The strongest god in the city

Chapter 252 Circling the Earth Several Times

Chapter 252 Circling the Earth Several Times (Please recommend a ticket)
The appearance of Shen Siwei only brought back a little memory for Ye Beichen.

When Shen Si was slightly away, Ye Beichen didn't take it seriously, and put the matter behind him with a smile.

He didn't expect that a few days later, he and Shen Siwei would meet again...

After a busy afternoon, I finally had a delicious dinner when I got home.

Ye Beichen would never admit that he was under Miao Miao's favor.

Big fish and meat, stir-fried seasonal vegetables, spicy side dishes, and delicious stewed soup are all available.

"Mom, I think you should find a nanny as soon as possible."

At the end of the banquet, Ye Beichen looked at the dishes on the table and said helplessly.

Now my mother still has time to cook by herself, but as the chairman of the Ye Group, how can she have time to cook?

This time, Wang Cuiqin did not refute Ye Beichen.

There were two nannies in the family before, but it was only after the family fell into poverty that they had to send each other out.

"Alright, I'll contact Wang Ma later to see what she's doing now."

Wang Ma was one of the Ye family's previous nannies.


Ye Beichen nodded, then looked at Wu Siyuan and Ye Shan who had just finished eating, and said, "Mom, aunt, uncle, I have already bought a pharmaceutical factory this afternoon, and our Ye Group reconstruction plan should be launched." gone."

"So fast?"

Wu Siyuan frowned, and said with some concern: "Xiaochen, you are in such a hurry to buy the factory, don't you want to idle for a while? The previous prescription has been patented by the Sun family, and we can't use it anymore. Just research and develop this one. Time is immeasurable."

It is true that both clinical and production time can be estimated, but the research and development part is really not estimated.

Maybe I slapped my forehead, suddenly thought of an idea, tried it out, ah, it worked.

Of course, there may be another situation - the forehead is smashed, poof, brains all over the place.

"Uncle, don't worry, the research and development department can be established, and there is no need to rush the prescription, I will prepare it." Ye Beichen smiled confidently.

Hearing this, Ye Shan hurriedly asked: "Do you have a prescription? Xiaochen, where did you get the prescription? You can't mess around."

"Auntie, don't worry, it must be a legitimate prescription, and there is absolutely no risk at all."

Hearing this, the three of them stared at Ye Beichen suspiciously for a while, and they were relieved when they found that Ye Beichen looked confident and didn't dodge his gaze at all.

"Since Xiaochen has a prescription, then...Xiaochen, you can arrange tasks." Wu Siyuan said.

To be honest, Wu Siyuan's heart is the most urgent, and he wants to rebuild the Ye Group as soon as possible.

Back then, he was also the vice president of the group, but later he could only work as an ordinary supervisor in other pharmaceutical companies.

The pressure and ridicule he faces are much greater than those of the executives who have been promoted by themselves.

It was he who offered to resign yesterday and received a lot of ridicule.

The boss kept saying that he was welcome to go back, but how could the disdain in his eyes escape Wu Siyuan's?
He wants to rebuild the Ye Group, and he wants to return to the top.All the white eyes, all the sarcasm, turned them into envy and shock!
Seeing the heat in Wu Siyuan's eyes at a glance, Ye Beichen didn't say anything, and immediately said: "Our task now is to build the framework of the group as soon as possible. Before that, the office space of the group needs to be rented out first."

It is rented, not bought.

Because Ye Beichen looked down on everything except Ye's Building.

Seeing his mother, aunt, and uncle nodding in agreement, Ye Beichen went on to say: "After the office location is decided, the office staff, sales staff, and pharmaceutical factory workers must be arranged as soon as possible. You should do this task first, why not?" Sample?"

"Recruitment? Okay." Ye Shan agreed without saying a word.

"Second, it is the source of raw materials. Yang Qi's father can provide some medicinal materials, but his strength cannot afford all the raw materials. Moreover, I don't want another Sun family to appear."

What Ye Beichen said meant buying from multiple parties.

"This task, Mom, can you do it next?"

When Ye Tianming was still alive, Wang Cuiqin assisted Ye Tianming, not to mention other things, he still knew some people.

"Yes." Wang Cuiqin nodded.

Ye Beichen smiled, and said, "The third point is that I need to trouble my uncle to develop the sales channel. For the time being, contact the dealers in the province first, and don't rush to spread it outside the province."

"No problem, I'm in Kanghua and I'm doing sales, so I'm very familiar with it."

Kanghua is the pharmaceutical company that Wu Siyuan just resigned from, and Wu Siyuan is one of the directors in charge of sales.

Glancing at the three elders who were still a little uneasy, Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said: "The whole link of raw material supply channels, production processing, and sales channels has been opened up. Believe me, it won't take long for our products to be fully covered. Market. It may not be impossible for the product to circle the earth a few times. By the way, I will share a little bit of advertising.”

Ye Beichen was full of self-confidence, and they couldn't lose their aura as elders.

Wang Cuiqin, Ye Shan, and Wu Siyuan all nodded emphatically.

After a while, Ye Shan asked again: "Xiaochen, where is the office..."

"Let's choose near Ye's Building. Aren't there many buildings nearby? Choose a floor higher than Ye's Building, we will rent the third floor first. It won't take long, Ye's Building will still trust Ye."

Seeing Ye Beichen's determined appearance, the three of them were puzzled.

Taking back Ye's Building is not just as simple as defeating Sun Tianyu in the shopping mall.

Even if he is defeated, even if he wins most of the market, Sun Tianyu will not sell the property to retire, right?

Moreover, is Ye Beichen's purpose just to let Sun Tianyu retire?
How can it be!

Ye Beichen's purpose has always been clear.

Wang Cuiqin didn't wait until the next day to call Wang Ma. After eating, she made the call.

Early the next morning, Wang Ma appeared at the door of Ye's house.Some sighs, needless to say.

On the second day, everything was carried out according to the assigned tasks, and Wang Cuiqin, Ye Shan, and Wu Siyuan all started.

Ye Beichen, on the other hand, sneaked in and planned to sleep in.

But reality gave him another blow - he was woken up by the phone again.

It's Zhu Jiazhen's call.

"Hey, Jiazhen, what's the matter? Isn't the class reunion tomorrow?"

Hearing Ye Beichen's still somewhat confused words, Zhu Jiazhen on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile embarrassingly.

"That...Brother Ye, the class reunion is indeed tomorrow. I don't want to disturb you, it's just...that..."

"Speaking and farting, big man, what are you doing coyly?"

Ye Beichen laughed and cursed, and suddenly his heart moved, and he asked immediately: "Did Yang Qi ask you to call me? Why, your future father-in-law can't wait?"

"Oh, brother Ye, you haven't written your horoscope yet, so don't talk nonsense. Brother Ye, do you have time?"

"Still shy? I've been chasing him for several years. Why are you shy? Wait, I'll come here now, and I'll arrange it at Yulongji. Prepare a bowl of shark's fin for me to rinse my mouth with."

 Second more.

  Thanks to the ignorant shell 1888 for the reward, thanks to Will always for the 999 reward, thanks to Yunyou Sihai Erudite Supreme, MC Poseidon for the 100 reward, and thanks to Jiuxiaoyunhe for the 100 reward.

  Rolling around all kinds of requests, there is another update before twelve o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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