The strongest god in the city

Chapter 261 Another magical skill

Chapter 261 Another magical skill (recommendation ticket requested)
"What about the mission reward?"

Uncle and Aunt's mission failed, and the mysterious reward is no longer expected.But there are rewards for failing to complete the task, and Ye Beichen is not at a loss.

Is that a mouthful?
It doesn't matter.

In short, in a word, he, Ye Beichen, has a reward.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the reward - Disguise."

I'll go, disguise!

Ye Beichen's eyes lit up, and he almost exclaimed.

Another god-level skill!

Even Ye Beichen prefers the Disguise Technique to the Delusion-Breaking Eye.

Think about it, how easy is it to change your appearance and become someone close to your enemy? Doesn't that feel good?
Not cool enough?
How about pretending to be an enemy, slapping a certain big man twice and spitting him in the face?Is it cool enough?
If that's not enough, Yi Rongcheng's enemy has a streaking run... Uh, forget it, pretend I didn't say it.

With excitement, Ye Beichen looked at the description of Yi Rongshu, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

Rare, rare, the system is really generous this time.

Disguise Technique (Elementary): Using this technique, you can adjust your appearance, or the appearance you think in your heart, or the person you see in your eyes, all of which can be changed, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

Duration: One hour.

Use interval: three days.

In other words, you can use the Disguise Technique for three days, and you can disguise yourself for one hour.

Whether it's changing into someone you've never seen before, or changing your appearance based on someone you've met, there's no problem at all!
Such a bullshit, why is he still a beginner?

Ye Beichen read the description several times with doubts, and finally figured out the reason.

Adjust your appearance!

Yes, only the appearance can be adjusted, above the head.

Body and limbs cannot be changed.

As for Yi Rongcheng's cute girl, she can only be a cute girl - nothing else can be changed!

Of course, as a straight man, Ye Beichen would never have such an idea.

At this moment, Ye Beichen already wanted to try how it felt to be someone else.

But when I thought that it could only be used once in three days, I had to give up the idea.

Maybe it will be available tomorrow?
Even if you don't need it tomorrow, what if you need it one day?

Before the Disguise Technique, Ye Beichen didn't feel it yet.Having just obtained the disguise technique, he suddenly discovered that there are many scenes that require disguise!
Soon, Ye Beichen thought of the most likely scenario.

"If that's the case, you don't need to worry about it!"

Muttering to himself, Ye Beichen glanced at the aunt who was sweating profusely but still sticking to the sabotage post, casually threw a wad of money behind the aunt, turned around and left.

Back home, Wang Cuiqin was carefully rubbing the medicine on Miao Miao, her face full of pity.

Wu Qinxue stood aside, lowered her head, filled with guilt.

From Wu Qinxue's point of view, if she hadn't brought Miao Miao to play, so many things would not have happened.

Hearing the noise, Wu Qinxue looked up, his eyes were happy, and he lowered his head again.

Ye Beichen smiled, walked up to Wu Qinxue, touched her head, and said, "Xiaoxue, are you feeling guilty?"

Hearing this, Wang Cuiqin glared at Ye Beichen.

How can you ask that?


Wu Qinxue nodded and said shamelessly, "If it wasn't for me, Miao Miao wouldn't..."

"Brother, don't blame sister Xiaoxue. Sister Xiaoxue just took Miao Miao to play. It was Miao Miao who was stupid and couldn't ride a skateboard, so she bumped into someone's car." Miao Miao quickly defended Xiaoxue in a hurry.

"Miao Miao is good."

Ye Beichen praised Miao Miao softly, and said, "Xiaoxue, I really don't blame you for today's incident, it's just that some people are too bad-tempered. But next time, you must remember to contact the adults, whether you are looking for For me, I can just go to my aunt or uncle, don't just go up there by yourself. After all, you never know when a bitch in this world will show up and bite you. "

"What kind of slut is not a slut! Just teach bad children!"

Wang Cuiqin spat, nodded in agreement, and said, "Xiaoxue, Miaomiao, next time you encounter something, remember to call home as soon as possible. Miaomiao, didn't I buy you a children's watch? Xiaoxue Did your sister teach you how to use it?"

"Yeah, sister Xiaoxue taught me, I've already learned it." Miao Miao replied quite proudly.

"Xiaoxue is so good, Miao Miao is also smart."

Wang Cuiqin boasted alone, and no one was too many, and she was still rubbing the medicine on Miao Miao.

Ye Beichen's heart moved, and he said, "Mom, your medicine is not effective, so use mine."

While speaking, Ye Beichen had already taken out a pill.

It was the Jinchuang pill that he had just redeemed from the system mall.

Although the [-] points were a bit hurt, Ye Beichen bought them without the slightest hesitation.

Wang Cuiqin glanced at the pill in Ye Beichen's hand, and then complained, "Don't add to the confusion, Miao Miao is traumatized, what's the use of taking the pill internally?"

Being despised by Wang Cuiqin, Ye Beichen blushed for a while.

This is the Jinchuang Pill that can only be exchanged for [-] points, which cannot be bought with money!

Others don't know, but he, Ye Beichen, has seen the miraculous effect of Jinchuang Pill.

At the beginning, Yan Zhonghe was almost dead after being hacked, and a Jinchuang Pill hanged his life.

"Mom, don't care if it works or not, just try it first."

As Ye Beichen said, he wanted to stuff Jinchuang Wan into Miaomiao's mouth.

Wang Cuiqin was about to stop, but Miao Miao obediently opened her mouth and bit it.

"Miao Miao, don't take medicine indiscriminately!"

Wang Cuiqin called out in a hurry, and said, "Xiaochen, you really don't care about the severity of your child. You don't know what kind of medicine you take, so let Miao Miao take it. What should you do if it spoils? Miao Miao, come on, first!" Spit it out."

Miao Miao opened her small mouth, but there was nothing in her mouth.

Just kidding, the system's pills melt in your mouth.Spit it out?no way!
Just as Wang Cuiqin was about to complain, her eyes widened suddenly.

Not only Wang Cuiqin's eyes widened, but Wu Qinxue's eyes also widened.

The slap marks on Miaomiao's face were fading rapidly, and the bloodstain was also scabbing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is not over yet.

After the palm prints disappeared, the bloodstains scabbed off, revealing the crystal clear skin.

Looking carefully, Wang Cuiqin even felt that Miao Miao's skin was a little fairer than before.

This medicine... is amazing, right?

After Wang Cuiqin came to her senses, she quickly rolled up the sleeve of Miaomiao's left hand, revealing the same fair skin in front of her eyes.

Wang Cuiqin was stunned.

She remembered that when she bathed Miao Miao yesterday, there were four or five welts on Miao Miao's arms, one of which was even deep enough to show the bone.

At that time, Wang Cuiqin was distressed, and planned to give Miao Miao a good recovery, and maybe he would recover in two months.

But now, the pill that Ye Beichen took out at random has all been prepared!
It's outrageous!
Wang Cuiqin swore that she had never heard of such a miraculous pill, let alone seen it in her life.

After being dazed for a long time, Wang Cuiqin asked with a complicated expression: "Xiao Chen, what medicine did you give Miao Miao just now? Is there any more?"

"Yes, cousin, do you still have that medicine?"

Wu Qinxue also asked hopefully, she thought she could be a little more white.

 The second watch, there is another watch at twelve o'clock.


  The ranking of recommended votes is very low.The ranking of the reward list is terrible...

(End of this chapter)

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