The strongest god in the city

Chapter 283 Everything is ready

Chapter 283 Everything is ready (for subscription)

Ye Beichen remembered that today he walked into Yulongji, and when the system reminded him that the task was completed, a series of data came into his mind.

As soon as he thought of this, the string of data seemed to be extracted, and it emerged.

Before he scanned casually, all he saw were the names of Chinese herbal medicines.Now look carefully, it is really all Chinese medicine.

3 grams of cassia chinensis, 2 grams of hawthorn, Gastrodia elata...

More than a dozen formulas are known to Ye Beichen and are extremely common Chinese medicine names.

More importantly, the price is not high.

Ye Beichen was still thinking before that if precious medicinal materials were used, the cost would be greatly increased.Even if he keeps his capital and sells, the cost price is above, and it will be difficult to fully push it into the market.

If it is not fully launched into the market, how can Tianyu Group's weight-loss drug market be eaten away?

"But... the cost is not low."

Ye Beichen just said this when he suddenly saw the last paragraph of the data introduction.

"J13 Body Shaping Potion, according to the ratio, one serving can reduce a person weighing [-] catties to a perfect figure, with an error of no more than [-]%. In terms of dosage, the host can divide it into nine servings, three times a day, Take it for three days for the best effect."

Can a medicine successfully lose weight?
Ye Beichen was really shocked this time.

According to his previous calculations, the cost of a serving of Chinese medicinal materials is between eight and ten yuan!
He originally thought that a medicinal herb preparation is only a one-time dose, but it would take at least a dozen times to successfully lose weight.

Although the cost of medicinal materials is eight to ten yuan, if it is used more than a dozen times, it will be more than 100 yuan.

And many operating costs are added, plus layers of dealers plucking hair, the market price is at least 500 yuan.

But now, the system tells him that the cost of losing weight is only 60 to [-] yuan, and he pays all the money, and the factory only costs a dozen yuan.Doubled several times, [-] yuan is too much.

And now the best weight-loss drug sold in the market - Tianyu Group Meiyu weight-loss drug, the price is 188 yuan.

Comparing the two, Tianyu Group was completely defeated!
"Sun Tianyu, Sun Kunpeng, I'm looking forward to it. What kind of expressions will you have when you see your market being gradually eroded to the point that you can't sell more than one box of medicine!"

In the next few days, Ye Beichen hardly left the community.

In fact, apart from taking Miaomiao for a walk every day, he hardly ever went out of the house.

Everything can be controlled by remote control.

Since Ye Beichen provided [-] million funds at a time, the funds were sufficient, and the structure work of the Ye Group went extremely smoothly. Not to mention that all departments were fully staffed, at least each department had a task that could support it.

Ye Beichen had given the prescription of J13 weight loss medicine to his mother and sent it to the R&D department of the company.

Although there are only a few people in the R&D department now, it is enough - Ye Beichen is just using them as a cover.

After the R&D department "researched" the prescription, the patent has been registered.The first batch of drugs has been put into clinical trials on the sixth day.

As for Qian Shaocheng, the progress was the smoothest.

After the carpet advertisement was released, it was unsurprisingly popular.And unexpectedly, it was too hot.

In Qian Shaocheng's words, he never thought that there are so many fat people weighing more than [-] catties in the whole country.

In the end, Qian Shaocheng did not call a large number of people, but selected both online and offline.And the minimum standard line of 350 jins of weight was also raised to [-] jins.

Even so, the registration calls were still buzzing.

Hukou TV’s customer service ladies and sisters, when they received calls before, they always asked, “Why are my accounts blocked!”

What now?
As soon as the customer lady of Hukou TV received the call, a rough voice came from the opposite side: "I am fat, very fat."

The follower Yin Jiaxiong reported the work progress to Ye Beichen twice a day, morning and evening as usual: the construction company has been contacted, the survey work has been completed, the drawings have been drawn and passed to Ye Beichen for review, there is no problem at all.

Bai Ze also called and said that the blueprints had been received, his father was making preparations, and the building materials for the warehouse had piled up into a mountain. He was waiting for Ye Beichen's order to start construction.

Ye Beichen was also waiting, he was waiting for Number Seven to come.

On the [-]th, he will win the pharmaceutical factory land for the Ye Group!
The journey of the Ye Group is about to begin.

Finally, number seven came.

At noon on the [-]th, Yin Jiaxiong rushed to Ye Beichen's house with the bidding proposal, acted as a temporary driver, and drove Ye Beichen's Rolls Royce to the Hilton together.

The Hilton Hotel, the lobby on the third floor, was the location chosen for the bidding.

When Ye Beichen and Yin Jiaxiong came outside the hall on the third floor, they were both stunned.

After all the calculations, I actually forgot that I need an invitation letter!

This is awkward.

"Brother Ye, this matter was my mistake..."

Yin Jiaxiong quickly took the mistake to himself, apologetic all over his face.

Ye Beichen waved his hand and sighed, "I didn't expect that the official auction would also require an invitation letter."

Yin Jiaxiong smiled wryly, glanced at the waiter standing outside the door, and said in a low voice: "Brother Ye, I'll negotiate first and see if there is a way to get in."

Ye Beichen nodded depressedly.

After a while, Yin Jiaxiong came back with a disappointed face.

"Brother Ye, he said, this is an official event, they have no right to let people in, they only accept invitation letters."

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded from behind Ye Beichen: "Hey, who is this?"

Hearing this voice, Ye Beichen frowned, it turned out that his deadly enemy had come.

Turning around and looking, it really is the deadly enemy.

Besides Sun Kunpeng who spoke just now, standing beside him was a tall middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man has a Chinese character face, looks very serious, and there is still light in his tiger eyes.

He is none other than Sun Tianyu, the murderer who caused the collapse of the Ye Group and the suicide of Ye Beichen's father, Ye Tianming!

Previously, Ye Beichen had thought that if he saw Sun Tianyu, he should be able to remain calm.

But now that Sun Tianyu really appeared in front of him, endless killing intent surged in Ye Beichen's heart.

He had an impulse to rush forward and smash Sun Tianyu to death with his fist.

"Brother Ye..." Yin Jiaxiong pulled Ye Beichen.

Ye Beichen came back to his senses immediately, and withdrew his hatred gaze.

"Are you Ye Tianming's son?"

Sun Tianyu spoke without any emotion.

Ye Beichen narrowed his eyes, and said sarcastically, "Ye Tianming? I remember that some people talked about Brother Ye. Why, the dog's tail is exposed?"

"Hehe, you are more irritable than your father."

After saying this, Sun Tianyu turned around and was about to leave.

Ye Beichen looked at the opponent's back and sneered, "Not only am I more irritable than my father, I'm also more ruthless than my father. Enemies must be beaten to death with one blow!"

Hearing this, Sun Tianyu paused and walked into the hall again.

Sun Kunpeng didn't just leave, but looked Ye Beichen up and down sarcastically.

"Young Master Ye, can't you go in?"

(End of this chapter)

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