The strongest god in the city

Chapter 243 Aren't You Donating?

Chapter 243 Aren't You Donating?

Hearing the man's aggressive urging, Xiaoyu looked at Ye Beichen for help.

Ye Beichen frowned, and replied flatly, "I have money on my card, but I need to go out to get it."

"Have money? Hurry up and get it! I'll go with you."

The man's eyes lit up and he stood up.

"No, you can just wait here. 20, right?"

Ye Beichen asked, looked at the nurse again, and said, "Aunt Chen, I'm not familiar with the hospital, please take me to find an ATM, please?"

The nurse was about to refuse, but saw Ye Beichen winking at her.

Her heart moved, she nodded, and said, "Okay, the layout of the hospital is a bit complicated, I'll take you there."

"Hurry up, hurry up, we've been waiting for half an hour, and we still have to catch the car." The man urged again, impatiently.

Walking out of the nurse's station, the nurse was about to speak when Ye Beichen stopped her.

"Take me to find the cash machine first, and talk while walking."

"Hmm." The nurse nodded, walked a few meters before asking in a low voice, "Young man, do you think there is something wrong with that man?"

"Aunt Chen, what do you think?"


Aunt Chen sighed, and said: "We nurses also think so in private. You don't know, Xiaoxiao needs a bone marrow transplant this time, and the man brought five boys and girls here. In the end, this little girl was actually a match." gone."

"Five or six? Then why didn't you call the police?"

There was some displeasure in Ye Beichen's words.

Aunt Chen shook her head and said, "This kind of thing...we have encountered it before...don't dare to deal with it."

The last word "了" means that it is not that I have never taken care of it.If you manage it, it will cause trouble instead.

Seeing this, Ye Beichen couldn't help feeling sorry for the nurse.

Let it go, for fear of retaliation.Regardless, I'm sorry.

However, the nurse didn't dare to take care of him, but he, Ye Beichen, was not afraid.

Ye Beichen thought for a while and said, "Okay, after you go over, just tell that man..."

Ten minutes later, when Ye Beichen returned to the nurse's station, the man was pacing anxiously in the nurse's station.

As soon as the door opened, the man quickly came up to meet Ye Beichen. Seeing Ye Beichen holding a stack of cash, he reached out to grab it.

Ye Beichen dodged, avoided the man's hand, and said flatly: "I have already prepared the money. This is your request. Should I also prepare my request?"

"Your request? What is your request?" The man asked with some doubts, his eyes fixed on the money in Ye Beichen's hand.

"It's very simple, take the bone marrow first. Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand."

"Why! I want to get the money first!"

The man stared and shouted angrily: "We came to donate with good intentions, is this your attitude? Okay, I won't donate anymore. Miao Miao, let's go."

As the man said, he reached out to grab the little girl Miao Miao and leave.

Ye Beichen narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Wait."

Hearing this voice, the man sneered in his heart, some people are cheap!

If you don't fight hard with him, he won't be happy!
"What? Changed your mind?"

"No, no, no, I want to thank you for your kindness. Since it's a donation, I apologize. Xiaoyu, go and save the money back for me. By the way, keeping a thousand is a thank you." Ye Beichen said, and asked Pass the money to Xiaoyu.

"You fool me!"

The man was really angry: "I agreed to 20, and you give me [-]? Is it okay to send the beggar?"

"Huh? Didn't you donate? What does 20 mean?" Ye Beichen asked suspiciously.

The man was speechless for a moment.

He held his breath, and said, "I don't have time to argue with you. Either pay the money, or I'll leave now. Miaomiao, let's go."

Being pulled by the man, Miao Miao stretched out her hand and said weakly, "Uncle... Dad, that sister is so pitiful, I think..."

"Damn it! Go!"

The man roughly pulled the little girl up and was about to go out.

He has already made up his mind, as long as Ye Beichen calls him to stop, he must add 5 yuan!

However, what made him collapse was that Ye Beichen not only didn't stop him, but said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, don't worry, we will transfer to Shanghai later, and there will find a matching bone marrow for us."

"Well, I'll listen to Mr. Ye." Xiaoyu replied helplessly.

Hearing this, the man froze.

Transfer to Shanghai later?

After going to the magic capital, will you look for him again?
20, how could it just fly like this!

No, even if there is no 20, 15 is still good.One hundred thousand, one hundred thousand is also possible!

The man cried out in his heart, turned around in a hurry, and tried his best to squeeze a smile that was uglier than crying.

"That...young man, I thought about it. It's better to do the bone marrow transplant as soon as possible. If it is delayed, it may not be good for the patient."

"You don't have to worry about that. I've already booked a flight ticket. I'll take off in two hours and arrive in Shanghai in the afternoon without any delay." Ye Beichen smiled.

Seeing this smile, the man wanted to punch him.

But he knew that for money, he had to endure.

"Young man, I think it's better to do the bone marrow transplant here first. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. Or, get the bone marrow first, and then you pay for it?"

"Oh? No rush to leave? Is that a donation or a sale?"

The man was held back again, gritted his teeth and spit out three words: "20."

"Oh, that's fine."

Ye Beichen didn't intend to force the man any more. If one is not good, it might not be fun if he really ran away.

At this time, the nurse spoke.

"Sir, please come out, there are some situations that need to be explained to you alone."

She was talking to the man.

The man was puzzled for a moment, and quickly followed out.

The door was closed, Miao Miao gave Ye Beichen a weak look, then hurriedly lowered her head, and timidly hid in a corner.

Ye Beichen sighed softly, walked forward, trying to make himself appear gentle.

"Little sister, is your name Miao Miao?"

Miao Miao trembled a bit, then nodded slightly.

"where is your family?"

Hearing Ye Beichen's question, Miao Miao raised her head in surprise, and hurriedly said, "My father is outside."

"What about the rest of your family?" Ye Beichen asked again.

The little girl lowered her head and said nothing.

At this moment, the sound of the door opening sounded, and Ye Beichen immediately stopped talking.

When the man walked into the nurse's station again, his face was as usual, but Ye Beichen caught a hint of sternness.

Behind the man, the nurse nodded quietly, indicating that her words were brought.

"Sir, since it's been agreed, I'll take Miaomiao to the doctor to get the bone marrow, is that okay?"

"Go, go, Miaomiao, you go with the nurse." The man said lightly.

Miao Miao followed with her head down, and the man spoke immediately.

"Sir, you are a little out of place."

"Oh? Why aren't you authentic?" Ye Beichen asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, the nurse told me just now! The patient is seriously ill and needs to extract more bone marrow, which may affect Miao Miao's future actions! No, you have to pay first!"

As the man spoke, he suddenly jumped up and snatched the money away.

Of course, this was the result of Ye Beichen's failure to stop him.

After snatching the money, the man sneered, opened the door and walked out quickly.

"You guys are waiting here, I'll go and have a look, and call me if you need anything."

After speaking, Ye Beichen opened the door and looked at it, then quietly followed.

 Second more.

  Thank you local tyrants for loving me 5 Hao rewards!Local tyrant... mighty...

  According to the rules, five changes will be added, and the addition will be completed before twelve o'clock tonight.

  Thank you TAT100 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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