employees, used public funds for private use, embezzled public funds for gambling, and made fake accounts with the financial manager. I have a lot of evidence!"

Hearing a "plop" outside the door, Feng Yuanchu fell to the ground, limp all over, unable to get up again, his heart sank to the bottom.

Mei Anqi reported, according to Ye Beichen's behavior just now, it is very likely that she will immediately report to the police and provide evidence.

Even if Feng Yuan ran as soon as he appeared, even if he escaped by plane, it is very likely that the police waiting for him would arrest him when he got off the plane.

As for going abroad... that's not something that can be done in a few hours.

Glancing at Feng Yuanchu who was collapsed outside the door, Ye Beichen chuckled and said, "Okay, you go to contact the group to call the police, and then come and find me."

"Okay, Mr. Ye...Mr. Ye."

Mei Anqi didn't know Ye Beichen's real identity, but Ye always could be right.

The door was closed from the outside, and the noisy atmosphere became weird. The one with the weirdest expression was none other than Sun Kunpeng.

Ye Beichen kept saying that Feng Yuanchu was his dog. Didn't he know that beating a dog depends on the owner?

But Ye Beichen not only ignored his master, but even beat his dog in his face.

This is hitting him in the face!It was a crackling sound!

"Ye Beichen, what do you mean?"

"Ah! So there are still people here!"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen exclaimed exaggeratedly: "It turned out to be Young Master Sun. How could such a distinguished guest be neglected? Jiazhen, go to the kitchen and give orders. Just tell them what Manager Mei said, and give them more time." Some salt. I think this dish is bland no matter how you look at it. I wonder if Young Master Sun has a strong taste?"

"Brother Ye?" Zhu Jiazhen hesitated.

Ye Beichen waved his hand and said casually: "Go ahead, meet the needs of customers is your job. By the way, the group will issue a notice soon, and you will take over as the manager."

"Me? Brother Ye, I can't, I can't." Zhu Jiazhen hurriedly waved his hands.

But Ye Beichen chuckled and said, "Man, how can you say you can't do it? Yang Qi is watching."

Zhu Jiazhen hurriedly took a sneak peek at Yang Qi, and found that there was hope in the other party's eyes, as if he wanted his approval.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Brother Ye, I... I can learn."

In the second half of the sentence, the momentum was [-]% weaker.

Ye Beichen had no choice but to be an honest person like Zhu Jiazhen, who would refuse when the pie fell from the sky.

He, Ye Beichen, got the Haoren Humanity System, did he reject it?
Only fools refuse!
After Zhu Jiazhen left, Ye Beichen looked up at Yang Qi and said, "Yang Qi, can you sit with me?"


Yang Qi hesitated.

Tang Siling hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Qi, don't mess around! Only Young Master Sun can help you. No matter how capable Ye Beichen is, can he still sell your family's medicinal materials in Yulongji?"

"Hehe, you're wrong about that."

Sun Kunpeng sneered and said, "Our Young Master Ye has a lot of solutions, but it doesn't matter whether it's a blessing or a curse. How did the Ye family end? Isn't it because of forging formulas, producing fake medicines, and being ruined? Hahaha..."

Hearing this, Yang Qi's expression changed.

She didn't expect Ye Beichen to help her family. What she thought of was that Zhu Jiazhen became the manager of Yulongji, so she didn't have to worry about her family's obstruction.

But Sun Kunpeng's words made her afraid to touch Ye Beichen.

Forging formulas and producing counterfeit medicines are the stains of a lifetime.

Ye Beichen glanced at Sun Kunpeng, and said indifferently: "Whatever you say, I have a clear conscience about whether my Ye family has done anything. As for your words, um... will be proven soon. Sun Kunpeng, remember, hide the 20 yuan , that may be your last dinner money."

After speaking, Ye Beichen didn't say much, turned and left.

Tianyu Group cheated my Ye family, just wait to pay the price in blood.

Looking at Ye Beichen's back, Yang Qi gritted his teeth and quickly chased after Tang Siling's obstruction.

 Sorry, the number of words is set too much, it is locked in the code word software, just came out.

  The next chapter is eight o'clock, when I set it to be published.

  Regarding the update, the author will explain again.It's not that I don't want to update more, but that the editor requests to reduce updates and other recommendations, otherwise I have to charge for listing yesterday.

  Finally, thank you for the ignorant little rebellion~Lonely 688 for the reward, and thank you for the reward of 100 for Jun Moxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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