Chapter 296

It seems to be... Shen Siwei?

Just as Ye Beichen thought of this, the police motorcycle behind had already sped up and waved for Ye Beichen to pull over and stop.

Through the glass, Ye Beichen really saw Shen Siwei's angry little face, but Shen Siwei... couldn't see him.

"Don't worry about her?" Ye Beichen asked.

Shen Siwei appeared, and the man frowned.That's fine, why did the traffic police show up?
With a flick of his wrist, he tucked the dagger into his sleeve and said flatly, "Please get her into the car."

"Get her in the car? Are you kidding me?"

Ye Beichen was also speechless, please get on the traffic policeman on a motorcycle?what do you think?

But the man chuckled and said, "What are you thinking, I don't know? Get rid of her and let the whole city hunt her down? Or run into her and pick a big case? Do you think you can get away by doing this? Young man , don’t struggle, otherwise, if you piss me off, even if I don’t like it, it will make your death ugly.”

Ye Beichen rolled his eyes, even if he doesn't like it, it will make him die ugly?
It was like killing him and wronging the man.

However, he also had to admit that the man had a lot of experience.Although he didn't think about the other party's speculation, what the other party said was indeed the truth.


Ye Beichen hesitated for a moment, responded, and then turned on the right turn signal to pull over.

The Rolls-Royce stopped by the side of the road, Ye Beichen just pushed down the window when Shen Siwei's face rushed over.

"Ye Beichen, what are you doing! How dare you race around the city!"

It turned out to have been recognized.

Ye Beichen smiled helplessly, and said, "That...Shen Siwei, look, is there any car nearby racing against me?"

"You don't understand the concept of drag racing? What about dangerous driving? The speed limit in the city is 60, and you're driving [-]!" Shen Siwei shouted angrily, his eyes almost burst into flames.

Ye Beichen glanced at the man, and the corner of the man's mouth twitched.

A hundred yards, that's what he was going to drive.

Who knew that after driving a hundred yards, the traffic police would come?
If he knew this earlier, he would rather let Ye Beichen drive 66 yards.


Ye Beichen rolled his eyes and thought about it.

"My car has a problem. As long as I accelerate, the speed will go straight to [-] yards. Moreover, the pointer is locked at [-] yards, as if it has been set."

"What? There is such a setting?" Shen Siwei's eyes were full of suspicion.

Ye Beichen sighed and said, "If you don't believe me, come up and try."

As Ye Beichen said, he stretched out his hand to open the car door.

At this time, the man's deliberately lowered voice sounded behind him: "You are being tricked, otherwise, your whole family will be buried with you!"

Ye Beichen froze when he heard the words.

Not scared, but angry.

Very good, if you dare to threaten him with his family, do you really think Ye Beichen is easy to bully?
Okay, let you be arrogant, you wait!

Thinking of this, Ye Beichen nodded slightly, and the moment he opened the door to get out of the car, he squeezed his eyes at Shen Siwei and shook his head slightly.

Shen Si was taken aback for a moment, and immediately returned to normal.

"Okay, you sit in the back, I don't believe it!"

Shen Siwei said casually, sat in the driver's seat, and closed the door.

The next moment, a shining dagger appeared in front of her.

"100... No, 66 yards, go to Meichenhuafu."

When the man's faint voice came, Shen Siwei subconsciously wanted to make a move.

It's a trivial matter to grab the white blade with empty hands.

However, she suddenly thought of Ye Beichen's performance just now.

Ye Beichen asked her to get in the car again, and shook his head to signal, don't do it?
Thinking of this, Shen Siwei shouted "angrily", "Ye Beichen, you actually hurt me!"

"Hey...that, I can't help myself." Ye Beichen laughed.

Shen Siwei immediately fought back: "Can't help myself? What kind of grudge do I have with you, you actually dragged me into the fire, I..."


The man suddenly sneered, and interrupted Shen Siwei's words: "Go to Meichen Huafu, the speed is 66 yards! Don't waste my time, I will choose a good way to die for you."

Speaking of this, he raised his brows and said with a light smile: "You say, how about I tie you together and let you jump off the stairs together?"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture from top to bottom: "Bang! You fall into a pulp together, there is me in you, and you in me, perfect! Yes, that's it! I have to think about it, Where are there tall enough tall buildings nearby."

Hearing this crazy idea, Rao Shen Siwei's manly character, couldn't help but shudder.

What a lunatic!

However, thinking of the man saying that she and Ye Beichen would have me in you, and you in me, I couldn't help but glared at Ye Beichen from the mirror.

I don't know if it's because Ye Beichen pulled her into the car, or because of "I'm in you, and you in me".

However, thinking that the man might not be simply hijacking a car, Shen Siwei's heart started beating.

Is it a big case?

She Shen Siwei has always wanted to leave the traffic police team and go to the criminal police team, isn't it because she wants to handle big cases?
Thinking of this, she no longer struggled, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

As for the police motorcycle parked by the side of the road, does anyone dare to move it?
"66 yards!"

Shen Siwei was immersed in the fantasy of handling a big case, when the man's cold drink suddenly reached her ears.

She glanced at the speedometer, it was almost ninety, so she had no choice but to slow down.

Ye Beichen sat in the back row and quietly sent a text message to his mother, Wang Cuiqin, asking what happened.

Soon, he received a text message from his mother: "Good thing, come quickly!"


Ye Beichen almost spat out a mouthful of blood, good thing?He thought...

But what good can happen in a hospital, to have a baby?
No one in his family is pregnant.

While thinking wildly, Shen Siwei turned the steering wheel and drove the Rolls Royce into the gate of Meichen Huafu.

"Good job, building 29." The man reminded lightly.

Shen Si slightly rolled his eyes, followed the streetlights and moonlight, looking for Building 29.

After spending 5 minutes, she finally found Building 29 at the corner of the community.

"get off!"

When the car stopped, the man shouted coldly.

At such a critical time, the man thought that Ye Beichen and Shen Siwei would play tricks.

But to his surprise, Ye Beichen didn't resist, neither did Shen Siwei, they both got out of the car obediently and followed behind him.

One wanted to find out what happened, the other wanted to solve a big case, and neither of them planned to get away.

After getting on the elevator, the man glanced at the displayed floor and suddenly called out softly.

"Huh? 38 floors! Right here, right here! You say, how about I let you two jump off together on the top floor of this building? I just saw that the southeast corner of the downstairs is a concrete floor, and you will fall if you jump." It's a mess! What do you guys think?"

Discussing with others with such enthusiasm, how to play with others to death, is only him.

Watching other people's fear before dying and watching him beg for mercy is also one of men's hobbies.

However, Shen Siwei and Ye Beichen were destined to disappoint him.

Shen Siwei replied casually: "I don't care."

Ye Beichen shrugged: "Just be happy."

 The fourth update, there are two more.

  Thanks to Mige 889 and Aiwei 100 for the rewards.

  Let me explain, it's not that I hold the manuscript and don't update it, I always update it immediately after writing a chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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