The strongest god in the city

Chapter 360 So What If I Hit You

Chapter 360 So What If I Hit You

While Matsushita-kun was yelling, four police officers had already arrived at the store.

When they saw the fat boss and Mr. Inoue lying on the ground, they were all shocked.

Judging by the faces of the two of them, they were both seriously hurt!

Criminal case!

The four policemen looked solemnly and looked at Ye Beichen warily.

"That's him! Mr. Police, I am the vice president of Matsushita Corporation. I order you to arrest him now!"

Mr. Matsushita's words made the four policemen, who were originally looking bad, look at Ye Beichen much better.

Instead, there is a dislike for Matsushita-kun.

How do they do things, when is it the little devil's turn to dictate?

However, Mr. Matsushita knew nothing about it.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Catch him quickly. I, a citizen of the big island country, was so insulted in Yulan City. I must pass the news back to the island! Let your Yulan City be famous all over the world!"

As soon as this remark came out, the few policemen were cautious, but they all had the urge to beat someone.

Of course, it wasn't Ye Beichen, but Mr. Matsushita.

They asked the police for help, not only pointing fingers, but even threatening them!

If Yulan City is really "famous all over the world", then Yulan City will be ashamed and humiliated.

As a good citizen of Yulan City, Ye Beichen couldn't bear to see a few policemen getting entangled.

He is willing to do things like beating little devils.

Ye Beichen stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and slapped him across the face.

There was a "pop", crisp and sweet.

"Shut up, little devil!"

Matsushita-kun's eyes widened, and he even forgot the pain in his cheek.

Several policemen were also shocked, Ye Beichen dared to hit the little devil in front of them. looks really cool.

The onlookers were shocked, this young man is violent!

Shen Siwei looked at Ye Beichen's back, with a strange look in his eyes.

It's admiration, it's worship, it's...

This is the man she likes!This is the man who can conquer her!
Shen Siwei's little heart was pounding.

No matter what, Ye Beichen's slap really pleased people's hearts.

"You... you dare to hit me?"

Only then did Matsushita remember covering his face, his face was full of disbelief.

Didn't it mean that the citizens of China are extremely afraid of the police?
Didn't it mean that the police in Huaxia are cautious when they encounter foreigners?

Why did Ye Beichen dare to attack him in front of the police?
Hearing the other party's question, Ye Beichen smirked: "So what if I hit you? I not only dare to hit you, but also kick you!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Beichen kicked Matsushita-kun in the stomach, knocking Matsushita-kun to the ground, rolling several times before stopping.

"Help! Help! Mr. Police, arrest him quickly!"

Mr. Matsushita howled, causing Ye Beichen to attack again.

"You still dare to call out?"

Ye Beichen sneered, ran after him, and kicked Mr. Matsushita fiercely.

"Call! Keep calling!"

"Like a dog, it keeps barking!"

"No, calling you a dog insults the dog!"


Under Ye Beichen's repeated violent kicks, Mr. Matsushita grinned his teeth in pain, but he didn't dare to cry out at all, and just kept looking at the police for help.

"Young man, just kick a few more times, or you will die."

An experienced policeman stood up and reminded in a low voice.

"no problem."

Ye Beichen responded, and kicked Mr. Matsushita again. Just as he was about to land the second kick, he seemed to think of something, and looked back at the policeman, "How about kicking you too?"

Several policemen broke out in cold sweat at the same time.

This is to trap them in injustice!

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Ye Beichen chuckled, kicked Matsushita-kun again, and then retracted his foot in satisfaction.

The voice of the system came at the same time: "Punch the little devil with extreme strength, kick the little devil, and the anger value will be +100."

Ye Beichen was shocked, 155!
Sure enough, you still have to be strict!
What is compulsion?

The police watched him beat someone up, this is a force!

Change to someone else, dare?
"Thank you for your support, thank you for your support."

Hearing Ye Beichen's words, the policemen just wanted to reply: "Support the devil!"

They didn't know that it was their selfless...onlookers who Ye Beichen hurried on.

At this time, seeing Ye Beichen no longer making a move, Mr. Matsushita, who had been kicked beyond recognition and was extremely miserable, let out a long breath.

At this time, he looked at Ye Beichen again, full of fear.

He even lost the courage to look at Ye Beichen.

"That... take them all back to the institute?"

A policeman looked at the others inquiringly, and got the same confused answer.

Involving islanders, if this matter gets into trouble, it will be big!

None of them dared to take responsibility.

It's cool to see the little devil being beaten, but what about the ending?
"Go to the city bureau."

When Ye Beichen opened his mouth, all four people's eyes lit up, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, they were right, Ye Beichen had confidence!
If you have no confidence, who would dare to be so arrogant?

If they hadn't seen Ye Beichen's confidence, they wouldn't have dared to let Ye Beichen mess around.

What's more, now that Ye Beichen offered to go to the city bureau, even if something went wrong, it has nothing to do with them.

"Okay, then... let's go to the Municipal Bureau."

The seasoned policeman responded, glanced at Mr. Matsushita who was still lying on the ground, and winked at the other policemen.

A few other people understood and dispersed to wake up the fat boss and Mr. Inoue.

The fat boss was alright. After being woken up, his face turned pale from the pain, but he didn't dare to speak at all.

Mr. Inoue is different.

Mr. Inoue was woken up, covered his crotch with one hand, bared his teeth, pointed at Ye Beichen and shouted, "You're done! Kid, you're done! Mr. Matsushita is here to discuss big business, a big deal involving tens of billions of yuan! You How dare you beat a foreign businessman, you are going to die!"

Hearing the big bill of tens of billions of yuan, the hearts of the few policemen trembled. Now, something serious happened!

However, it is enough for you to talk about this little devil, and he is talking about billions, so why come here to eat rubbish food?
Several people looked at Ye Beichen with some fear, as if hesitating whether they should arrest Ye Beichen and fight for the initiative.

However, Ye Beichen snorted indifferently: "How dare you talk about investing billions of dollars? Not enough to wipe my ass!"

As soon as this remark came out, several policemen didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Mr. Inoue looked at Matsushita-kun for help, and seeing that Matsushita-kun was unmoved, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Speak wild words! Boy, wait, you will definitely be finished! I want to report back to the island, I want You are famous in Yulan City!"

Listen, listen, what a familiar word.

The little devil only knows this way?
Want Yulan City to be famous?Wipe your ass clean first!
"Sir, we will go to the police station with you, and we will testify for you." Zhao Gang stood up.

Chen Juan also quickly said, "Yes, sir, I'll do it for you... No, I'm going to sue the little devil for molesting him!"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen smiled.

Beating the little devil and sending him to prison is the result he wants!
He, Ye Beichen, likes to bully people!
(End of this chapter)

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