The strongest god in the city

Chapter 231 My Ye Family Accepted It

Chapter 231 My Ye Family Accepted It

"Ye... Brother Ye, if you treat Sun Kunpeng like this, don't be afraid of him..."

In the corridor, Yang Qi who was following Ye Beichen couldn't help asking.

"Afraid he won't come to visit next time?"

Ye Beichen didn't turn his head, and said flatly, "Soon, he won't even be able to eat steamed buns. Come to Yulong Ji, did he get in?"

Sun Kunpeng can't even afford steamed buns soon?

Although Yang Qi was puzzled, he didn't ask.

At this time, Ye Beichen opened a door and walked in first.

It wasn't until Yang Qi stepped in and saw the large screen that he realized it.

She was also curious as to why Ye Beichen could show up at the critical moment to save the situation.It turned out that there was only a screen between Ye Beichen and them.

"Sit down, I'm also here for dinner with my family, I just met by chance."

Wang Cuiqin and the others all smiled at Yang Qi. They saw the scene just now, so they would not think that Yang Qi and Ye Beichen had any special relationship.

At this time, on the other side of the screen, Tang Siling looked at the delicious food brought up in trays, and asked with a bitter face: "Young Master Sun, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? Leave! I want to see how Ye Beichen plays with me!"

It was impossible to eat, not to mention that Ye Beichen ordered more ingredients, even if there was no addition, Sun Kunpeng was not in the mood to eat it.

As soon as Sun Kunpeng finished speaking, Ye Beichen's voice suddenly came from the next door: "It's okay to leave, remember to pay the bill, otherwise the store will call the police."

Sun Kunpeng was stunned for a moment, glanced at the screen with vicious eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Ye Beichen, don't be arrogant. I, Sun Kunpeng, promise to publicize Yulongji's extremely poor service attitude. From today, Yulong Don't even think about having a business!"

"Oh, get out."


Sun Kunpeng gritted his teeth bitterly, got up and left.

"Sun Shao, wait for me, wait for me..."

Tang Siling hurriedly called twice, but Sun Kunpeng suddenly turned around and took her into his arms.

The next moment, Tang Siling felt a pair of big hands covering his chest, pinching her painfully.

Tang Siling was overjoyed, looked up, and met Sun Kunpeng's vicious gaze.

"Follow me to the hotel next door!"

At the other end of the private room, Wu Qinxue, who was paying attention through the screen, hurried back to her seat, her face flushed.

"Xiao Xue, what's the matter?" Ye Beichen asked with concern.

Wu Qinxue hurriedly shook her head: "It's all right."

Seeing this, although everyone was puzzled, they didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, Zhu Jiazhen knocked on the door of the box and walked in with a tray of dishes.

Behind him were several waiters who were also serving dishes.

At this time, Zhu Jiazhen's face was full of joy and couldn't be suppressed. As soon as he entered the box, he couldn't help shouting: "Brother Ye, the group has issued a notice to appoint me as the manager of the Yulan store...Xiao Qi, why are you..."

It wasn't until this moment that Zhu Jiazhen noticed Yang Qi who was bowing his head, and couldn't help but stop talking.

"Okay, okay, sit down."

Ye Beichen smiled and waved, then pointed to the seat next to Yang Qi.

"Brother Ye, during my working hours..."

"Go to work? You are the manager, who can control you?" Ye Beichen stared.

Zhu Jiazhen smiled sheepishly: "Brother Ye, you just got hired as a manager."

Having said that, Zhu Jiazhen was not so stupid that he didn't even dare to sit down.

He hurriedly came to sit beside Yang Qi, looking cautious.

Ye Beichen looked at Zhu Jiazhen, then at Yang Qi, and asked, "Yang Qi, is your family in trouble?"

Before Yang Qi could respond, Zhu Jiazhen was startled and hurriedly asked, "Xiao Qi, what happened at home? Why..."


Ye Beichen pretended to curse, and said softly, "I don't know Yang Qi's character, but don't you?"

"I...Actually, I don't know too well." Zhu Jiazhen looked embarrassed.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately elicited roars of laughter.

Yang Qi gave Zhu Jiazhen an angry look, and said, "Brother Ye, my family is indeed in trouble."

"Tell me, maybe I can help you." Ye Beichen said gently.

Yang Qi nodded with a wry smile, but what Tang Siling said earlier was in his mind.

Even though Ye Beichen has a deep relationship with Yulongji, he still can't use her medicinal herbs in the store, right?

Even though he thought so, Yang Qi still said it honestly.

"Brother Ye, my family is in the business of medicinal materials. It wasn't a big business before, but some time ago, my dad established a relationship with Yunfan Pharmaceutical through an intermediary. The other party plans to ask for a large amount of medicinal materials to produce new drugs. But..."

"But my dad has already contacted the source of the goods, bought a large amount of medicinal materials, and even took a loan to win a medicinal field in Bo City, and prepared to do a big job. The result..."

"In the end, Yunfan regretted it?"

Ye Beichen frowned, thinking to himself, Yang Qi's father is too reckless, isn't he?
I just got in touch, and I can't wait for it to happen.

How did Ye Beichen think that if an ordinary person suddenly saw a great opportunity to rise up, would he not fight for it with all his strength?
Yang Qi nodded and sighed: "Yes, I heard that there was a related household over there looking for him, and my dad was kicked out."


Ye Beichen nodded, and asked again: "So your family found Sun Kunpeng?"

Hearing the word Sun Kunpeng, Yang Qi's expression was a little unnatural.

" dad has no choice but to look for a buyer again, but how can he get in touch with Tianyu Group? It just so happens that Si Ling came to my house as a guest, so...he suggested me and Sun Kunpeng..."

Yang Qi's voice became smaller and smaller.

However, how did she know that Tang Siling, who proposed her to be with Sun Kunpeng, and even took the initiative to make a match, was having sex with Sun Kunpeng at this moment.

"Xiao Qi, how many medicinal materials did uncle buy? How much money did he borrow from the bank?" Zhu Jiazhen asked worriedly.

"The medicinal materials...a total of more than 1000 million. The loan from the medicine field is 3000 million...repayable in three years."


After getting this answer, Zhu Jiazhen was a little confused.

In tens of millions, it made him very powerless.

However, when he saw Ye Beichen, his heart suddenly moved, he stood up quickly, and said solemnly: "Brother Ye, I beg you to help Xiaoqi's family, I... will work for you all my life, and I don't need to pay , no benefits, no..."

Ye Beichen didn't speak, he was waiting for Zhu Jiazhen to express his opinion.

Of course, it's not to say that I don't want this or that, but to bear everything in front of Yang Qi.

In the final analysis, Ye Beichen wanted to fulfill them.

As for more than 1000 million, more than 3000 million, this kind of tens of millions is no different from Yuan in front of Ye Beichen.

Less than [-] million, what unit to add?
"Don't talk nonsense, Brother Ye doesn't make medicinal materials, it's useless to buy them." Yang Qi stopped Zhu Jiazhen.

Zhu Jiazhen's complexion changed, and he said stubbornly again: "Brother Ye, then can lend it to me, and I can pay it back."

"Okay, okay, sit down."

Ye Beichen waved his hand and said with a smile, "I can't help you with the medicine field and the bank loan..."

Speaking of this, he saw that Yang Qi was disappointed, and Zhu Jiazhen still wanted to talk, Ye Beichen waved his hand again: "The medicine field is a long-term benefit. The medicine field is in operation, and the loan is a trivial matter. As for your medicinal materials , and the continuous output from the medicine field, my Ye family has collected it. However, the quality must be guaranteed."

Hearing that "Ye Family" accepted it instead of "Ye Beichen", Wang Cuiqin, Ye Shan, and Wu Siyuan raised their brows and looked at Ye Beichen in shock.

Does this mean...

 Second more.

  Today is over, the next chapter will be at twelve noon tomorrow.

  Thanks a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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