Chapter 237

"Wow! Sports car!"

When Qin Lianjie heard the sports car driven by Brother Wang, peach blossoms would pop out of her eyes.

Although Zhang Xinran didn't say anything, her expression had already betrayed her heart.

She's never been in a sports car either.

Of course, Yuan Fang did it on purpose. Seeing the expressions of several people, she felt very proud.

It seemed that he was the one driving the sports car.

Seeing this, Wu Qinxue rolled her eyes and said unconvinced: "Hmph, sports cars are sports cars, as if no one owns them."

"Yoyo, Xiaoxue, when did you get so angry? It's daytime, don't dream." Yuan Fang's face was filled with a narrow smile.

Wu Qinxue immediately refused to accept it: "Cousin, let's go home and drive the sports car!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed, even Brother Wang Yunqiang was no exception, and Yuan Fang laughed even crazier.

"Hahaha... Xiaoxue, are you going to kill me laughing? You said you drove out just now, and now you say that the sports car is at home. What? Don't tell me you have several cars at home?"

Seeing this, Wang Yunqiang smiled and shook his head, feeling more confident about taking down Wu Qinxue.

A girl who loves vanity and brags, such a girl is too unchallenging.If you want to show some wealth casually, even without spending money, she will post it first.

The only obstacle now is Ye Beichen.As long as Ye Beichen is thrown away, his goal can be achieved today.

"Why don't you believe me!"

Wu Qinxue looked at everyone's playful eyes, and was even more angry: "Cousin, let's go home and drive a sports car!"

"Okay, Xiaoxue."

Ye Beichen rubbed Wu Qinxue's little head with a smile, and said, "Whether it's a car or a sports car, it's just a means of transportation, so there's no need to worry about it. You wait for me here, and I'll drive."

After speaking, he ignored Wu Qinxue who was full of displeasure, and left straight to the underground parking lot.

As soon as Ye Beichen left, Wang Yunqiang seized the opportunity and immediately came up to him: "Xiaoxue, do you want to try Brother Wang's sports car? It's parked nearby."

As soon as these words came out, both Qin Lianjie and Zhang Xinran looked at Wu Qinxue enviously.

Yuan Fang quit immediately.

"Brother Wang, she rides a sports car, so why should I ride?"

Seeing Wang Yunqiang frowning, he said lightly, "Didn't Xiaoxue's cousin come by car? So what if it's crowded? If you don't want to be crowded, just take a taxi."

As he spoke, he took out his wallet and handed Yuan Fang a 100-yuan note.

Yuan Fang's expression was immediately wonderful, and she panicked.

"Brother Wang, I didn't mean that...I..."

"My cousin is here."

Before Yuan Fang finished speaking, Wu Qinxue pointed at a bright black car in the distance and shouted.

As she said that, she ignored Wang Yunqiang and Yuan Fang, and waved happily at the black car.

Everyone looked in the direction and were taken aback.

"Xiaoxue, is that your cousin's car?" Zhang Xinran asked in a low voice.

"Xiaoxue, is that the red Chery QQ behind the black car?" Qin Lianjie also hurriedly asked.


Wu Qinxue shook her head: "It's the black one. My cousin is in the driver's seat, didn't you see it?"

Hearing this, everyone took a closer look, and they saw Ye Beichen in the black car.

"This car... doesn't seem cheap." Zhang Xinran muttered to himself.

Hearing this, Wang Yunqiang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

This is more than cheap!
The Rolls-Royce Phantom has a low allocation of more than 600 million.If it's a top match, you can't beat it without 1000 million.

It is said that the price of the new Rolls-Royce Phantom is even higher, 500 million.

He also couldn't tell whether Ye Beichen's car was an old model or a new one.

Compared with the Rolls-Royce Phantom, his Porsche 100, which is not worth 718 million, is completely scum.

At this moment, Wang Yunqiang had already made up his mind that he would drive after Ye Beichen drove away.

However, desperately, Yuan Fang spoke again.

"How expensive can it be? Can it be compared with Brother Wang's sports car? Cut! Brother Wang, let me drive the sports car with you and let them see what a luxury car is."

Wang Yunqiang admitted that he could no longer control his hand and had the urge to slap him.

As for his feet, he was also somewhat uncontrollable, and had the urge to kick Yuan Fang away.

But reason told him that he couldn't do it.

He gritted his teeth, glanced coldly at Yuan Fang, and said, "Come and drive with me."

Yuan Fang left with Wang Yunqiang, and the Rolls-Royce Phantom just stopped at the door of Starbucks.

Wu Qinxue looked proudly at Qin Lianjie and Zhang Xinran who were still in surprise, and said with a smile, "Let's go, my cousin's car has a lot of space, so don't worry about it being crowded, let them squeeze the sports car."

The two followed Wu Qinxue into the car, and were shocked again by the luxurious interior.

Even a cushion or a pendant made them feel unusual.

"Xiaoxue, is this car really your cousin's?"

Zhang Xinran sneaked into Wu Qinxue's ear and asked in a low voice.


Wu Qinxue nodded, and muttered inexplicably: "I don't know what's wrong with my cousin. He likes this kind of car, and he bought it for my dad. Fortunately, my mother and aunt are both sports cars. , but not as expensive as this car."

"Your father, your mother, your aunt, all of them?" Zhang Xinran was a little confused.

Isn't Wu Qinxue's family conditions very average?Why suddenly...

Qin Lianjie also came up and asked softly, "Xiaoxue, how much is this car...?"

Wu Qinxue recalled it for a while, and said, "It seems... 600 million. Cousin, is this car 600 million?"

"Almost." Ye Beichen replied with a smile.

The next moment, two gasping sounds sounded in the Rolls-Royce Phantom at the same time.

One car, 600 million!

They thought just now that more than 100 million people were overwhelmed.

More than 100 million is enough to surprise them, let alone 600 million!

When they looked at Ye Beichen again, their eyes were different.

At this time, a pure white convertible sports car came out of the alley, Yuan Fang, the co-pilot, stood up and shouted triumphantly: "Xiaoxue, this way, follow up."

After finishing the words, Wang Yunqiang glanced coldly at the large Rolls-Royce Phantom, and drove away.

Just now, he asked about Wu Qinxue's situation in the car.

It turned out that Wu Qinxue's family was in a mediocre situation, and her cousin had just graduated from college and was working in Shanghai.

Now that you're back, you're driving a good car?

Wang Yunqiang immediately determined that the Rolls-Royce Phantom must have been rented by Ye Beichen!
I usually mix like a dog outside and pretend to be a B at home to find a sense of presence. Is this rare?

Ye Beichen is definitely this kind of person!

At this time, when Wang Yunqiang looked at the Rolls-Royce Phantom from the rearview mirror, he couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to Ye Beichen.

In order to install B, renting such a luxury car, even for a day, would cost a lot of money, right?

At this time, Ye Beichen must be in pain!

Wang Yunqiang likes to watch other people hurt so much, so he has already made a decision to take Ye Beichen around the company so that he has no chance to drive out to pretend to be B.

It's best to spend a whole day on him, let him waste his car rental money, and let him pretend to be B!

It's refreshing to think about it.

On the other side, the voice of the system sounded in Ye Beichen's mind...

 Hmm... the book city changed the list, without me...

  It's hand QPK again...

  very powerless...

  At first, I still held some hope, wanting to collect [-] yuan, but now... it's nowhere in sight.

  Since there is no hope, feel free to update

  This is Chapter 2, the next chapter is nine o'clock.

  Thanks for favoring Freedom 399 for the reward.

  Thanks to 161***72 book friends 388 for the reward.

  Thanks to Gentleman297 for the reward.

  Thanks to アイウ, Shuaifeng Lu Guangliang, 180****31, Muzi Li @100 for the reward.

  Thank you Love Cloud 99 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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