The strongest god in the city

Chapter 262 Fat People Are Potential Stocks

Chapter 262 Fat People Are Potential Stocks (Please recommend)

"Mom, do you want to..."

Ye Beichen ignored Wu Qinxue, but looked at his mother Wang Cuiqin with a smile.

Wang Cuiqin nodded emphatically, and said: "There are many kinds of medicines in the market now. If our Ye Group wants to withstand the pressure and rebuild, and fight a turnaround, we must have miraculous medicines. Otherwise, it is likely to be overwhelmed by the army."

Ye Beichen's heart skipped a beat. It turned out that his mother had been worried, but she didn't show it.

He smiled and said, "Mom, you don't have to worry about the medicine, I'm ready."

"Ready? This is..."

"No, it's diet pills!" Ye Beichen said firmly.

Hearing the word diet pills, Wang Cuiqin's eyes froze.

Ye Jiaxing and diet pills were also defeated by diet pills.

And now the biggest player in the weight-loss drug market is their enemy, Tianyu Group!
Ye Beichen's plan to start a new business with diet pills is definitely not random!

Wang Cuiqin took a deep look at Ye Beichen and said, "Since that's the case, I won't say any more. Xiaochen, Mom believes you can do well. The Sun family will also pay the price!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Wang Cuiqin's eyes shone with hatred.

Ye Beichen nodded and said nothing.

Put his words in my heart.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

It was Cen Yudie's number.

Ye Beichen walked towards the room while answering the phone.

"Brother Ye, a young man called Ye Erqing came to the company and said he was looking for you." Cen Yudie's crisp voice came.

"Ye Erqing?"

Ye Beichen was confused for a moment, and finally remembered that it was the young man he and Liao Bingjian met last time when they were eating supper.

At the beginning, the system determined that Ye Erqing had a strong talent for game production and planning.But Ye Beichen agreed to invest in him when his plan was ready.

Originally thought that Ye Erqing would be ready in two or three days, but in the blink of an eye, more than half a month had passed.

Ye Beichen once thought that Ye Erqing had given up.

"How did he say?"

"Brother Ye, he said that his planning plan is ready. I glanced at it and found a thick pile of information. It was too complicated and I couldn't understand it at all." Cen Yudie said with some embarrassment.

"Ha ha."

Ye Beichen smiled and said, "How about this, you submit the planning plan to the planning department for review. If there is no problem, then invest."

"Ah? Brother Ye, won't you come to check?"

"No need, as long as there is no problem with the planning plan. I will meet for a while, and I can't go back."

"Oh, okay."

Cen Yudie hung up the phone with a little disappointment.

On the other end of the phone, Ye Beichen didn't pay attention to Cen Yudie's tone. He was thinking about what kind of plan Ye Erqing would come up with, and what kind of game he would design.

"Hehe, I'm waiting for you, a genius, to surprise me."

Talking to himself, Ye Beichen called Qian Shaocheng.

"Hey, Mr. Ye, are you looking for me?"

Qian Shaocheng's voice was as steady as usual, even more confident.

After a battle with I Watch TV, I Watch TV was in a slump, and even if I posted a small advertisement, the popularity was still half-dead.

On the other hand, Hukou, not only did its popularity not drop, but it took away half of the users I lost watching TV.

The other half was divided between Fighting Shark TV and several other live streaming platforms.

At this time, Hukou TV has a tendency to occupy half of the live broadcast market.

Qian Shaocheng's influence has risen, and some people have faintly called him the savior of Hukou TV.

However, Qian Shaocheng was not full of confidence. He understood that he only played a supporting role in the whole incident.

[-]% of the sudden rise of Hukou TV comes from Ye Beichen.

Therefore, Qian Shaocheng admired Ye Beichen even more.

Ye Beichen asked about the current situation of Hukou TV, and only after confirming that the results were getting better and better did he enter the topic.

"Shaocheng, get me an audition, and select a hundred fat people."

Hearing this, Qian Shaocheng almost thought he heard it wrong.

"Boss Ye, that...can you say it again?"

"Say it again?"

Ye Beichen was puzzled for a moment, and then he understood that it wasn't that Qian Shaocheng didn't hear clearly, but that his idea was too weird.

"You heard me right. There are [-] fat people selected by the audition. The fatter the better, the minimum weight is [-] catties, regardless of gender."

On the other end of the phone, Qian Shaocheng wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked with a wry smile, "Boss Ye, do you have any other requests?"


Ye Beichen thought for a while and said, "These 24 fat people are not limited to locations, but they must accept the live broadcast. The live broadcast lasts for one week. During this week, [-] hours, except for going to the bathroom and taking a bath, all of them must appear under the camera. It must be broadcast live."

He didn't know how long it would take for the prescription provided by the system to take effect.But after seeing the effects of other pills, Ye Beichen guessed that the effect would be obvious within three to five days.And setting a week is to focus on whether it rebounds.

That's right, Ye Beichen intends to promote the Ye Group's diet pills through the live broadcast, and advertise for diet pills!

This is what he and his family have called before, advocacy assistance.

"This... Mr. Ye, what about the reward?"

If the live broadcast is live for a week, and it is almost 24 hours a day, then normal work will definitely not be possible.

Not to mention other things, just lost work lost, have to make up.

But if it's just lost work, the significance of the audition is not so great.

Ye Beichen was already prepared for the reward.

"There is no need for Hukou TV to pay for rewards. This audition and live broadcast event will be exclusively sponsored by the Ye Group. The sponsorship amount is [-] million. Hukou TV can retain [-]% as promotional expenses, and the other [-]% will be distributed as bonuses. "

"Yip's Group?"

Qian Shaocheng grasped the point in an instant.

Because Ye Beichen's surname is Ye!


Ye Beichen nodded, and said, "Yip's Group is my family company, and it will launch a weight-loss drug. You don't have to worry about the efficacy of the drug. Hukou TV just needs to do a good job in audition and live broadcast."

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

Qian Shaocheng responded, and said again: "Mr. Ye, I think it's okay. After the audition, we can distribute the live broadcast bonus on average, 80 per person. If there is a reward, according to the rules of the platform, the right Half share. But among the 100 people, I think it can be operated.”

"Oh? How do you say it?" Ye Beichen immediately became interested.

Qian Shaocheng organized his speech, and said: "I believe the effect of Mr. Ye's family's weight-loss medicine must be very good. Isn't it a common saying? Fat people are potential stocks. I think that when these fat people succeed in losing weight, they may be able to produce A few people with good looks and figures. We can pick a few out of these people, and the platform will sign a contract with them."

"Huh? Interesting."

Ye Beichen's eyes lit up.Qian Shaocheng's ability to draw inferences from one instance to another is really not bragging.

Successful weight loss, if you really have the potential to be an anchor, it is equivalent to discovering talents for the platform.Moreover, from more than three hundred catties, reduced to a muscular man, a temperamental woman, and a bone spirit, this is an inspirational story!It's all a gimmick!

What's more, they managed to lose weight after taking the diet pills from Ye's Group.

If they continue to be active on the live broadcast platform, it is a live advertisement!
Qian Shaocheng's idea is absolutely dead!
 Third update.Today is over, see you tomorrow.

  Thanks to Wang 999 for the reward, thanks to Huiyao Xingkong for the 100 reward, and thanks to my young master for the . 99 reward.

  Rolling around for support ah ah ah ah...

(End of this chapter)

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