The strongest god in the city

Chapter 329 We Want Xianzi Shaping Pills!

Chapter 329 We Want Xianzi Shaping Pills! (fourth more)
"We want Xianzi Shaping Pill!"

"We want Xianzi Shaping Pill!"

"We want Xianzi Shaping Pill!"

At first, just a few people responded.Soon, hundreds of fat men responded and roared together.

That guy almost knocked down the whole building.

"Young Master Ye..."

Amidst the noise, Ye Beichen heard a hesitant voice behind him.

He looked back, and saw the bald supplier who had mocked him before, looking at him obsequiously.

"Ha ha."

Ye Beichen chuckled and looked forward again.

The bald man's smile froze.

Not only him, but the smiles on the faces of several other suppliers who left before him also froze.

At this moment, their hearts are bleeding!
Who knew that the "many, many people" gathered downstairs were not here to make trouble, but to ask for medicine?

God has so many people!

Witnessing the wonderful expressions of several people, the hearts of the other suppliers who chose to stay were beating, and they were all grateful for their decision.

The live broadcast just started yesterday, and the results only came out last night. It's still early in the morning, and they all came to the door!
Moreover, hundreds of fat people came to the door, asking for medicine!
It is conceivable that after a few days of fermentation, the name of Xianzi Diet Pills will be so strong, and the sales volume will be astonishing!
Thinking of the sales in the future, and thinking of how much profit they would have to make as a supplier of medicinal materials, the feelings of sympathy for the bald people were immediately thrown into the sky.

With fewer competitors, they may earn tens of millions more, or even... more!
At this time, they wished that everyone else would leave and let them eat alone.

The temptation of huge profits has made their mentality abnormal.

Looking at the crowd in front of him and hearing the shouts in his ears, Ye Beichen was also very surprised.

Even if the Xianzi Shaping Pill is powerful, there is no need to be so impulsive, right?

He actually came to the door.

Hundreds of fat people gathered and shouted, sensational effect, how powerful should it be?
Just this one, I'm afraid it will be on the news, right?

What Ye Beichen couldn't see was that not far behind the fat guys, there were many passers-by holding up their mobile phones and broadcasting various live broadcasts.

What Hukou TV, what Dou Sha TV, what North Kuaishou South Douyin, what connotative jokes...

A variety of varieties, everything.

The viewers who saw the live broadcast originally thought it was a live broadcast gathering crowds to make trouble.But after a closer look, I found out that the manufacturer of Xianzi Sculpting Pills was found and they were looking for medicine!

The audience expressed that they were paying close attention to the progress of the matter!
Even, many viewers who just got the news set off for Ye's Group one after another.

The attention level increased again, but Ye Beichen knew nothing about it.

He was thinking about how to solve the situation in front of him.

One bottle per person?
A few days ago, Yang Dahai had sent all the medicinal materials to the factory, and the factory is stepping up production.

Although the daily output is not high, it is still easy to handle the hundreds of people in front of us.

But the question is, if this precedent is set, what if someone else comes again?Continue sending?
Although he, Ye Beichen, is not short of money, he is not a philanthropist either!

"Xiaochen, what should we do?"

Have Wang Cuiqin and Ye Shan ever seen such a scene?
They were overjoyed at first, but then there was only embarrassment left.

"Let me do it."

Ye Beichen thought for a while, took a step forward, waved his hand, and shouted loudly: "Be quiet, everyone be quiet."

Seeing someone stand up, the shouting fat guys finally stopped after making a lot of noise.

"Hi everyone, I'm from the Ye Group..."

Before Ye Beichen could finish introducing himself, someone called out, "We want Xianzi Shaping Pills!"

After a crash, almost everyone shouted excitedly, and the fat people standing in the front row couldn't help but charge forward, the security guards' faces turned red from the pressure of the meat.

"Be quiet!"

Ye Beichen shouted angrily at the top of his voice.

He understands how these people feel.But the current practice is unacceptable to him.

How could he accept that he was not even given a chance to perform?

Ye Beichen didn't bother to talk nonsense, and shouted directly: "Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, Ye's Pharmacy at No. 13 Pedestrian Street will sell a thousand copies of Xianzi Shaping Pills on time!"


"Wow, that's great!"

"Eight o'clock tomorrow morning? I'm going to line up now!"

"Yes, hurry up, it can't be too late!"

"One thousand copies, I must have one!"


Seeing hundreds of people struggling to move away, Ye Beichen heaved a sigh of relief.

He originally thought that he needed to spend more time explaining why it was tomorrow instead of now.

Unexpectedly, when these fat people heard that the Xianzi Shaping Pill was on sale, they couldn't wait.

Go in line now?

Ye Beichen looked at the time subconsciously. It was 23:[-] in the morning, and there were still nearly [-] hours before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning.

Ye Beichen didn't bother to think about such trivial things as what to do if someone starved to death in the middle of the night. He felt that he should spend his time on more important things—for example, pricing.

The Xianzi Shaping Pill became popular overnight, completely beyond Ye Beichen's expectations, and disrupted all their plans.

"Xiaochen, the big pharmacy on the pedestrian street is still being renovated."

Watching everyone leave, Wu Siyuan smiled wryly.

Ye Beichen shrugged helplessly, and said, "Let's just decorate it. The company will send some people over tomorrow morning. Let's sell [-] copies first. We can't let them go upstairs to buy medicine?"

Wu Siyuan thought about it, indeed, there is really no other way except this way.

The Ye family was helpless, while all the suppliers were ready to move.

They saw a huge market prospect, but how much inventory did the Yip Group have?Are the medicinal materials in Ye's Group's warehouse enough?
Ye Beichen obviously saw what they were thinking, and said with a smile: "Since I said that the matter of medicinal materials will be settled today, there is no delay. Everyone, let's go to the company together. Let's sign the contract first and deliver the goods as soon as possible. How about it? "

how is it?

Of course it's great!

A supplier was even more quick-sighted. He trotted to the elevator, pressed the button, and waited for Ye Beichen to get on the elevator.

Ye Beichen walked into the elevator with a smile, and when he passed by the suppliers who were about to leave, he didn't even look at them.

Sometimes, being ridiculed is not humiliation, being ignored is the greatest humiliation.

The three suppliers could only watch other suppliers walk into the elevator with red faces.They watched the elevator doors close, but they could only stand outside the elevator...


The bald man gritted his teeth and spit out three words. At this moment, he hated the fat people gathered downstairs.

If it weren't for these fat people, would he have missed such an opportunity?


"Yes, blame these fat people!"

"They deserve to be fat!"

"Curse them to keep getting fat!"

The three of you scolded me one after another, and suddenly sighed at the same time, all fell silent, and walked out of the building one by one with feeble steps...

(End of this chapter)

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