The strongest god in the city

Chapter 246 You Are Afraid You Didn’t Understand the Situation

Chapter 246 I'm afraid you didn't understand the situation (adding three more rewards for loving me)


"I'll go, such a poisonous old thing!"

"It's really a distortion of human nature!"

"Ahh! Don't stop me, I'm going to kill this old thing!"

"Haohuang, support you, hurry up!"

"Haohuang, save people!"

"Haohuang, call the police."

"I have called the police on behalf of Hao Huang, but because the address is unknown, I was warned..."

"Haohuang, post the coordinates, the knife has been sharpened."

"Inhumanity! Uncle's!!!"

There is nothing more exciting than this.

At this time, a speech with an ID named Yulanhuakai caught everyone's attention.

"Haohuang, this is the Yulan police officer. We have locked your location according to the building, and we will arrive within 3 minutes. Please don't be impulsive, so as not to get hurt."

This barrage was immediately copied and swiped out by other followers, and it was swiped all over the screen.

But can Ye Beichen not be impulsive?
Ye Beichen wanted to kill someone now!

He thought that if the old lady said it, the middle-aged man would have to discuss it, at least he should be nervous, right?

But the middle-aged man has nothing, really, not even the slightest.

The moment the old lady's voice just fell, the man stood up straight, walked to the corner and grasped an iron rod in his hand, his eyes swept across the faces of the three of them coldly.

"Mom, I think I can just break Xiao Hua's legs. Little girls are more likely to attract sympathy."

"Well, my son is quite smart."

Hearing the old lady's praise, the man smiled complacently, grabbed the iron rod and walked towards the little girl Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua was startled, and stayed on the spot, not daring to move, tears dripping down her cheeks.

But the other two little boys moved unconsciously, as if they wanted to cover Xiao Hua.

"Xiaohua, don't worry, uncle will attack one leg at a time, never more."

While speaking, he had already walked in front of Xiao Hua, bent down and stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Hua's leg.

"Beast, stop!"

Ye Beichen yelled angrily, put his phone casually on the window sill, rushed to the door, and kicked it on the wooden door.

If it was an ordinary person, even if he kicked up, he would not be able to open the door.

With this kick, Ye Beichen almost exerted all his strength, and when he kicked it, the wooden door fell straight down.


There was a muffled sound, and a burst of dust splashed up.

"who are you?"

"It's you!"

The old woman and the man spoke almost at the same time.

"I am your uncle!"

Ye Beichen roared angrily, rushed forward in two steps, and punched the man.

The man stared at Ye Beichen's wrist with the iron rod in his hand.

If this hit hit, Ye Beichen's arm would almost be useless.

However, is it possible to hit?
Ye Beichen almost didn't need to think. When the iron rod came down, Ye Beichen used his fist as a claw, and with one claw, he firmly grasped the iron rod in his hand.

Without thinking about it, he threw his other hand at the man's face.

There was a "bang" nosebleed.


As soon as the man yelled, Ye Beichen lifted his foot and kicked hard on the man's stomach.

This kick sent the man flying, and the iron rod came out of his hand.

The iron rod is in Ye Beichen's hands!

"You like breaking people's legs, don't you?"

Ye Beichen gritted his teeth and rushed forward, hitting the back of the arched man.


The man was smashed to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Broken leg, right? Broken leg, right?"

Ye Beichen muttered viciously, grabbed the man's calf, and smashed it violently.

Hmm... This crackling is the sound of a man's leg bones breaking.

The man roared like a pig but could not stop Ye Beichen's crazy movements.

Teach a child to steal, teach a child to swindle money, and if you are not satisfied with a beating, you want to break your leg?
At this moment, Ye Beichen had only one thought, to beat the man's legs into mud!
Everything happened so fast that everyone in the room was stunned.

The three children stared blankly at Ye Beichen's movements with their mouths open, feeling a little relieved in their hearts.

And the old lady...

The old lady reacted quickly and started howling immediately.

"My son! You are so miserable! Don't hit my son! If you hit me again, I... I'll show you my old bones!"

"Die for me to see?"

Hearing the sound, Ye Beichen stopped his movements and said with a sneer, "Are you sure, if I hit again, you will die for me?"

"Yes! You call me and call an ambulance! If you dare to touch my son again, I... I will crash into the wall! Let's see how you end up!" The old lady stared at Ye Beichen with cold eyes, There is still a trace of pride in the eyes.

Yes, it's not crazy, but proud. It seems that she has already got Ye Beichen.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you didn't understand the situation!"

Ye Beichen chuckled, tightened the iron rod in his hand, and slammed it on the man's other leg.

"Did you see that I not only moved your son once, but also a lot of times, you die! You are dead! What? Two legs are useless, not enough for you to make up your mind?"

As Ye Beichen said, he took a step forward, pulled up one of the man's arms, swung the iron rod and smashed it down again.

At this time, the man was already covered in cold sweat from the pain, but he didn't have any strength to cry out.

"Why aren't you dead? Show me? I'm watching! You're dying! Why, isn't that enough?"

While speaking, Ye Beichen crippled the man's other arm again.

"not enough?"

Ye Beichen smiled coldly, kicked the man over, and poked the iron rod at the man.


The man opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes widened.

The old lady's expression at this time was the same as that of the children, with her mouth open and a dumbfounded look.

I've seen ruthless ones, but I've never seen such ruthless ones.

Before those ruthless ones, she can play tricks.But facing Ye Beichen, she didn't even have the courage to act violently.

However, Ye Beichen heard the words of the uncle he met at the door. He casually threw away the iron bar, clapped his hands, and said with a sneer, "Don't you like to mess around? Don't you like to shit? Come, I'll wait! Let's see if it's you who are grumpy, or me who is grumpy!"

"I'm a bitch..."

The old lady opened her mouth and burst into tears, even singing.

"Calling mother? Do you know that you want to go down to accompany your mother? Don't worry, I will reunite the three generations of you!"

With that said, Ye Beichen walked towards the old lady, without any emotion in his eyes.

At this moment, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

It's the police!
But what if the police came?
He, Ye Beichen, is going to be arrogant today!
Sure enough, four policemen rushed into the house, and there were several people guarding the door.

When the first person saw Ye Beichen, he was taken aback for a moment, and asked uncertainly, "You...are you the emperor?"

Ye Beichen pretended not to hear, and approached the old lady step by step.

Seeing the police, the old lady seemed to see a savior, and immediately called for help.

But before she could speak, Ye Beichen rushed in front of her, waved his arm, and slapped her across the face.

 Adding the third update, today's fifth update... There are two more updates.

  Thanks to Huihui for the reward of 200, and thanks to Adi Boy Xiaozhi for the reward of 100.

  Uh... It stands to reason that the author is not qualified to recommend other people's books now, but my friend's book is testing the waters, so I recommend it with a shy face - "The Strongest Cultivation Demon Lord". Favorite, take a look, thank you.

  Of course, the recommendation ticket must be left to me (manually funny)
(End of this chapter)

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