The strongest god in the city

Chapter 258: Ape Dung!

Chapter 258: Ape Dung! (ask for a recommendation ticket)
"Stop! What are you doing! Stop it!"

Just as the old drivers were panting and smashing the car, there was a sudden shout.

Ye Beichen followed the sound and saw an off-road vehicle stopped by the side of the road.

A young man wearing sunglasses jumped out of the driver's seat and quickly opened the rear door.

It is the Lord who has come!
Coming down from the back row was a middle-aged man, wearing a string of big gold necklaces, and his beard was particularly conspicuous.

Seeing this man, Ye Beichen frowned, what a coincidence.

Isn't this exactly the Wang Wanwan I saw in Yulongji in the morning?
It's only been two hours since we separated, and we actually meet again, it's really ape dung!

Wang Wanwan didn't notice Ye Beichen who was surrounded by grandpa and aunt at all, his attention was completely on the smashed car.

Wang Wanwan, who has always been extremely stingy towards others, somehow became fascinated by this woman.

Without telling the tigress at home, he gritted his teeth and spent millions to buy this Mercedes for this woman.

Seeing the Benz being smashed to pieces now, his heart is bleeding.

"Husband! Woooooo..."

As soon as the woman saw Wang Wanwan appearing, she quickly threw herself into his arms and began to cry.

Those who heard the sad and shrill cry were sad, and those who listened were weeping.

Wang Wanwan's eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Bullying people bullied me on Wang Wanwan's head. It's really a coward! Xiaoyuan, don't be afraid, my husband will let him know that money is the last word! Relationships are power!"

Wang Wanwan has already made up his mind, let his subordinates teach the person who instigated him a lesson first, and let him have a good drink.

With a sideways glance, he suddenly found that the men who smashed the car didn't stop because of his drinking.

And his subordinate just looked at it stupidly, without the slightest tendency to make a move.

This made him very angry.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Pull it down for me! Quick!"

Wang Wanwan roared angrily, his subordinates were taken aback and rushed over immediately.

At this time, Xiaoyuan, who was crying in Wang Wanwan's arms, suddenly raised her head and shouted, "No, no, no need."

"No, why not? That's a Mercedes-Benz that cost me millions!"

Wang Wanwan waved his hand to stop the movement of his subordinates, and asked suspiciously.

Just as Xiaoyuan was about to answer, a frivolous voice suddenly sounded.

"Because, I have already bought the car. I smashed my own car, can you control it?"

It was Ye Beichen.

Hearing Ye Beichen's voice, Wang Wanwan quickly turned his head to look. After being slightly surprised, his expression froze immediately.

It's too coincidental, isn't it?
Before Wang Wanwan could speak, Xiaoyuan spoke first, pointing at Ye Beichen and shouting, "Husband, that's him! He's the one who blackmailed me and threatened me..."

"To shut up!"

Wang Wanwan stopped Xiaoyuan from drinking, stared at Ye Beichen, and felt a little guilty: "Why are you? Why did you smash our car?"

He thought of Captain Lu's warning before he left, this young man should not be messed with.

Even Captain Lu turned around and left without saying a word when he saw it, Wang Wanwan is nothing!
"Huh? Wang Wanwan, I didn't expect you to remember me?" Ye Beichen asked jokingly, and said leisurely: "I've already bought the car, so I can smash it as I like. You can control it? Or, you Buy it for 100 million, and smash it for a while?"

A smile appeared on Wang Wanwan's face, but that smile was uglier than crying.

"What did Mr. Ye say, no matter how rich I am, I wouldn't dare to play like this."

Wang Wanwan thought of the scene of Yulong Ji again.

Ye Beichen claimed that the card has [-] million.If it was true, that card alone would be worth much more than Wang Wanwan's net worth.


Ye Beichen glanced at him, and said, "So, you really want to smash the car too? How about it, you also smash a few times, and enjoy yourself."

Hearing this, Wang Wanwan smiled coyly, and was about to refuse when Ye Beichen narrowed his eyes, which startled him.

He hurriedly said: "I... I'm not physically strong enough, look, how about I ask my subordinates to smash it a few times?"

"Yes." Ye Beichen nodded lightly.

At this time, the old driver group had already changed out on their own, all out of breath, and the aunts of the neighborhood committee rushed up again.

The degree of destruction has reached 29%.

Wang Wanwan nodded to his subordinates and said, "Go, hit me a few times, be ruthless."

"Yes, boss."

The young man responded helplessly, and was about to rush forward, when he thought of Wang Wanwan's command to "be ruthless", he quickly turned back to the off-road vehicle and found a large wrench from the toolbox.

Facing the Mercedes-Benz worth nearly one million, the young man suddenly felt a little excited.

Although I can't afford a luxury car in this life, I have smashed a luxury car!
Thinking of this, he swung a wrench and smashed it down on the roof of the car.


The roof is deeply dented.

Destruction, 30%.

After that, every two will increase by 1%.According to this trend, to destroy 90.00%, it is only a matter of swinging a wrench more than 100 times.

Ye Beichen nodded in satisfaction, still young and energetic.

However, there are times when people are exhausted.

The young man only waved it a dozen times before retreating somewhat panting.

Destruction, 39%.

"Boss, I've had a blast." The young man stepped back and said.

Wang Wanwan waved his hand, motioned him to get in the car first, and then came up to him and said, "Mr. Ye, look, the car was also smashed, can we go first?"

"You can go."

When Ye Beichen said this, he chuckled and said, "However, the first thing is to pay for the car. Just now about 10% of your people were destroyed, and I won't cheat you, [-] yuan."


Wang Wanwan was taken aback and shouted unwillingly, "Mr. Ye, you asked us to smash it just now."

"That's right, I told you to smash the car, and you smashed it without saying a word. If I ask you to pay, why don't you simply do it?"

Ye Beichen squinted his eyes. Although there was still a smile on his face, Wang Wanwan always felt uncertain when he looked over.

Wang Wanwan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll pay."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to transfer money.

"Not busy, there's a second thing to do." Ye Beichen waved his hand to stop him.

Wang Wanwan was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "The second thing? What is it?"

Ye Beichen waved, and Wu Qinxue walked over with Miao Miao.

Ye Beichen touched Miaomiao's small face and said, "Your woman beat my sister, you have to explain to me, right?"


Wang Wanwan glared at Xiaoyuan angrily. He didn't expect that Xiaoyuan would dare to hit Ye Beichen's sister!

Xiaoyuan pursed her lips in grievance. The scene in front of her changed so quickly that she just realized it.

Her man is very afraid of Ye Beichen!
When she came to this conclusion, Xiaoyuan felt annoyed.It never occurred to her that when she casually hit a little girl, the little girl's brother was actually higher than Wang Wanwan!
Wang Wanwan also understood this in his heart. He was not sure about Ye Beichen's identity, so he had to make a mistake.

"Then... according to Mr. Ye, what do you think should be done?"

 Second more.

  Thank you for the 100 reward for losing your mind.

  On Monday, all kinds of requests, hit the list, thank you.

  Next update, twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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