The strongest god in the city

Chapter 232 What else is there besides shock

Chapter 232 What else is there besides shock

A meal, eating very silent.

Except for Wu Qinxue's excited chatter, no one said anything more.

During the dinner, the personnel manager Mei Anqi came in once, saying that Feng Yuanchu and the financial manager had been taken away by the police, and the headquarters had sent someone down to deal with it.

There is no doubt that waiting for Feng Yuan to leave will be a cold prison and... warm inmates.

After eating, Yang Qi left immediately.

She wants to go home quickly and tell her dad the good news.

There is no doubt about Ye Beichen's financial resources.Moreover, in memory, Ye Beichen said what he said, and he would never regret what he said.

Although Zhu Jiazhen really wanted to follow, he had no time to escape now.

Ye Beichen had already told Mei Anqi to lead Zhu Jiazhen, so that he could become a qualified manager as soon as possible.

Seeing Ye Beichen being sent out of Yulongji by Zhu Jiazhen and Mei Anqi, the waiter who had previously received a tip panicked.

What is this person's background?Opening an old Xiali is actually worthy of being sent out by the HR manager himself - the news of Zhu Jiazhen taking over as the manager has not yet spread.

In Xiali's car, there was still silence, and everyone kept their words in their hearts.

Feeling the dull atmosphere in the car, Wu Qinxue curled her lips, and could only keep her mouth full of words in her heart.

Back home, the dull atmosphere was replaced by another atmosphere - serious.

Except for Wu Qinxue who didn't know why, the other three were all staring at Ye Beichen seriously.

With everyone's attention, Ye Beichen shrugged his shoulders pretending to be calm, and said with a smile: "Why are you looking at me like that? I have been back for several hours, and now I remember to take a good look at me?"


Ye Shan reached out and tapped Ye Beichen's forehead, and everyone smiled.

Wang Cuiqin coughed lightly, and asked softly, "Xiaochen, are you planning to..."


Ye Beichen nodded slightly, everyone gasped, and Wu Siyuan could even hear his own heart beating.

"What are you talking about?"

Seeing everyone playing charades, Wu Qinxue asked curiously.

Wu Siyuan glared at her: "Go, play with you."


Wu Qinxue groaned, but had no intention of leaving.

"Xiao Chen, what are you going to do?" Ye Shan asked worriedly.

Everyone nodded, fixed their eyes on Ye Beichen's face, and waited for Ye Beichen's answer.

However, Ye Beichen's answer surprised them.

Ye Beichen shrugged and said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

"You dare to promise Yang Qi without thinking about it! Xiaochen, do you know that it's tens of millions!" Wu Siyuan said sadly.

Tens of millions, for them in the past, is not a small number.Let alone now?

Wang Cuiqin and Ye Shan looked at Ye Beichen with unkind eyes.

Ye Beichen smiled indifferently, and said: "Mom, aunt, uncle, don't worry, tens of millions is not a big amount. Since you plan to rebuild the Ye Group, tens of millions of money are not willing to invest, how can you surpass it?" The former Yip Group? What if the Tianyu Group is trampled underfoot?"

Everyone's breath could not help but stagnate.

Surpass the former Yip Group and step on the Tianyu Group?
Tens of millions is not a big number?

What a big breath!
Seeing everyone's horror, Ye Beichen smiled slightly, and decided to reveal the truth.

"Mom, aunt, uncle, I believe you have guessed something just now, right? Yulongji is an industry under the Changhu Group, and I own the controlling stake in the Changhu Group."


As soon as Ye Beichen's words came out, Wu Siyuan hissed softly, and immediately asked, "Xiaochen, did the turmoil in the stock of Changhu Group a few days ago have something to do with you?"

Wu Siyuan usually likes to buy some stocks to speculate in stocks. How can he not know about the big movement in Changhu Group's stocks?

"That's right, I was sniping Changhu Group and completed the acquisition." Ye Beichen didn't deny it: "How about it, did uncle make some money?"

"Haha, I threw it away when I was [-] yuan. Later, there were too many stocks in the market and no one bought them. I bought the bottom again. Now it has risen to [-] yuan. Unfortunately, I only have tens of thousands of yuan in my hand. Otherwise, you can make a lot of money."

Ye Beichen was a little surprised by Wu Siyuan's complacent words.Unexpectedly, my uncle's sense of smell is so sensitive.

Tens of thousands of dollars, if you operate according to what my uncle said, it can at least double.

"Okay, okay, don't blow your tens of thousands of dollars in front of Xiaochen."

Ye Shan gave Wu Siyuan a displeased look, and asked again: "Xiaochen, then... what is the current market value of Changhu Group?"

"12 billion? I don't care too much."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

12 billion, with a controlling stake, that is at least half, which is [-] million.

But according to Ye Beichen's tone, he didn't care about [-] million.

So how much money does Ye Beichen have now?

Finally, Wang Cuiqin asked the common question in everyone's mind.

"Xiaochen, do you have other industries?"

Ye Beichen didn't hide anything: "Mom, yes, in addition to investing in Changhu Group, I also bought a taxi company and Hukou Group..."

"Hukou Group? Which Hukou Group?"

Everyone was a little puzzled, the name was a little familiar, but they couldn't remember what it did for a while.

"Live broadcast platform, Hukou TV."


Wang Cuiqin, Ye Shan and Wu Siyuan were all stunned.

Although they have never been in contact with the live broadcast industry, it does not mean that they have never heard of live broadcast.On the contrary, they, who used to be in high positions, are more sensitive to emerging industries.

Hukou TV has not been listed, but its valuation has already reached more than one billion yuan.Once the financing is listed, it is possible to double or even ten times.

Moreover, recently, Hukou TV has been in the limelight, and there have been a lot of big news, and they are all positive news, and the exposure rate far exceeds that of its peers.

These have added to the listed market value.

Looking at it this way, the tens of millions of dollars to buy medicinal materials is indeed small money, even half of the shares of Changhu Group, it is not a big deal.

At this moment, apart from shock, they had no other emotions.

While everyone was silent, Wu Qinxue suddenly screamed, which shocked them greatly.

"Ahhh! Hukou TV! Hukou TV is actually owned by my cousin! Ahhh... I want to be the anchor! Cousin, you must praise me, I want to become a super popular anchor! Ah..."

"Little Snow!"

Wu Siyuan sneered coldly, causing Wu Qinxue to shrink her head in fright, but her eyes kept rolling, obviously still thinking.

Ye Beichen smiled and said, "Xiaoxue, you are so young now that you are not suitable for publicity. Study hard first, and when you graduate..."

"Still graduated, Yuan Fang is one year younger than me, and has thousands of popularity, blowing in front of us every day." Wu Qinxue pouted and said, very unhappy.

Everyone didn't care about Wu Qinxue's complaints. Ye Beichen glanced at the old house and said, "Mom, let's live in another place? It's time for my aunt and uncle's house to change too."

"Ah? We live in a good place, so we don't need to change." Ye Shan waved her hand quickly.

But Ye Beichen laughed: "Haha, as the future general manager and chief financial officer of the Ye Group, you will be laughed at if you live in the current house."

 Chapter 1.Next chapter at eight o'clock in the evening.

  Thank you Shuai for passing the fire 498 reward.

  Thank you Green Tree Fluorescent 100 reward.

  Thank you for giving me 99 rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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