The strongest god in the city

Chapter 247 The Violent Ye Beichen

Chapter 247 The Violent Ye Beichen


A loud slap not only stunned the old lady, but also stunned several policemen.

Beating someone in front of the police, isn't that too arrogant?

"Hao Huang..."

The policeman wanted to stop her, but Ye Beichen had already stretched out his left hand, lifted the old lady up, and swung his right hand, slapping her face.

Several police officers looked at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in the eyes of their companions.

Before coming, they have been given instructions from above.

Although they don't know the real identity of Hao Huang, their age and appearance, etc., they have to know that Hao Huang is very rich and has great influence!

A bad one may have a bad influence.

What's more, Haohuang is still live broadcasting!

Therefore, we must be cautious and cautious when dealing with this case - the original words above.

On the way here, they were still discussing that they must protect Haohuang and not let Haohuang suffer any harm.

But in this way, what kind of Haohuang is still protecting, it's time to protect the suspect.

Didn't see, a suspect has been deposed?
When several policemen were helpless, Ye Beichen suddenly threw the old lady on the ground, and the old lady screamed when she fell to the ground.

Ye Beichen went over and grabbed the iron rod on the ground, and walked towards the old lady again.

This time, the policemen were shocked.

, This is to commit murder in front of them!
"Haohuang, stop quickly."

A policeman with sharp eyesight and quick hands was about to snatch Ye Beichen's iron rod.

Unexpectedly, with a flick of Ye Beichen's wrist, he dissipated the opponent's strength.On the top of the shoulders, the strength seems to be very light, but the other party feels a strong force coming from it, which makes him take several steps back again and again.

If it weren't for another policeman reaching out to support him, he would definitely fall to the ground.

This move directly suppressed several people.

Haohuang is actually a master!
Just when they were shocked, Ye Beichen made a move.

Ye Beichen swung the iron rod and smashed it down on the old lady's legs.

There were two crisp sounds of "Kaka", accompanied by the old lady's howling like a pig, and her legs were crippled.

Ye Beichen wanted to cripple her legs.

Until now, Ye Beichen's anger was only half gone.

As for the other half...

Ye Beichen casually threw the iron rod aside, ignored the old lady's howling, turned to look at the policemen, and said, "Next time, I'm sorry to trouble you, do you need me to find a lawyer?"

Hearing this, several policemen looked at each other in blank dismay.

What does it mean?
They didn't respond immediately.

Ye Beichen shook his head, pointed to the mobile phone outside the window, and said: "Explain again: "Today's matter will be broadcast live, and I can handle it well..."

"Hao Huang, I think they... they may have to be sent to the hospital first, and then they will make a statement, and ask Hao Huang to come back to the police station with us."

As the policeman said, he quietly winked at Ye Beichen, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

They knew that Ye Beichen was broadcasting live before, but they didn't know that everything just now was broadcasting live!
This matter is really difficult!

Ye Beichen nodded understandingly, looked at the children gently, and said, "Did I scare you just now? Don't be afraid, uncle is not a bad person, and the police uncle is here too. Let's go to the police station together, and then send you home ,OK?"

The three children who had been shivering in the corner, heard the word "go home", their eyes lit up immediately, but they dared not go forward.

Ye Beichen smiled, stepped forward, picked up Xiaohua with his arms, and smiled at the two little boys: "Let's go, uncle promises that I will send you home."

Hearing this, the two little boys hesitated for a moment, then nodded at the same time, and silently followed Ye Beichen's footsteps.

Several policemen looked at each other and smiled wryly. One of them sighed, "Let's send it to the hospital first."

They knew in their hearts that this was the case, and even if they were sent to the hospital, it would be useless.

Regardless of whether it is an old lady or a man, they will not be able to stand up in this life.

Of course, men are even more miserable. He will use his whole body to experience what it means to be unable to support the wall with mud.

Walking out of the bungalow, Ye Beichen grabbed the phone from the window sill, glanced at it, and immediately smiled.

The screen was full of words such as "The Emperor is mighty" and "The Emperor is stupefied", which made him feel a little complacent.

This is the first time he has appeared in front of the camera, the scene should be shocking enough, right?

If the audience heard Ye Beichen's heartfelt voice, they would definitely give an affirmative answer.

It's more than shocking, it's so cool that I cried!
It turns out that Haohuang is not only rich, but also handsome, good at fighting, has a sense of justice, is also very caring, and very...

Just the act of picking up the little girl is enough to melt the hearts of a group of sensual girls.

All in all, all good reviews, no bad reviews.

Two words are enough to describe Ye Beichen's live broadcast debut - perfect!
Seeing that Ye Beichen turned off the live broadcast, the police didn't ask Ye Beichen to take a police car, they just told Ye Beichen the address of the city bureau, and they left with the old lady and the man.

As for the little ones, they sat on Ye Beichen's Rolls-Royce Phantom, their small eyeballs wandering around, curiously looking at everything in front of them.

Ye Beichen asked softly while driving: "Do you still remember where your home is? Do you remember your parents' names? Do you have a phone number?"


A few minutes later, Ye Beichen shook his head helplessly.

From the mouths of several children, he didn't ask anything, it was all vague information.

Let's leave this matter to the police, as long as he pays attention to it.

Only 5 minutes into the police station, Ye Beichen walked out.

Originally, he thought it would take a lot of trouble.

But the reality is, if he didn't have to explain the matter of a few little guys, and donated 100 million for the transformation of the police car by the way, he would have come out in 2 minutes.

The thing is that simple.

Leaving the police station, Ye Beichen drove back to the hospital nurse's station, and saw Xiaoyu and Wu Qinxue looking anxious.

As for Miao Miao, who had finished taking the bone marrow, she lowered her head and said nothing.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Miao Miao suddenly raised her head, eyes full of surprise.

But when she saw that it was Ye Beichen, her surprise instantly turned into confusion.

Poor Miao Miao, she didn't even know that she was abandoned.

Ye Beichen felt a pain in his heart, waved to Wu Qinxue and Xiaoyu who wanted to talk, walked up to Miao Miao, squatted down, and asked softly, "Miao Miao, is there anyone else in your family?"

"Uncle... Dad..."

Ye Beichen sighed softly in his heart, he still had to tell her the truth.

"That man before? I know he is a bad guy and has been caught by the police. Is there anyone else in your family?"

As soon as this remark came out, Miao Miao's eyes widened and their sockets were red.

Although he is a bad guy, he is also her only support...

 Plus Chapter 4, today's Chapter 6...

  Well, there is one more chapter, just... I owe it first, I will make it up tomorrow, my brain hurts.

  Thank you for being tired of 999.

  If it feels good, please vote for it.
(End of this chapter)

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