The strongest god in the city

Chapter 330 Be dignified, don't give alms

Chapter 330 Be dignified, don't give alms (Part [-])
The pedestrian street at night is quiet and deserted.

Under the dim street lights, a certain part of the pedestrian street was crowded with people.

From the entrance of a certain shop, it extends to hundreds of meters away.

Hmm... It is indeed crowded, because they are all fat, and each of them can easily occupy a square of fat.

But it is different from the usual scrambling and noise in queuing.Although there were thousands of people queuing up, no one was vying for it, they were all waiting quietly.

Only occasionally, there were a few grunts in the crowd, which was a little discordant.

"Don't squeeze, I'll come first!"

I don't know who mumbled, and the whole team suddenly "lived".

Almost everyone was startled, quickly opened their eyes, and looked around vigilantly.

"what's the situation?"

"Who jumped in line?"

"Its daybreak?"

Hmm... They were all standing up and falling asleep just now.

Looking up, seeing nothing abnormal, they thought they were just dreaming, so they closed their eyes and continued to sleep.

Jump in line?scramble?
They don't have that strength.

Even the fat man who joined the team later silently stood at the end of the team.

Occasionally, some people who got the news just arrived here, and originally planned to line up to buy a bottle of Xianzi Shaping Pills first.

But when they saw all the fat people who weighed hundreds of pounds, they couldn't bear to leave the team.

I'm not fat, I'm embarrassed to line up.

This night, for the fat people who lined up, was both exciting and peaceful.

But for the fat man in other places, it was a tormenting night.

Because, the results of the live broadcast the next day came out.

In fact, without waiting for the results of the live broadcast, the anchor and the audience who watched the live broadcast have already clearly felt the changes during this day.

Exaggeration, horror, thriller!

Yes, those are the adjectives.

The change of this day can only be described with these words.

On this day, the body shapes of the fat anchors seem to be changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What the audience saw was that the fat on the face of a famous anchor had disappeared a lot, and his figure had shrunk a lot.

The anchors felt relaxed, unprecedentedly relaxed.

The fat anchors who used to struggle to lift their legs can even jump today without panting.

This situation has led to a change in the style of many live broadcast rooms, from eating live broadcast rooms to jumping live broadcast rooms.

At a glance, there are hundreds of anchors in the whole event, and dozens of them are jumping around in excitement in the room.

The other dozens rushed out excitedly to enjoy the long-lost fresh air.

Wherever he went, he was amazed by the acquaintances he saw.

Too many people can't take it any longer after the night's weight measurement.

More than fifty catties!
On this day, among the hundreds of anchors, the one who lost the least weight was 53 catties!

Tang Daguo, who lost the most weight, lost 86 catties.And he, not only did not feel weak, but was full of strength!

At this time, the viewers who had been watching Tang Daguo's live broadcast were suddenly surprised to find that after Tang Daguo lost weight, he actually showed the prototype of a handsome guy!
Too much nonsense!
Although he still weighs three hundred catties, he can really see the appearance of a handsome guy!
Unexpectedly, Tang Daguo is really a potential stock!

Not only Tang Daguo, but among the other 99 anchors, there were also several handsome men and beauties in the fat world.

More than 200 catties and three hundred catties, isn't it just a little fat?
Before they knew it, they had defected from Fatty's team!

"No, I'm going to Yulan City too!"

"I'm going to Yulan City now!"

"It's too late tomorrow morning, I'll wait for the day after tomorrow!"

"If it's too late the day after tomorrow, I'll go downstairs to Ye's Group!"


The same soliloquy happens all over the country.And this news has even spread overseas.

Chinese people are actually fine, especially women, middle-aged fat is not serious.

As for Western women, when they were young, they were slender goddess-like figures, and too many of them became aunt-like figures when they reached middle age.

That bloated, ruined childhood!
It was night, and overseas was also ready to move, but reason told them to wait until the final result came out.

As long as the final results come out, even if you borrow money to buy a plane ticket, you still have to fly to China, just for a bottle of Xianzi Shaping Pills!

The night passed quietly.

Early the next morning, several trucks stopped outside the pedestrian street, and several Ye Group employees appeared carrying boxes containing Xianzi shaping pills.

Beside them, there are more than a dozen security guards, waiting in full force.

I'm not afraid that the Xianzi Shaping Pills won't be sold, but I'm afraid that they won't sell enough and cause riots!

They had already experienced the power of hundreds of fat people yesterday, but today there are thousands of fat people!
The person leading the team was none other than Ye Beichen's uncle, Wu Siyuan.

Seeing the darkness in front of him, Wu Siyuan also felt a little guilty. If this crowds into the shop, will the shop be overwhelmed?
In order to prevent problems, he prepared [-] copies of Xianzi Shaping Pills today.

Sure enough, the moment they appeared, everyone started to move, each and every one of them stared at the box in the employee's hand, eager to grab it.

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet."

Wu Siyuan raised the loudspeaker handed by the staff, and shouted: "I understand everyone's feelings, but I also hope that everyone can exercise a little restraint and maintain order. I hope everyone can enter the pharmacy one by one, don't jump in line, don't riot, you can ?"


"no problem!"

"I want Xianzi Shaping Pill!"

"We just want Xianzi Shaping Pill!"

Hearing everyone shouting, Wu Siyuan wiped off his sweat secretly, then suddenly remembered something, and quickly said: "By the way, the price of our Xianzi Shaping Pill is 99 yuan per bottle, one course of treatment, one bottle."


There was an uproar in the audience, and everyone stared at Wu Siyuan dumbfounded, wondering if they heard it wrong.

99 yuan?
Did you make a mistake!
How can it be so cheap!

"I give 199!"

"I give 500!"

"I will offer 3000 yuan!"

"Yes, I will also pay 3000 yuan! I can't let you lose money!"

"That's right, how can such a good medicine be sold so cheap!"

"It's too messy to set the price, how can there be a magic medicine that sells for 99!"

"That is, we want dignity, not charity!"

"Be dignified, don't give alms!"

"Be dignified, don't give alms!"

As one person shouted, the others followed suit, looking so excited that they were about to cry.

Wu Siyuan was in a daze with all the employees, can this also be used to shout slogans?

Moreover, they have only heard of those who think the price is too high, but how have they ever heard of those who think it is too cheap and ask for a price increase?
Although... Wu Siyuan also felt that the price was too cheap.

"Mr. Wu, what should we do? How about we add one hundred?"

An employee suggested in a low voice.

Wu Siyuan frowned and thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and shouted: "It's 99! One person can only buy one bottle!"

 First more.

  That... the plot of the novel, please don't substitute it into reality. Although I also think it is too exaggerated to lose dozens of catties at a time, this is an awesome system!
(End of this chapter)

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