The strongest god in the city

Chapter 238 Can't Make a Splash

Chapter 238 Can't Make a Splash

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task of pretending to be invisible. But the system has to remind the host that after judgment, this pretending is extremely far-fetched. I also hope that the host will practice more and strive to be able to pretend to be invisible in a more mellow manner as soon as possible."

The sound of the system made Ye Beichen roll his eyes.

He really didn't deliberately pretend to be B this time.

First, he didn't drive the Rolls-Royce Phantom to a stop in the middle of the road, second, he didn't rush to pay, and third, he didn't show off how expensive his car was.

This is not counted, how should it be counted?

"It seems that we need to think more about it."

Ye Beichen secretly sighed in his heart, and felt a little uncertain about the next opportunity to pretend to be B.

It's too deliberate to show your identity.

Recognized, as if...he wasn't that famous yet.

Just when Ye Beichen was in trouble, the Porsche 718 in front was heading towards the underground parking lot of a building, and he followed it.

After parking the car, Wang Yunqiang walked forward with a smile.

"Brother Ye..."

"Don't call me Mr. Ye." Ye Beichen said lightly.

He dared to call him Ye Beichen's brother without looking at his identity. Why is his face so big?

Of course, the more important thing is that Ye Beichen has long felt the other party's hostility, but pretending to be close is even more disgusting.

Wang Yunqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a fake smile: "Mr. Ye? Hehe, good. Now that you are here, let's visit our company together."


Ye Beichen's response almost made Wang Yunqiang spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Pretend, you continue to pretend!
Wu Qinxue and the little girls were pure-minded, but they didn't feel anything from the conversation.Several girls got together, the shock just now had been forgotten, and now they were chatting about the entertainment brokerage company they were about to meet.

Of course, the leader was Yuan Fang. She was talking about the company she signed with, how many departments, how many anchors, how many...

In short, it is right to say that it is good.

Yuan Fang's high-pitched voice echoed in the elevator all the time.

What company signed the highest anchor, with an annual income of several million.

What company discovers a potential stock, from no fame to fame, with millions of fans.

Wang Yunqiang taught her this kind of words, just to calm down Wu Qinxue and Ye Beichen.

The little girls' eyes were flooded and they were mesmerized, but Ye Beichen seemed to have not heard it, and his face was indifferent.

He has heard many such inspirational stories.

"Pretend, keep pretending! Let's see how long you can pretend!"

Seeing Ye Beichen's indifferent expression, Wang Yunqiang sneered in his heart.

The elevator came to the fourteenth floor and stopped. Ye Beichen had a better understanding of the so-called Yunfei Brokerage Company.

The fourteenth floor is considered an unlucky number in Huizhou. The company rented the No. 14th floor, which also proves that its strength is average.

When you get off the elevator, you will see a corridor besides the reception desk.

Office rooms are separated by glass walls on both sides of the corridor.

What publicity department, operation department, planning department, etc., a department, only three or five kittens, the space is not crowded.

"See, this is the artist department, which manages all the artists in the company."

Wang Yunqiang pointed to the nameplate on the wall as if offering a treasure, and said: "Our company has more than ten managers and manages more than [-] artists. Do you know what the concept of [-] is? [-] is..."

"Even if you break into the live broadcast industry, you won't be able to make a splash." Ye Beichen took the conversation lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the girls laughed coquettishly, but Wang Yunqiang's face turned red.

I don't know whether to be angry or angry.

In short, he was very angry.

"Hmph, I don't know Ye...does Mr. Ye know how much income our company's artists make in a year?"

"Enough for my car?" Ye Beichen asked doubtfully.

Wang Yunqiang was choked and couldn't speak for a moment.

To expose Ye Beichen?That also has to be played after a while.Now that it's revealed, if he installs B in another place, he won't lose at all.


Wang Yunqiang snorted softly, took a few quick steps, and came outside the dance room.

"Everyone come and see."

Several girls quickly followed and looked inside through the transparent glass wall.

"Ah, sister Wuxin is practicing dancing."

Yuan Fang cried out excitedly.

Ye Beichen also walked over, and saw a long-haired girl over 1.7 meters tall dancing in the dance room while holding a pole.

Paired with hot pants and a tight T-shirt, her figure was fully displayed.

"This is... a pole dance?" Wu Qinxue couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it's pole dancing."

Yuan Fang was very excited: "Sister Wuxin is the most hardworking anchor in our company. She dances pole dancing and has hundreds of thousands of fans watching. Many people use rocket planes, and the money they earn in a day is equivalent to my month. "

"Wow, so much."

Zhang Xinran and Qin Lianjie's eyes were about to shine.

"Hmph, of course."

Yuan Fang snorted and said, "However, Brother Wang told me that when I graduate, I can come to the company to participate in training. The company focuses on training me and packaging me. I can also be as popular as Sister Wuxin."

As soon as these words came out, it was no surprise that all he got were envious and jealous eyes.

Wang Yunqiang saw all this in his eyes, and was slightly puzzled in his heart.

He was puzzled by Wu Qinxue's performance.

Wu Qinxue was actually much more indifferent, only a little bit envious.

"This little girl is as good at pretending as her cousin!"

Thinking of this, Wang Yunqiang chuckled and said, "The company is developing and has a lot of resources. I'm not bragging, but we still have the ability to train one or two popular anchors every year. Just in time, our company plans to sign another girl, let's go Pure route..."

As he said that, he glanced at Wu Qinxue.

Wu Qinxue was overjoyed, and looked at Ye Beichen pitifully.

Ye Beichen smiled lightly and asked, "What do you mean by popular anchor?"

Yo, hooked!
Wang Yunqiang was overjoyed, and immediately said: "The first point is that there are at least a million fans."

"Including the Jiucheng Agreement Number?" Ye Beichen asked jokingly.

Wang Yunqiang's face froze: "It turns out that Mr. Ye still knows the agreement number. Well, everyone actually has it, more or less. I won't talk about this. The second point is to earn one million a year."

"You got 20?" Ye Beichen sneered again.

"How could there not be 20!"

Wang Yunqiang immediately became angry: "Our company signed a contract with the anchor, and the share is 25/[-]. The gift is one million, and after the platform is halved, the company and the anchor are [-]/[-], [-] each."

"Really so many?"

For Ye Beichen's reluctance, Wang Yunqiang's anger was on the verge of erupting.

At this moment, the mean voice of the girl at the front desk suddenly came: "Yushen, why are you here again! Didn't Mr. Wang say that? You have already terminated the contract with the company, and the gift share will arrive next month! Run here every day, What is the use!"

Ye Beichen followed the sound and saw a boy standing awkwardly at the elevator entrance.I don't know whether to go in or go back.

 Third more.

  Thanks to 196****55 and TAT588 for the reward, thank you for my 100 reward.

  Can I ask for a recommendation ticket now?

  Come back at twelve o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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