The strongest god in the city

Chapter 295 Really Crazy

Chapter 295 Really Crazy

Ban the Ye Group?

For a big company, it is definitely useless, no one would be so stupid as to let money go without making money, right?
But for the Yip Group, regardless of its former glory and fall, it is just a small company just established, far from being a group, how many medicinal materials can it need?
For such a small company, an idiot is willing to offend the Tianyu Group, which has become a behemoth!

Ye Beichen didn't know that after he and Sun Tianyu had a short confrontation, Sun Tianyu issued a banning order.

After he signed the agreement, he signed a simple cooperation agreement with Zhao Yuanxin on the spot.

Cooperating with Zhao Yuanxin, the name is still Polaris Investment Company.

Therefore, after the simple agreement, Polaris Investment Company will send people to sign the investment agreement tomorrow.In addition, arrange professional financial and audit personnel to settle in and keep up with the progress of the project.

A bidding meeting not only won the land for the pharmaceutical factory, but also paved a new route. Ye Beichen was in a particularly comfortable mood.

After leaving the Hilton Hotel, Ye Beichen took out his phone and checked the time. It was already six o'clock.

He shook his head. Originally, there were only eight bids. If it weren't for the leader's speech, how could it take three hours?
What he didn't know was that at the dinner after he left, other people were listening to the leader give the dinner speech with smiles on their faces.

As for what they think in their hearts, only they know.

Ye Beichen was just about to go to Yulongji to make do with a meal when his phone rang suddenly.

It was my mother, Wang Cuiqin, on the phone.

"Xiaochen, come to the third hospital quickly."

Ye Beichen was startled when he heard his mother's urgent voice, and quickly asked, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"You're coming soon!"

After Wang Cuiqin finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Ye Beichen panicked, rushed to the parking lot, started the Rolls-Royce, and almost stepped on the accelerator.

The third hospital!Something must have happened!
The Rolls-Royce was flying, but Ye Beichen didn't pay attention to it at all. He was thinking in his heart, who had the accident.

Aunt, uncle?
Wu Qinxue?
Miao Miao?

Ye Beichen thought about all kinds of possibilities in his heart, but his heart became even more flustered.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him, and Ye Beichen panicked and stepped on the brake.


Accompanied by the screeching sound of brakes, Rolls-Royce rushed forward several meters before stopping.

And the moment the Rolls-Royce stopped, an arm suddenly came in from the passenger window and opened the door from the inside.

The next moment, a man got into the co-pilot.

From the moment the car stopped to when the man sat in the car, the whole set of movements was smooth and flowing.When Ye Beichen looked over, the man was playing with the dagger in his hand and looking at him with a smile on his face.

This is a man in his thirties, his expression is very indifferent, although he is smiling, his eyes are full of coldness.

Ye Beichen clearly felt that this is a very cold man, if he killed someone, maybe he wouldn't even blink, right?

"It was your trick just now?"

Ye Beichen didn't panic, just wanted to scare him with a dagger?
It was only because he was anxious that he stepped on the brakes in a hurry.But when he stepped on the brakes, he had already realized that the one that flashed past his car just now was just a doll.

In other words, this is a game deliberately set up by someone.

And the person responsible for the layout should be the man sitting in the passenger seat now.


A flash of surprise flashed in the man's eyes. Ye Beichen was the first one to be so calm when he saw that he had a dagger.

"You are calm. Yes, it's just a trick. Let's go and drive."

The man's casual tone made Ye Beichen feel that the other party did not break in maliciously, but got into a taxi.

Compared with him, Ye Beichen, the man's psychological quality doesn't look much worse.

Thinking of his mother's phone call, Ye Beichen was about to knock the man unconscious and leave him in the car when his cell phone rang suddenly.

The man answered without hesitation, and Ye Beichen could hear the voice on the other end of the phone clearly.

"Zijian, the person has already been tied up, why hasn't the car arrived yet!"

A rough voice came from the other end of the phone.

The man picked his ears and replied casually: "Don't worry, I just found a Rolls-Royce Phantom, black, and it's the latest Phantom..."

"You lunatic! I told you to find a van at will, you insist on playing like this, don't you! Crazy! After this order is over, we will break up!"

Hearing the roar over there, the man was unmoved: "Don't worry, boss. Let the witness sink into the bottom of the big lake with the latest black Rolls-Royce Fantasy. Don't you think that is a beautiful picture?"

"You idiot! I love you! I just want to make a simple accident, and your whole luxury car is afraid that others will not know it!"

No matter how angry the man opposite was, the expression of the man in the co-pilot was still tepid.

"Hehe, boss, don't worry, my work will always be more perfect, without any flaws. Can you still not trust me?"

After saying this, the man hung up the phone regardless of what the other person said, and then softly ordered: "Let's go, go to Meichen Huafu, speed, 100 yards."

"Speed, 100 yards? Are you a Virgo?"

Ye Beichen was a little speechless. If you said you hijacked the car, you should just hijack the car. You also asked how fast you must drive. Is this too high a requirement?

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled lightly: "Just follow my request, and I will give you a perfect death. If you dare to play tricks with me, hehe, it will not be perfect."

"What could be more imperfect than death?"

"No, no, you misunderstood. If you die, you will die, but the process is different. The method of death is not perfect. Even if you die, you will have regrets."

The man shook his head, his eyes drifted out of the window, and his expression was a little outward.

It wasn't until this moment that Ye Beichen finally understood why the other side called him a lunatic just now.

This is really a crazy and cold-blooded character!
You want to kill people, and you still talk to others about the perfect way of death and the imperfect way of death. If you die perfect, you can't eat meat?

Ye Beichen, who originally planned to go to the hospital immediately, felt a struggle in his heart.

But thinking that the other party would silence any witnesses, he gave up the idea.

No matter who is in the hospital or what happened, there is a doctor, even if he rushes there quickly, it will be useless.

How about saving one person, accumulating some virtue, maybe something good will happen?
Thinking of this, Ye Beichen didn't hesitate anymore, restarted the ignition, and stepped on the accelerator.

When the speed pointer pointed to one hundred, he stopped accelerating and went straight to Meichen Community.

Seeing this, a smile of extreme joy appeared on the man's face.

However, things were not as perfect as Ye Beichen imagined.

Not long after driving out, a police motorcycle appeared behind Ye Beichen's car, chasing after it.

Ye Beichen looked through the rearview mirror and found that the figure of the other party was somewhat familiar...

 The third watch, there are three more.

(End of this chapter)

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