Chapter 242
"Brother, the finance department has already transferred the money."

Wang Yunqiang walked over quickly, and asked suspiciously: "Why is Mr. Ye leaving in such a hurry? Why didn't you invite him to have lunch together? How is it? Has the matter been resolved?"

"have lunch?"

Wang Yunfei turned around and asked with a smile, "Tell me about how you met Mr. Ye."

Hearing this question, Wang Yunqiang didn't think much about it, and was quite content to tell the whole story.

After finishing speaking, he added: "Brother, is it my luck? Going out for a while, let us meet a big guy. Haha, the rise of our Yunfei brokerage company is just around the corner!"

"Just around the corner?"

Wang Yunfei chuckled, his eyes gradually revealing a sinister look.

Just as Wang Yunqiang nodded, before he could say a word, Wang Yunfei kicked over with one foot, and kicked him hard on the stomach.

"Ouch, brother, what are you doing! Ouch."

"What am I doing? I'll kill you bastard!"

Wang Yunfei kicked and kicked Wang Yunqiang one after another, cursing in his mouth: "You dog, thinking about unspoken rules all day long! Don't do good things all day long! I will beat you to death!"

Who doesn't know that Hukou TV is in full swing now?

The cooperation was going well at first, but because of Wang Yunqiang's impromptu idea, it couldn't be ended.

This makes Wang Yunfei so angry!
Moreover, in order to please Ye Beichen, he donated 50 yuan to charity!
Another loss!

At the critical moment, when Wang Yunqiang came up, the finances had already been transferred.

Thirty thousand, gone again!

Wang Yunfei was about to explode with rage!
Hearing the sound of screams and cursing, the company employees rushed out of the office one after another, wanting to see what happened.

But when they saw that Wang Yunfei was beating Wang Yunqiang, they all retracted their heads, let alone pulled them away...

On the other side, Ye Beichen drove Xiaoyu and Wu Qinxue to the hospital together.

Zhang Xinran and Qin Lianjie had already bid farewell and left. As for Yuan Fang...she had no face to stay any longer.

Driving to the hospital, before getting out of the car, Xiaoyu suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Ye, if you can... finish what you just said, I am willing to go to Shanghai."


Ye Beichen frowned, and said with a smile, "What? You still don't believe me?"

"no no."

Xiaoyu quickly shook his head: "That's not what I meant. It's just that I heard that it's not easy to arrange for the hospital in Shanghai."

Ye Beichen waved his hand casually: "Things that can be solved by money are trivial matters. If they can't be solved, it's simply because of insufficient money. Don't worry, I will let someone arrange for your sister."


Xiaoyu nodded heavily: "Then I'll go to Shanghai, to Xian..."

Ye Beichen couldn't help laughing at his tangled appearance.

how?Do you still think that Xianchen Brokerage Company is a grassroots team, even Yunfei Brokerage Company is inferior?
"Hmph, a dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart."

Wu Qinxue pursed her lips and said displeasedly, making Xiaoyu feel very embarrassed.

Coming outside the ICU ward of the hospital, following Xiaoyu's fingers, Ye Beichen saw the little girl on the hospital bed through the glass window, and his heart ached.

It was a little girl, probably because of the chemotherapy, she had a cropped cut, and her round face was frighteningly pale.


Ye Beichen sighed softly, thinking to himself, life is really fragile in front of serious illness.

"Cousin, she is so pitiful, let's help her."

Seeing the appearance of the little girl, Wu Qinxue said pitifully, tears were about to flow down.

"Well, it will get better." Ye Beichen nodded in response.

"Xiaoyu, you are here!"

At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Ye Beichen turned his head to look, and saw a nurse rushing over with an anxious face.

Xiaoyu quickly asked: "Aunt Chen, what happened? Is it because the medical expenses are not enough?"

"No, no, the medical expenses are enough."

The nurse said, looked back, and then said: "The man brought the child here, and he is anxious to see you. I called your father, but no one answered."

"My dad is on the construction site. Maybe the machine is too noisy and I didn't hear it. People are coming? Aunt Chen, take me to meet them."


The nurse hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Xiaoyu, I heard what that man seems that he is in a hurry to ask for money."

"Ah? I want money now, but I don't have 20 now." Xiaoyu's face became bitter.

Hearing this, Ye Beichen said, "Xiaoyu, let's go and see what's going on together. Don't worry about money."

"Well, thank you Mr. Ye."

Xiaoyu thanked her, and quickly dragged the nurse to the nurse's station.

Ye Beichen and Wu Qinxue also followed quickly.

Arriving outside the nurse's station, before entering the door, a pungent smell of smoke came over.

Ye Beichen also smokes, but in a hospital environment, the smell of smoke is too sensitive.

The nurse frowned helplessly, and was about to open the door when she heard a rough male voice coming from inside, which made her withdraw her hand in fright.

"What the hell! I have been waiting for half an hour, and I treat the donor like this? Hmph!"

"Uncle, don't worry, they will come soon." It was the weak voice of a little girl.


A crisp sound came suddenly, followed by the man's curse in a low voice: "Do you want to die? I told you to call you Dad, did you forget? If you call me wrong again, hehe, you will starve in the cellar all day! "

"Yeah, I see, Dad." The little girl's voice was already crying.

Hearing this voice, Ye Beichen suddenly became angry.

He just saw Xiaoyu's sister still lying on the hospital bed, which made him feel uncomfortable.Turning around, I heard another little girl being violent.

The important thing is that Ye Beichen felt the breath of conspiracy.

Why do you have to call him Dad even though you are an uncle?

Also, is this uncle a real uncle, or another name for a stranger?

With doubts, Ye Beichen reached out and pushed the door open.

In the nurse's station, a middle-aged man about 40 years old was crossing his legs, holding a cigarette in one hand, and he was spitting out wantonly.

Ye Beichen recognized the brand of cigarettes at a glance - Zhonghua.

In sharp contrast, the little girl in front of him was dressed in white clothes, her hair was still messy, and there was a faint slap mark on her face—it was just slapped by the man.

Seeing the person coming, the little girl backed away timidly, lowering her head and not daring to lift it up.

The man's eyes narrowed, he threw the half-smoked cigarette on the ground, and said dissatisfiedly, "You are the family members of the patient, right? What the hell are you doing! Do you still want a bone marrow transplant!"

"I'm sorry, I've just heard from Aunt Chen." Xiaoyu apologized quickly.

The man snorted coldly, glanced at Xiaoyu with disdain, then looked at Ye Beichen, and asked, "Did you bring the money? We are still rushing to go to other places, so hurry up and finish it quickly. Who has time to spend time with you?" grumble."

 First more.

  Thanks to Tutu 100 rewards.

  In other words, the update has been accelerated, but the recommendation ticket... seems to have not moved.

(End of this chapter)

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