The strongest god in the city

Chapter 284 Your teeth are getting better and better

Chapter 284 Your teeth are getting better and better (subscribe)

Seeing that Ye Beichen gave him a sideways glance and didn't fight back, Sun Kunpeng shouted exaggeratedly as if encouraged.

"Yeah, how do you guys do this? He is the young master of the Ye family! Does the Ye family know?"

Sun Kunpeng's voice was not low, and many eyes were attracted, looking at Ye Beichen curiously.

Ye family?Which Ye family?
Seeing that someone was paying attention, Sun Kunpeng raised his voice a little more: "You guys don't know about the Ye family, do you? It's the Ye Group! Yes, it's Ye Tianming, that dead ghost..."


Sun Kunpeng only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a crisp sound sounded immediately.The next moment, he felt a pain in his cheek.

What a great speed!

"The mouth is not clean? Need me to help you?"

Ye Beichen stared at Sun Kunpeng and asked coldly.

Meeting Ye Beichen's cold gaze, Sun Kunpeng's heart trembled, and he swallowed back the swear words that came to his mouth.

"Ye Beichen, do you dare to hit someone?"

"Hit someone? Did I hit someone?"

Ye Beichen looked around and said with a sneer, "Who saw me beating someone? I beat someone, obviously an animal!"


Sun Kunpeng gritted his teeth angrily, but he didn't even dare to fight back.

Ye Beichen dared to hit someone in public, so did he, but the problem is...he couldn't beat Ye Beichen.

"What? Have a fight?"

Being provoked by Ye Beichen, Sun Kunpeng snorted coldly: "You want to take this opportunity to beat me up? No way!"

As soon as this remark came out, the onlookers immediately laughed.

Ye Beichen shook his head disdainfully: "You do have self-knowledge."

Knowing that he couldn't beat Ye Beichen, he simply admitted it.


Sun Kunpeng snorted coldly, it goes without saying that he was angry in his heart.

Originally, he planned to take the opportunity to hit Ye Beichen, but now, Ye Beichen was not hit, and he almost became a laughing stock.

After glaring at Ye Beichen, Sun Kunpeng walked quickly to the bidding hall.But before he entered the hall, the waiter stopped him.

"Sir, please show your invitation."

Hearing this, Sun Kunpeng immediately exploded, pointing at the waiter and cursing: "You are blind! My dad just went in, didn't you see it? There is no such thing as a long-eyed thing, and you will be a waiter for the rest of your life!"

Being pointed at his nose and scolded, the waiter looked a little ugly, but remained calm.

"Sir, I'm very sorry. According to the official rules, one invitation letter can bring two people into the bidding hall, but only if the person with the invitation letter allows it. So... Please inform your father to come pick you up. Sorry."

When Sun Kunpeng heard this, his anger could no longer be suppressed.It's fine to get slapped by Ye Beichen, but how dare a poor waiter stop him?
"I'm about to go in, what can you do? If you have the ability, you let the security take me... uh?"

Two tall security guards appeared in front of him, looking down at him.

The waiter said gently: "Sir, this is an official bidding meeting. I suggest that you enter in the normal way. Otherwise, your company may be adversely affected."

Sun Kunpeng looked at the two tall security guards, then at the indifferent waiter, gritted his teeth and said three words: "Fuck you!"

"Hahaha... It turns out that Young Master Sun has a tendency to be abused. But, I said, Young Master Sun, it's fine if you like to be abused. Why do you want to suffer everyone you see?"

Yin Jiaxiong's sarcasm made Sun Kunpeng turn pale with anger.

He gritted his teeth and dialed Sun Tianyu's phone number. At that moment, he put on an aggrieved expression again.

"Dad, I was outside the door, and I was stopped by someone, and I was not allowed to go in."

Hearing this sound, the onlookers couldn't help but smile.

This kid, you're used to pretending to be your grandson, right?
After a while, a middle-aged man walked out quickly with an invitation letter and took Sun Kunpeng in.

Before entering the door, Sun Kunpeng seemed to have forgotten that he had just humiliated someone, and turned to Ye Beichen and shouted: "Young Master Ye, I can go in, you can just watch the door from the outside! Hahaha..."

"stupid guy!"

Yin Jiaxiong cursed, changed his mind, and said: "Brother Ye, the waiter said just now that each invitation letter can bring two people in. I think it's better for me to find the order and ask them to help me."

"Huh? Yes, let's look for it together."

Ye Beichen immediately agreed with Yin Jiaxiong's proposal.

At this moment, two people came forward and one behind the passage. The one in front was a middle-aged man, and the one behind him was a beautiful woman.

"Brother Ye, I'll be in front of you, hehe."

Before Ye Beichen could react, Yin Jiaxiong had already walked over quickly and stopped in front of the middle-aged man.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Beichen also stopped the beautiful woman.

"Beauty, may I ask, are you alone?"

Ye Beichen tried his best to speak politely.

However, there was only one word in response to him.


From the beginning to the end, the beautiful woman didn't even look at Ye Beichen, but her face was full of disgust.

Ye Beichen didn't take it seriously, but was slightly embarrassed.

Turning his head to look, he saw the middle-aged man waving his hand.

Yin Jiaxiong also failed.

The two looked at each other with only wry smiles.

Looking at the time, there are still ten minutes before the opening of the bidding.

Ye Beichen said, "Wait a little longer."

One minute later, Ye Beichen suddenly caught a glimpse of three figures in the corridor, and his eyes narrowed.

"Brother Ye, it's's Yu Xiaoxiao."

Yin Jiaxiong also saw the person coming and said in a low voice.

That's right, among the three people who appeared in the corridor, one was Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yesterday, Bai Ze mentioned Yu Xiaoxiao, but Ye Beichen didn't pay much attention at that time.

Of course, seeing it now, Ye Beichen didn't care.

A gold digger, what does he care about?We should be lucky!
Otherwise, who knows when Yu Xiaoxiao will climb into someone else's bed and put a green hat on for him?

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao was holding a middle-aged man in his 40s with a particularly conspicuous rosacea, and his high-end clothes could not conceal his wretched aura.

Behind the two, a young man was carrying a briefcase, probably a secretary or something.

Ye Beichen was about to pretend not to see it, but Yu Xiaoxiao recognized Ye Beichen first.

"Huh? Ye Beichen, how did you come here? And Yin Jiaxiong? Didn't your father get fired for committing a crime?"

As soon as Yu Xiaoxiao spoke, her condescending and sarcastic tone immediately made Ye Beichen and Yin Jiaxiong upset.

"Huh? Xiaoxiao, is this your friend?" The middle-aged man asked politely.

Then Yu Xiaoxiao sneered and said, "Husband, they are just classmates that I can't get along with, so don't worry about them."

"Oh, let's go." The man responded and was about to leave.

"No way, Yu Xiaoxiao!"

Ye Beichen called out exaggeratedly, making the middle-aged man stop.

Then I heard Ye Beichen continue to say: "Yu Xiaoxiao, why did you change men again? I remember that you had a room with a senior the year before last, and you seemed to be with an old man last year. Why, this is it? Your teeth are getting worse and worse. alright."

(End of this chapter)

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