The strongest god in the city

Chapter 259 A Big Show

Chapter 259 A Big Show (Please recommend a ticket)


Ye Beichen thought for a moment, and then put the previous decision behind him.

100?He doesn't care, what he wants is for the other party to pay the price!

If you dare to hit his sister, be prepared to be caught!
"Well, you come and fight until I am satisfied."

Speaking of this, Ye Beichen caught a glimpse of anger in Wang Wanwan's eyes, and smiled coldly, saying: "Of course, you can also refuse. As for the consequences, I will find out clearly what business you Wang Wanwan is doing. The previous Should know?"

As soon as this remark came out, the anger in Wang Wanwan's eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by panic and even some fear.

Ye Beichen inquired about his business, the threat was too obvious!
Moreover, Ye Beichen also mentioned the previous incident.Isn't the reason why Wang Wanwan flattered people because it was very helpful to his business?

If Ye Beichen found someone who was afraid of him, would there be a way for him, Wang Wanwan, to survive?

In just two seconds, Wang Wanwan had already weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

The next moment, he waved his arm and slapped it out.

With a crisp sound of "pa", Xiaoyuan was slapped in a circle on the spot.

Xiaoyuan, who kept her body steady, covered her face and looked at Wang Wanwan dully.

She never thought that Wang Wanwan, who spoiled her to the sky before, would beat her just as he said!

This slap was too harsh!

"Wang Wanwan, you really dare to hit me! You said that you will treat me well and support me all your life. Just because I slapped that little bitch, you..."

"I'll support you! Bitch! You're the slut!"

Wang Wanwan cursed angrily, and kicked Xiaoyuan to the ground.

Wang Wanwan is so angry!
He originally thought of slapping him twice, but Ye Beichen's anger almost disappeared, so he could confess.

Fortunately, Xiaoyuan dared to scold Ye Beichen's sister.

This is not what death is!
He clearly saw that Ye Beichen's face was extremely gloomy.

The presser kicked the courtyard over, Wang Wanwan stepped forward and kicked Xiaoyuan's stomach, causing her to scream in pain.

Xiaoyuan was also a bachelor, so when she was stepped on like this, she hugged Wang Wanwan's leg and pulled it violently.

Although Wang Wanwan was tall and big, his body had already been hollowed out. Xiaoyuan pulled him to the ground in front of her.

The next moment, something happened that left Ye Beichen dumbfounded.

Xiaoyuan turned over and pressed Wang Wanwan under her body, waving her palms and grabbed Wang Wanwan's face.

With just this move, Xiaoyuan knows how shrews fight--scratch people's faces!quick!allow!ruthless!

Slapping him away, Wang Wanwan screamed, and five bright red bloodstains immediately appeared on his face.

It was scratched by fingernails.

"Bitch, how dare you scratch me!"

Wang Wanwan was also shocked, the pain on his face let him know that he was actually injured!
He was in a hurry, what should he do, he had to go home at night.

If it is seen by the tigress, wouldn't it be over?
As for losing face in front of strangers, Wang Wanwan really didn't care that much.

Xiaoyuan rode on Wang Wanwan and shouted hysterically: "So what if I scratch you! Wang Wanwan, let me tell you, I, Chen Yuan, are not easy to bully!"

As she spoke, she threw herself down and grabbed Wang Wanwan's beard with both hands, and pulled hard, causing Wang Wanwan to scream in pain.

This Chen Yuan is also a talent, she doesn't grab her hair, but only her beard.

Being caught by this, Wang Wanwan, who had lost a handful of beards, was also red-eyed, and he reached out and grabbed Chen Yuan's long hair...

The wonderful performance of the two attracted everyone's attention. The grandparents stopped smashing their cars and held up their mobile phones, excitedly taking pictures of the battle between Wang Wanwan and Chen Yuan.

"I'm on Douyin, where did you post it?"

"I won't fight with you, I'll be fast!"

"You two idiots, what are you arguing about, Lao Wang is broadcasting live on Hukou TV!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately turned their attention to a white-haired old man, who was Lao Wang.

I saw Pharaoh holding the phone in his hand and shouting, "Boys, double-click 666 to get some gifts!"

One is more fashionable than the other.

Not to mention, there were quite a few viewers watching the live broadcast of fights, and the gift made Lao Wang smile.

"Ah, my anchor level is about to increase again! Hahaha..."

Old Wang laughed out loud, but the young man who was Wang Wanwan's driver was saddened, watching the battle between the two anxiously, not knowing what to do.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Let me hold her down!"

Wang Wanwan suddenly shouted loudly, the young man gritted his teeth, rushed over and pressed Chen Yuan under him.

The young man suddenly felt a tightness behind him, as if a heavy weight was pressing on him.

It's Wang Wanwan!

Wang Wanwan took advantage of the young man's pressure on Chen Yuan, and directly came to stack the arhat.

Two grown men weighed down, especially Wang Wanwan, who weighed more than 200 kilograms.This time, Chen Yuan rolled her eyes and fainted.


Wang Wanwan finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned over and lay on the side, panting heavily.

At this moment, the scene suddenly became quiet, except for Wang Wanwan's panting, there was no sound at all.

Look at the situation.

Chen Yuan, who fainted, had a lot of hair pulled down, and her cheeks were swollen.

Wang Wanwan was gasping for breath, most of his beard had been pulled out, and bloodstains were all over his face.

This is a lose-lose!
What else could Ye Beichen say?

After watching such a big show, besides enjoying it, what else can he say?

Even he himself didn't expect that the method he thought of at random would actually trigger a big battle.

He originally thought that it would be enough for Wang Wanwan to beat Chen Yuan up.

Forget it, Ye Beichen didn't even bother to ask for 10 yuan.

Take it as... a theater ticket.

At this time, Ye Beichen looked at the grandpa and aunt who were still taking pictures, and shouted: "Grandpa and aunt, put away your mobile phone first. Come on, let's finish the previous work. Come on, go home and have dinner."

The degree of destruction has reached 40.00% five, another 40.00% five, and it's done.

Hearing this voice, grandpas and aunts looked at me one by one, and I looked at you, and then...

"Yeah, it's almost twelve o'clock. I'm going to pick up my grandson from school."

"Hurry up and cook, otherwise the little ancestor will have nothing to eat when he comes back, and the sky will be turned upside down."

"Damn it, I hurriedly returned my grandson's car, and it would be over if I was found."


In just ten seconds, dozens of uncles and aunts all scattered away, leaving only the last one - the aunt of the neighborhood committee.

"Young man, look at this..."

The aunt came forward and rubbed her hands—asking for money.

Ye Beichen frowned. The mission issued by the system was for him to mobilize his uncle and aunt to destroy it, not himself.

This person has all run away, the task has not been completed, what can be done?

 Third more.

  Today is over, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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