The strongest god in the city

Chapter 297 I'm willing to do it!

Chapter 297 I'm willing to do it!

The man glared at the two of them viciously, and said angrily, "Do you want to die!"

Ye Beichen and Shen Siwei looked at each other tacitly, with mockery in their eyes.

"Brother, are you stupid? You have said several times that you are going to kill us, and you asked us if we want to die?" Ye Beichen shook his head helplessly.

The man's face froze, and then he said angrily: "Believe it or not, I will let you die in another way! Let you die imperfectly and end in incompleteness!"

Ye Beichen shrugged and said sarcastically, "Both left and right are dead, what's the difference? You have obsessive-compulsive disorder, but we don't."

"No! This is not obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

The man's cry has turned into a roar: "This is not obsessive-compulsive disorder! A person is destined to have all kinds of regrets in this life, and he will never be perfect in his life. If he can't survive perfectly, then he will die perfectly! Only in this life..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, here we are."

Ye Beichen pointed to the number, and he had reached the nineteenth floor, while the man had pressed the twentieth floor.

With a "ding", the elevator door slowly opened.

The man stepped forward quickly, blocking the elevator door, his teeth clenched, his veins bulging.

"You have angered me, your deaths are not destined to be perfect!"


Ye Beichen gave a soft oh, and stretched out his hand to push the man away: "Hurry up, or your boss will scold you again."

Shen Siwei hurriedly took a step closer to Ye Beichen, for fear that the man would suddenly get violent.

In the man's sleeve, there is still a dagger hidden.

If the mentality explodes, it will not be fun to attack Ye Beichen.

She didn't know that with Ye Beichen's strength, it was easy to deal with men.

The man stared at Ye Beichen viciously, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, since you don't want perfection, I'll make it happen for you."

Before that, Ye Beichen was worried that if the man came out, if he subdued him, something might happen.

Now that the place has arrived, Ye Beichen is too lazy to pay attention to the man's thoughts.

He just pretended not to hear what the man said.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

After two bells, the door of Room 2001 was opened, and a thin head protruded from the crack of the door.

"Ah! Brother Zijian, why did you bring the policewoman here!"

Following the terrified sound, there was a commotion in the room immediately.

"What are you panicking about? It's just the traffic police. I met on the road and brought it back."

The man frowned and said clearly.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and opened the door, and the scene in the room was displayed in front of Ye Beichen and the two of them.

This is a simple room, and there are only some simple furniture in the room.

Five men held knives and were staring at the door.

When they saw that Shen Siwei was indeed wearing a traffic police uniform, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll go to your An Zijian! I asked you to find a car, and you have been looking for it for more than two hours!"

This is a tall man with a full face and a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

When he cursed angrily, he had already kicked the man - An Zijian.

Seeing that An Zijian turned slightly to one side, he dodged the tall man's kick.

This easy dodge alone made Shen Si frowned slightly.

An Zijian is actually stronger than he looks!

"Boss, isn't this trying to end the perfect witness? The Rolls-Royce Phantom is parked downstairs, the latest model in black, top-of-the-line!"

After An Zijian finished speaking, he licked his lips.

"You... you can do it!"

The boss wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Upon receiving this answer, An Zijian chuckled, and waved again: "Come in, this will be the last journey of your life, cherish it."

As he spoke, he flicked his wrist, and a shining dagger appeared in his hand.

Seeing this, Shen Siwei didn't hesitate. When Ye Beichen just took a step, she took a step forward and walked into the room.

"Proceed with caution."

This is Shen Siwei's request.

"You kidnap!"

As soon as Ye Beichen stepped in, Shen Siwei's exclamation sounded.

From Shen Siwei's cry, Ye Beichen heard surprise, and...surprise.

Kidnapping is no small case!
"It's developed now." This is Shen Siwei's inner thoughts.

Ye Beichen rolled his eyes and thought, "Can't you be a little more reserved? You have to ensure the safety of the victim first, and then show it?"

Sure enough, Shen Siwei's cry received unkind looks from everyone in the room - including the kidnapped.

It was an honest-looking man, about 40 years old, with stubble all over his face and vicissitudes in his eyes.

He has already been kidnapped. As a policeman—the traffic policeman is also a policeman, can’t you be more professional?
At least, bring a team of people.

"What? Beautiful policewoman, do you have any objections?"

It was the thin man who opened the door just now who spoke. At this time, his eyes were still glowing lustfully.

"Skinny Monkey, don't worry about it, this is my goal!"

An Zijian frowned and said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, the thin monkey looked bitter, and quickly said: "Brother Zijian, such a beautiful policewoman, let me play first. After playing, you can kill as you want."


An Zijian resolutely rejected Shouhou's proposal, and said in a cold voice: "Before entering the door, I have already thought about how to play, and no one can change my mind!"

The thin monkey rolled his eyes and fell silent.

Indeed, not to mention him, even the boss can't change An Zijian's mind.

Who made An Zijian the best in skill and clearest in mind?
Except for a little perverted hobby, I really can't find any shortcomings.

"Are you finished yet!"

Shen Siwei saw the two people coming and going, talking happily, and immediately shouted.

"Huh? In a hurry?"

An Zijian frowned, and a happy smile appeared in his eyes: "It seems that you also want to know my thoughts? Hahaha... I will tell you my thoughts now."

"I do not want to know!"

Shen Si drank coldly, and was about to make a move, but was held back by Ye Beichen.

There are two guards with knives next to the victim. If you want to go up, aren't you forcing them to take the victim as a hostage?

Shen Siwei was held back, and she turned her head and glared at Ye Beichen angrily. Seeing Ye Beichen winking at her, she had to hold back.

At this time, An Zijian spread his hands, and magically conjured up a small bottle of pills.

"Brother Zijian, this is mine..."

"Yes, I just took it from you."

An Zijian smiled slightly, ignored the displeased Shouhou, looked at Ye Beichen, and said, "This is Shouhou's favorite medicine, each of you swallows two pills, and then...hehe, let's broadcast it live in front of us. When you reach the peak, my knife will end your beautiful life. Tsk tsk, perfect!"

An Zijian squinted his eyes as he spoke, as if he had fallen into narcissism.

Ye Beichen's eyes widened. If there was no live broadcast, I would do it!
For the first time, Ye Beichen felt that An Zijian was not useless.

 The fifth update, there is one more update, I will continue

(End of this chapter)

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