Chapter 358
"Baga, who are you! How dare you hit a citizen of my big island country!"

Mr. Inoue threw Zhao Gang away angrily, and looked fiercely at the speaker—Ye Beichen.

Zhao Gang fell to the ground, panting heavily, his eyes filled with aggrieved eyes.

Chen Juan hurried over and helped him up, also panicked.

"it is good!"

"Good fight!"

"Fuck you little devil!"

Inside the store, cheers suddenly sounded.

"Hehe, big island country? How big is it?"

Ye Beichen ignored the voice that just came out now, and asked jokingly, walking towards Mr. Matsushita step by step, thinking about the voice of the system just now.

Just now, when Mr. Inoue attacked Zhao Gang, he was already about to attack, but was interrupted by the voice of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden task - slapping the face hard! Within three days, the host will accumulate rage points through face slapping. If the rage points accumulate over a thousand, you will get a mysterious reward!"

Rage value?
When Ye Beichen accepted the task, he glanced at the attribute panel and found that there was indeed a setting similar to the experience slot.

At that time, the anger value was 0.

After throwing the flying saucer just now, Ye Beichen looked at the experience gauge again, and the anger value just reached five points.

"Forcing oppression, anger value +5."

Some pits!
Ye Beichen walked slowly while thinking about the purpose of the system.

Is this for him to complete a gorgeous face slap?
"Inoue! Inoue! Quick, stop him!"

Seeing Ye Beichen's cold eyes, Mr. Matsushita panicked, and quickly called Inoue.

At this time, Ye Beichen was surprised to find that he could understand the island language.

What came to Ye Beichen's ears was indeed Inoue's voice, but... but the mouth shape didn't match!

"As required by the task, the system has temporarily added a virtual simultaneous translation for the host. At the same time, the virtual simultaneous translation has been added to the system mall."

It turned out to be a virtual simultaneous translation, and it was also a high-end product.

Ye Beichen is not in the mood to check the system mall right now, because Mr. Inoue has already stopped him in a fighting stance.

"Kneel down and apologize!"

Mr. Inoue looked at Ye Beichen with cold eyes.

Mr. Matsushita is a big shot in the club, and his head was smashed by Ye Beichen with a flying saucer.If he doesn't retaliate fiercely, his seat will be suspended.

Fortunately, he didn't have any pressure to deal with this frail Chinese.

Mr. Inoue didn't know that Ye Beichen was not weak, on the contrary - he had violent tendencies.

"Sir, get out of here quickly, they are islanders."

Just when Ye Beichen was about to make a move, Chen Juan hurriedly dissuaded him.

"Are you afraid that his obscene breath will infect me?"

Ye Beichen's answer made Chen Juan stunned on the spot, not knowing how to answer the question for a moment.

"Inoue, beat him up and take away the girl behind him!"

Hearing Mr. Matsushita's words, Ye Beichen raised his eyes and looked even more annoyed.

At this time, Matsushita-kun was looking behind him, his eyes full of lust.

No need to look, Ye Beichen also knew that Mr. Matsushita was looking at Shen Siwei behind him.

I can't bear it!

"Hi Yi!"

Mr. Inoue got the order and said with a smirk: "Boy, I am a fifth-dan karate! Some people say that I bully the weak, so you should kneel down and apologize!"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen was not angry, but rather puzzled.

Didn't Matsushita let Inoue beat him up, Ye Beichen?

Why did Inoue only want him to kneel down and apologize?

With doubts, Ye Beichen cast the eye of delusion - see through the heart.

"Stupid Chinese people, kneel down and apologize. I'll let you know that even kneeling down and apologizing won't change the outcome of your being beaten."

That's right.

Ye Beichen smiled. Unexpectedly, the little devil is more insidious than him.

"Sir, you can't beat him, so go away."

"Yes, this matter has nothing to do with you, you can go."

Chen Juan and Zhao Gang persuaded one after the other.

Seeing that Ye Beichen was unmoved, Zhao Gang also became anxious. He looked behind Ye Beichen and shouted, "Beauty, take your boyfriend out of here quickly, we will take care of it."

What responded to Zhao Gang was Shen Siwei's angry look, which made Zhao Gang unable to react for a long time.

Could it be that the young man in front of him who is about the same age as him can still beat Mr. Inoue who is a fifth-dan karate fighter?
So, blame him for ruining her boyfriend's chances?
He didn't know that the reason why Shen Siwei was unhappy was the word "boyfriend".

Although she and Ye Beichen had many incidents, the relationship...was still vague!
"Your Majesty!"

Seeing that Ye Beichen was unmoved, Mr. Inoue yelled again, clenched his fists and his joints creaked.

"Ha ha."

Ye Beichen chuckled and stepped forward.

"Sir, you are not his opponent."

"Sir, don't be brave!"


The last sir, it was Chen Juan and Zhao Gang who yelled in panic at the same time, because Ye Beichen really made a move!

Hitting a stone with an egg is really unwise!

They couldn't bear to watch it anymore, but they couldn't close their eyes cruelly.

"Left cheek."

With a faint voice, Ye Beichen slapped him out.

Seeing this light slap, Mr. Inoue didn't even look at it, and kicked Ye Beichen's lower abdomen with his foot.

Can hands be as fast as his feet?

However, an accident happened.

Mr. Inoue felt a blur in front of his eyes, and suddenly there was a crisp sound in his ear.

What followed was pain on the left cheek.

He was slapped by Ye Beichen!
When he was in a trance, he took a closer look and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Ye Beichen actually appeared two meters away from him, making him almost think he was wrong.

Two meters away, slap in the face?
How long is this hand?
Mr. Inoue was a little confused. He was so confused that he couldn't remember whether Ye Beichen was standing in front of him or not.

To be precise, he had begun to doubt his own memory.

Almost everyone looked at Ye Beichen blankly, as if they were wondering whether their memory was confused just now.

"Eight Grid Road!"

Everyone's surprised gazes turned into ridicule in Mr. Inoue's eyes.

Roaring angrily, he rushed forward, using his palm as a knife, and slashed at Ye Beichen's neck.

If you dare to slap him in the face, just wait to be maimed by him!
At this moment, Ye Beichen said again: "The right cheek."

Hearing this sound, Mr. Inoue froze, and the falling speed of the knife also slowed down a bit.

At the same time, he subconsciously reached out to protect the right face.

But, is it useful to protect it?

The truth is... it does work.

Under the gaze of Mr. Inoue, Ye Beichen slapped quickly, and his palm knife was about to land on Ye Beichen's neck.


This is the case again!

Inoue only felt a pain in his cheek, but the knife fell to nothing.

Ye Beichen, who was standing in front of him just now, retreated one meter away at some point!

Touching the painful cheek, Inoue suddenly realized: "This is... the left cheek!"

Seeing Ye Beichen smile apologetically: "Sorry, I don't know left and right."

Inoue was furious, why not be so shameless!
At this moment, Ye Beichen's voice came again: "Limbs!"

(End of this chapter)

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