The strongest god in the city

Chapter 251 You are doing well, kid

Chapter 251 You are doing well, kid (recommendation ticket please)

Ye Beichen had just looked around the factory when a lazy voice came.

Following the prestige, Ye Beichen saw an old man lying on the recliner behind the door.

The uncle is wearing a white vest, which is dirty and has been stained gray.

"Master, why do you want to transfer this factory?"

As Ye Beichen asked, he took out a cigarette and handed it to the uncle.

The uncle took the cigarette, put it under his nose, sniffed it, and praised: "Hmm... it's pure soft, right?"

"Huh? You can smell this too?" Ye Beichen was a little surprised.


The old man cursed, lit his cigarette and took a puff before he said leisurely, "The old man used to only smoke the three-character soft middle."

"What then?"


The uncle chuckled: "Later, I also entered this park like you. When I came to the gate of this factory, I saw the notice of transfer..."

Ye Beichen stopped the old man quickly: "Stop, stop, I've heard the old monk tell the story to the young monk. Grandpa, let's get to the point."

"The point? The point is that I bought this factory, so I didn't even have a second pair of pants to change."

As the uncle said, he scratched his crotch obscenely, put his hand under his nose and smelled it, and frowned in disgust.

This scene gave Ye Beichen a chill.

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't shake hands with the uncle.

Who knows how many times I scratched today?

Ye Beichen said with a dry smile, "Master, you are quite upright."

"Frank ass!"

The old man spat, laughed and said, "The old man's factory has been mortgaged to the creditors to pay off the debt. They provide food and housing, and let the old man watch over the transfer. If the transfer cannot be made, the old man can continue to eat. If it is transferred out, I have to pay it back." starve?"

Ye Beichen was full of complaints.

Uncle is not upright, but insidious!
After looking him up and down, Ye Beichen said helplessly, "Okay, sir, let me take a look first. If I buy the factory, I will hire you to guard the door, and you will be paid with food, housing and wages. Is it done?"

"There are still wages! Come on, I'll show you around the factory."

The uncle jumped up from the reclining chair like a spring, and stretched out his hand to pull Ye Beichen, but Ye Beichen dodged it quickly.

"They're all men, and they still despise them!"

The uncle smiled awkwardly, and led Ye Beichen into the factory.

It's absolutely because of the conditions Ye Beichen promised, the uncle who was half dead just now seems to be full of energy as if he had just been charged.

"Boy, this is a vacuum sterilizer, imported from West Germany, 80 yuan, and it has only been used for a year and a half."

"This is a multi-functional extraction tank, also imported from West Germany, 120 million. I bought it in a fashion last year, and it hasn't been used for a year."

"This is……"

Ye Beichen looked at the situation of the whole factory while listening to the uncle's introduction.

The factory covers an area of ​​about [-] square meters, which is enough for general companies to process, but it still cannot meet Ye Beichen's requirements.

However, although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs. Fermentation equipment, synthesis equipment, filtration equipment, etc., are all available, but there is nothing missing.

"Master, did you rent this factory?"

"Bullshit, of course I bought it! I bought tens of millions of equipment, and still care about the millions? Boy, do you really have the money to buy the factory? Don't make me happy."

The uncle said, with suspicion in his eyes.

Ye Beichen didn't answer in a hurry, but strolled around the factory back and forth, and after confirming that there were no other problems, he said loudly, "Call your creditor, I want this factory."

"What! You want it! Boy, this is tens of millions!"

"Why? Are you still not happy?" Ye Beichen frowned.

This uncle, there is a bit too much drama.

"Yes! Why not! I'll call someone here."

The uncle responded, took out a counterfeit mobile phone and made a call, and immediately returned to the state of dying...

An hour later, Ye Beichen left the factory leisurely under the bow and worship of his uncle.

600 million, this factory has fallen under the name of mother Wang Cuiqin.

Afterwards, Ye Beichen wandered around a few more times and searched for several factories with normal business, but they didn't get much results.

The owner of the factory either feels that he is making money all the time, and although he earns a small amount, it is not bad.

Some people think that although they are losing money now, they might be able to recover in the future?

Of course... this is an illusion.

But Ye Beichen didn't point it out - anyway, it's not him, Ye Beichen, you who are losing money.

Leaving the park, Ye Beichen raised his eyes and looked into the distance. It was an empty wasteland, covering an area of ​​at least [-] square meters.

In fact, that was Ye Beichen's favorite place.

However, Ye Beichen wanted to quickly establish production channels and temporarily buy land, but it was obviously too late.

However, it can be carried out simultaneously with the reconstruction of the Yip Group.

While driving, Ye Beichen called and asked about it, and he was relieved by the result.

Coincidence, very coincidence.

Lot 1007, Ye Beichen's preferred wasteland, has not been sold yet.

Coincidentally, Ye Beichen learned from the phone that plot 1007 will be auctioned on the [-]th of this month, which is six days later at [-] pm, at the Hilton Hotel.

"Okay, thank you. I want to ask, is there any restriction on the use of the land?" Ye Beichen glanced at the flashing green light at the intersection, stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little impatient: "Industrial use. If you have any questions, log on to the official website to see for yourself."

The voice fell, followed by a busy tone.

"This attitude... is really not good."

Ye Beichen complained. Just as he was about to put the phone on the passenger side, a police motorcycle suddenly overtook him and waved him to pull over.

"Did I violate the traffic rules?"

Ye Beichen muttered to himself, followed the other party's command, and parked the car aside.

At this time, the traffic policeman on the motorcycle jumped off, came to Ye Beichen's window in a few steps, and knocked on the window.

Ye Beichen pressed the car window, and immediately heard an exclamation.

"Ye... Ye Beichen!"

It's a female voice!

Uh... This reaction seems a bit weird.

In short, she is a female traffic policeman.

Ye Beichen looked suspiciously, and saw that the other party took off his sunglasses, revealing a fair face.

Ye Beichen immediately burst into foul language.

"Damn it! Shen Siwei! It's you!"

Shen Siwei, Ye Beichen's classmate, looks like a gentle and cute girl on the outside, but inside she is a violent woman...

Basically, that's it.

Once, he kicked and broke the ribs of the gangster who molested her - three.

Afterwards, everyone found out that Shen Siwei was actually a third-dan karate.

According to Shen Siwei herself, if she hadn't been restricted by her age, she would have taken the fifth stage lightly.

Such a girl, to be a traffic policeman, is really - a professional counterpart.

"Haha, didn't expect that?"

Shen Si smiled narrowly, then gave Ye Beichen a bold push, and said, "You're a pretty good kid, and you dare to drive the boss's luxury car casually. But remember next time, you are not allowed to make phone calls while driving. Hurry up." Come on, don't let your boss find out."


Just as Ye Beichen was about to explain, Shen Si patted his chest slightly and said, "I still have this bit of power, so hurry up and do your work."

After finishing speaking, she turned around, stepped on the police motorcycle, and left with a bang on the accelerator.

A set of movements, smooth and flowing, heroic, leaving only Ye Beichen with a confused face...

 First more.

  Thanks to *1099 for the reward, thanks to Ling Min Xiaoxiao for the 588 reward, thanks to Sunny for the 100 reward, and thanks to the unknown author for the 99 reward.

  Continue to scroll all kinds of requests.

(End of this chapter)

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