The strongest god in the city

Chapter 359 Then... You should fight more

Chapter 359 Then... You Should Fight (Third)

What do you mean?
When Mr. Inoue was in a daze, his pupils suddenly shrank.

It was Ye Beichen who took the initiative to attack!

Seeing Ye Beichen's raised slap, Mr. Inoue subconsciously covered his face.

next moment……


A scream resounded throughout the restaurant.

Mr. Inoue's face was flushed, and he dared to lower his head to cover his lower body, when an elbow hit him.


With a muffled sound, Mr. Inoue fell two meters away, with a bulge on his forehead.

Although the forehead hurts, it is completely different from the pain in the lower body.

"you said……"

Mr. Inoue held his breath and tried to spit out a few words, but the pain caused his entire face to deform.

Ye Beichen looked down at him, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, it was my fault."

Ye Beichen apologized?

what's the situation?
Not to mention the onlookers eating melons, even Shen Siwei and even Mr. Inoue didn't react.

Then Ye Beichen sighed: "Oh... I forgot, you little devils can't understand the feeling compared with your limbs. It's my fault."


"That's right, in ****, I've seen women laugh when they see it."

"That's it."

Shen Siwei also blushed, she was no stranger to what Ye Beichen was referring to.

Hearing the ridicule around him, Mr. Inoue was so angry that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

"The people who eat melons thought they were going to lose, but they were crushed strongly, and the anger value was +50."

The prompt from the system made Ye Beichen's eyes brighten.

It turns out that there is such a saying!
The anger value is 55. Although it is still far away from 1000, isn't there someone waiting to pay tribute?

At this time, seeing Mr. Inoue being dealt with by Ye Beichen, the little devil Matsushita was dumbfounded.

Before he came to Huaxia, he had inquired carefully.

Chinese people are very friendly, especially foreigners, who are given preferential treatment in China.

Not to mention fighting, even provocation.

But now, the master he thought he was was actually beaten to the ground by Ye Beichen, and Ye Beichen was looking at him with cold eyes...

This unscientific!

"I'm an islander, you can't hit me!"

When Matsushita-kun opened his mouth, no one could react.

This is Huaxia!

Unexpectedly, the little devil's Chinese language is so fluent, and he still pretends not to understand it!

Mr. Matsushita said that this is also the experience he asked before coming to China.

I usually speak the island language, but it is a very compelling thing!

Why does he still speak ugly Chinese when he can show his sense of superiority?

"Yo huh? Doesn't it sound like a fake?"

Ye Beichen chuckled, and waved at Mr. Matsushita.

Mr. Matsushita trembled all over, and quickly said: "I am from the island country, you..."

"Can't hit you?"

Ye Beichen snorted softly: "Don't tell me, that's all you can say back and forth. If that's the case, I'll be disappointed."

"No, no, I will have more. Hello, thank you, goodbye, don't hit me..."

Mr. Matsushita panicked, so panicked that he couldn't choose what to say.

"Okay, I won't hit you, come here obediently."

Ye Beichen smiled and waved again.

Do you think Mr. Matsushita will believe it?

Of course he wouldn't believe it!

But even if he didn't believe it, he wouldn't dare to disobey Ye Beichen's request.

"Sir, I apologize, it was my fault, I..."

Mr. Matsushita walked forward with small steps while talking, just like Chen Juan's expression when she walked towards him just now.

Ye Beichen was not in a hurry, just waiting for Mr. Matsushita to come over.

At this moment, a chubby figure suddenly rushed over and yelled in the island language.

Judging by his attire, he should be the owner of this store.

Hearing his words, Matsushita-kun's eyes lit up.

Because, what the fat boss said is that he has called the police, and the police will arrive soon!

Matsushita-kun immediately stopped in his tracks, and the lowered brows that he had earlier disappeared in an instant, replaced by a haughty demeanor.

"Haha, boy, the police will be here soon, you are finished!"

"Yes, the nearest police station is on the next street, and it will be there in 3 minutes!" The fat boss hurriedly helped.

Ye Beichen raised his brows and said with a chuckle, "What gave you the illusion that I'm afraid of the police?"


Mr. Matsushita and the fat boss blinked at the same time, as if they didn't understand Ye Beichen's words.

It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not, the important thing is...

"3 minutes? Enough for me to do many things."

Ye Beichen muttered to himself, then suddenly reached out and grabbed the fat boss.

The fat boss was startled, looked at the hand in front of him, and wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't react at all.

The next moment, the fat boss was grabbed by Ye Beichen's neckline, and he was directly lifted up under the surprised eyes of everyone.

what's the situation?
This fat boss weighs at least two hundred catties, and Ye Beichen can easily lift it with one hand?
Simple movements, compared with Ye Beichen's strong crush just now, the oppression is more intuitive.

"Shocked everyone, anger value +10."

Sure enough, there are many ways that are more effective than directly slapping the face.

"Are you an islander or a Chinese?"

Looking at Ye Beichen's face with a faint smile, the fat boss trembled in his heart, and quickly said: "Huaxia, I am Huaxia, and I am a native of Yulan City."

This opening has been converted into the local dialect of Yulan City.

As soon as the fat boss's words came out of his mouth, he immediately attracted many contemptuous looks.

The Yulan people actually help the little devil!
Ye Beichen grinned: "So it's a fellow villager, haha, should fight!"

With the last three words, Ye Beichen's expression turned cold.

He suddenly threw the fat boss up, and under the terrified eyes of everyone, he was thrown two meters high!
"Ah ah ah..."

The fat boss screamed in fright.

However, just as his body fell, the screaming stopped abruptly with a muffled sound.

It was Ye Beichen who flew up and kicked the fat boss hard in the stomach.

With a muffled "bang", the fat boss was kicked three meters away, hit the wall straight, fell heavily to the ground, and passed out immediately.

Silence, deadly silence.

Ruthless, really he is ruthless!

Everyone was stunned.

Although they despised the fat boss for being a lackey, they never thought that Ye Beichen would be so ruthless.

This time, the fat boss wouldn't be able to get out if he didn't lie in the hospital for two or three months.

Mr. Matsushita was also stunned by Ye Beichen's attack.

He didn't expect that Ye Beichen would dare to beat someone when the police were about to arrive.

"Don't come here, don't come here, the police are coming soon."

Seeing Ye Beichen walking towards him, Mr. Matsushita backed away in fright, his body trembling uncontrollably.

In his heart, he was shouting over and over again: "Uncle policeman, come and save me!"

"Hehe, the police are not that fast."

Ye Beichen smiled and stepped forward.

At this moment, Mr. Matsushita, who had been looking anxiously at the outside of the shop, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes.

"Police! Come on! Come on! Catch this criminal! I'm a citizen of the Big Island! Come on! Catch him!"

(End of this chapter)

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