The strongest god in the city

Chapter 248 Our Little Girl

Chapter 248 Our Little Girl

"Uncle was arrested?"

Miao Miao whispered to herself, and suddenly asked: "What about Brother Xiaomu and Sister Xiaohua?"

"They are at the police station now. The police uncle will help them contact their families and send them back. Miao Miao, how about you?"

The reason why Ye Beichen asked Miao Miao face to face was because of sympathy, and because Miao Miao seemed more sensible.

That said, it's a little easier to communicate.

To Ye Beichen's surprise, Miao Miao's mouth was flattened, and she burst into tears.

Ye Beichen hurried forward, patted Miao Miao on the back, and softly comforted him: "Miao Miao, don't worry, they can find their family members, so can you. I promise!"

Hearing this, Miao Miao cried even louder, even a little bit heartbreaking.

Ye Beichen panicked, and he didn't know how to comfort him at this moment. He was afraid that the more he comforted him, the worse the situation would be.

Xiaoyu and Wu Qinxue were also in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Miao Miao cried for a while as if venting, and then stopped crying.

"Brother, you hand me over to the police uncle."

Miao Miao spoke, her voice was flat.

"Oh? Do you want to find your family through the police uncle?" Ye Beichen asked suspiciously.

But Miao Miao shook her head weakly, and said in a low voice: "Brother, please hand me over to the police uncle, I... have no family. Miao Miao is a thief."


Ye Beichen froze for a moment before finally understanding what Miao Miao meant.

Miao Miao's family was gone, and the man and the old lady who used her were arrested, but she asked Ye Beichen to hand her over to the police, and specifically stated that she was a thief, hoping that the police would also arrest her.

Does she want to be caught?

Obviously not.

There is no way out for her.

It is not easy for a little girl to figure out these things, and it is even more difficult to face the cruel reality.

Undoubtedly, Miao Miao is a sensible child.

Ye Beichen sighed softly, reached out and touched Miao Miao's small head, and said softly, "Miao Miao, don't worry, brother won't hand you over to the police, brother will find a good home for you."

"do not want!"

Miao Miao suddenly let out a scream, which startled Ye Beichen.

Looking down, Miao Miao still had a trace of fear on her face.

Ye Beichen couldn't help wondering, how could Miaomiao have such a big reaction when he found a good family?
Seeing Miao Miao's look with a hint of fear, Ye Beichen's mind turned, and he probably guessed the possibility.

Perhaps, Miao Miao had also been with "good people" before, and as a result, the shadow left behind was not less than this time.

Thinking of this, Ye Beichen hesitated for a moment, then sat down and made a decision.

"Miao Miao, how about you go home with your brother? Live at my brother's house, my brother will let you go to study, let sister Xiaoxue play with you, okay?"

Hearing this, Miao Miao raised her head and looked at Ye Beichen in disbelief.

At this time, Wu Qinxue came too, and said with a sweet smile, "Your name is Miao Miao, right? I'm sister Xiaoxue. You come home with us, and my sister will take you to play Xuanwu, okay?"

Ye Beichen has black lines all over his head, didn't you just say that elementary school students only play dazzling dances in the morning?
However, when I thought that Miao Miao was indeed still young, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Perhaps, Wu Qinxue simply thought that at Miaomiao's age, she would like to dance.

"How about it? Miao Miao, go home with my brother, live in a big house, eat delicious food, don't need to cheat people, don't need to steal..."

Ye Beichen Balabala said a lot.At this moment, he felt that he had turned into a strange sorghum who only deceived children.

No, Wu Qinxue looked at him with vigilance.

Fortunately, his words were not in vain.

Miao Miao nodded weakly, and said in a low voice, "Well... I'll go home with my brother."

As she spoke, she suddenly took a step back and bowed to Ye Beichen and Wu Qinxue.

"Thank you brother and sister for taking in Miao Miao, Miao Miao will be obedient. If Miao Miao is disobedient, brothers and sisters can beat Miao Miao, Miao Miao will not cry."

Hearing these cute words, not only Ye Beichen was moved, but also Wu Qinxue and Xiaoyu were so moved that their eyes turned red.

Afterwards, Ye Beichen spent money to complete the hospital transfer procedures for Xiaoyu's sister, and called Qian Shaocheng and Xian'er in front of Xiaoyu.

The call to Qian Shaocheng was to ask Qian Shaocheng to arrange for Xiaoyu's younger sister to have an operation in the hospital.

After all, Qian Shaocheng is considered an upper-class person in Shanghai, and his network of connections is not comparable to that of Xian'er.

Calling Xian'er is to tell Xian'er to let the agent accept Xiaoyu into Xianchen's brokerage company.

On the way, Xiaoyu's parents arrived. After learning what happened, they thanked Ye Beichen a thousand times.

When everything was settled, Ye Beichen left the hospital holding Wu Qinxue with one hand and Miaomiao with the other.

As soon as he got in the car, Ye Beichen unexpectedly received a message from the system.

What he did today was actually judged by the system as qualified for being invisible!
This made him unable to react for a while.

"System, did you make a mistake? I obviously spent a lot of money just now."

While driving, Ye Beichen asked the system in his heart.

It's not that he is talkative, but that he is too incomprehensible.

The previous time, no money was spent, and it was judged to be barely qualified.

This time, despite spending money and taking the initiative, he was judged qualified, and even the word "barely" was removed.

"The host does not need to misunderstand, this incident is accounted for separately. Slapping Yunfei's brokerage company is actively pretending to help Xiaoyu, not pretending to be coercive. But the host went deep into the 'magic cave' to rescue children in distress, in front of millions Punish the wicked in front of the audience. Act as an invisible force!"

It turned out to be the case.

After figuring out the joints, Ye Beichen couldn't help but laugh.

Going deep into the devil's lair, rescuing children, and punishing the wicked are all foreshadowing.The system judged that he was pretending to be in front of millions of viewers!
This system of thinking is a bit dangerous.

However, since you have already completed two invisible pretense tasks, there is no need to worry about the last one.

At least, Ye Beichen decided that if he could not touch the official, try not to touch it.

After driving home, he parked the car in the yard, and Wu Qinxue pulled Miao Miao into the door.

When she saw the villa in front of her, Miao Miao stood blankly at the door, even though Wu Qinxue pulled her, she was unwilling to take a step, her face full of stubbornness.

Noticing Miao Miao's movements, Ye Beichen quickly asked, "Miao Miao, what's the matter? This is my brother's home, and from now on, this will be your home too. Let's go in with my brother."

But Miao Miao shook her head resolutely: "No, brother, Miao Miao will dirty your house."

Just at this moment, Wang Cuiqin came out, and couldn't help being surprised when she heard Miao Miao's words.

"Ah, what kind of girl is this, so sensible."

Miao Miao was so frightened that she quickly hid behind Ye Beichen, but was hugged by Ye Beichen.

"Mom, from now on, Miao Miao will be our little girl."

 The addition and update owed yesterday was completed, and the following is today's update.

  Hmm... It's the fourth time I played the second round of QPK, and I have been begging for so many things. I don't want to kneel in the second round for the fourth time!

(End of this chapter)

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